Showing Posts For Sparhawk.7836:
third time this has happened in wvw with the current state of queues the only way to get rid of it is to completely close the game down by using task master to say believe there is a fix doesn’t really help. Come back to re-join you are number X in the que which has been annoying to at the least
Again with no recognition for keep caps getting to be a regular thing now
Second time in less than two weeks the WVW daily not rewarding, today on map capped three towers and defend at least 3 but no reward given. Also the reward tick seems to be taking longer than 5 minutes. Previous time this happened it was camps that didn’t reward they eventually rewarded some time during my WVW session of 4 hours but not within the first 30 minutes. Not rewarded at all today.
So this is a three map event that happens over a six hour rotation I have done when I start playing at approx. 11 Pm it is on Gendarran Fields at 11:20 pm then next event is Timberline Falls at 01:20 am making Iron Marches 03:20 am. Why does the event not change its rotation like previous events have done. As it is a 6 hour rotation the times will never change .
since todays update game is currently unplayable. Constant DC/connections issues/ skill lag. Have the broom and new bubble that you use instead of running if I cast a skill I have automatically gone back into bubble / on broom before I can cast a next skill. OR I have a whole skill bar flashing at me waiting as if they have been cast but nothing is happening and when it reconnects fight has moved away/along path.
IF you DC in-between ticks you lose any participation and any tick points.
would love to see an introduction of pocket raptor mini like the skritt where you could add to it to make it larger/more Christmas like. Either you get a mini but its 5/6 of the little raptors or you get one and like the skritt you can add more to it so you end up with 5/6 little pocket raptors
Where is the Superior Rune of the Revenant ?
Is it a crafting item something we have to buy ?
I want to make Superior Herald Runes for my Guardian but can not find any info on these runes.
Wiki/forum/google/reddit no one has been able to find this rune yet the Superior Hearld runes are for sale on the TP HOW ?
Couldn’t agree less. Have taken several toons through the HOT expansion. The only issue I have id the TD meta event this is a completely fail. After many attempts still yet to achieve this, most if not all Hero points I have taken on solo just to see if I could. Only one I had issue with was the vampire in VB. Same of the skills are a bit lacklustre, not a fan of REV but I’m a caster fan so not an issue. The big mistake was putting the RAID content in VB many maps now are dead because its full of raid, very difficult to get a VB map. RAID should be proper end game so toon must have completed Hot story and have it through a gate after DS.
Hi to anyone out there that may use Kaspersky I have had issues with connect to server and found away to allow game to play even when Kaspersky tells me client has access to all rights. But wont connect.
I have had to manually go into Kaspersky settings and find a way to exclude all GW2 from scans and game is now working fine. in case it helps others you need to go into settings > additional > threats and exclusions > specify trusted applications > add > then find anything that is to do with Guildwars 2 & Coherent UI and make them active
You may want to look at other things as I’m getting your fps in lions arch on a 16g gtx970 on a i5 no OC just standard card, LA typically I’m in high 60’s teq fight full map I dropped down to high 50s I have everything set at max. I used NVidia’s game experience set the options. Not sure if that is available to you. You may also want to try a clean on pc something like Piriforms cc free download from there own site. this got rid of a load of crap off my out of the box new pc
My ticket request
Your request (580549:Pirates outfit) has been updated. To add information to your request, simply reply to this email. If you no longer need assistance, just reply with “I no longer need help” in the body of your email.
My one and only reponse
Lares (Guild Wars 2 Support)
Apr 29 17:04
I have since followed up twice with no response
So now been waiting 9 days with no response from support.
Purchased an outfit with gems which i no longer have due to the recent upgrades, it states i can get a refund through support yet cant get any response.
Has anyone been able to get a refund ??
After being an advocate of both GW since its release and GW 2 and converting several wow players to our beloved game I find myself in the unfortunate place of seriously considering leaving the game due to the lack of support and customer service. I have experienced an in game error that kicked me out during an update but apparently this is my or my ISp providers fault when I have absolutely no problem with anything else online or online games. I have to run a repair just to enter the game ( which takes around 40 minutes) after running the repair the game runs fine and I’m able to enjoy my game experience, however when I log out the game runs a complete download of the whole game and when I wish to play again I have to run a repair suggesting that the game its self is downloading something to the game file which is stopping the game from running after I logout. I also had a few gems floating about and thought i would purchase an extra character slot. Having made several gems purchase I know how to do this however the game took gems for two slots credited me with two slots which I have no use for. I thought I would contact support 07/02 and request a refund I get a response today 13/07 sorry no. I work in customer relation and we have a 30 second response time with a 2 day turnaround for complicated matters. The non service I am receiving is to be frank disgraceful I would hang my head in shame if the company I work for treated our customers as I am being treated. I treat my online game time as my stress release due to my work environment I now find my game experience getting to the point to be as stressful as my work life so no point in playing. I hope no one else experience the issue I have as I know the GW community is generally a happy go lucky bunch and are friendly to both new and old players and enjoy playing together. PS before anyone shouts they have millions of customers I work for a global company that has 20 million customers in the uk alone.
PC is perfectly clean i run several cleaning tools on it weekly, im using fiber optic broadband and have no issues with any other form of net or online game connection. It is only since the introduction of the Marionette i have been having issues and it always kicks me when im in Lornar’s Pass. Not been kicked out form any other area. The thing I realy dont understand is that if i run the repair and then get in im fine playing no lag/latency issues . Then when i leave and try to come back online i get the connection error which suggest the game servers are creating the issue when i exit because if i again repair i can get in with no issues,
Wow after playing Guild wars from launch and having 3 acccounts to playing GW2 from prelaunch date and never having any serious issues in that time. Since Friday 24th January when the GW client kicked me out during an in game update. I have had no access and been in constant contact with support. Who have tried to help me. After following all instructions I eventualy get online on Monday. Yay go off to bed come to play Tuesday I have exactly the same issue with same error code. I follow up my thank you response to the Email we were glad to help explaining i have the same issue. Come home today to find " We’re sorry to hear that we haven’t been able to help you reach a resolution for the issue you’ve been experiencing. At this point, we have gone through all the resources and suggestions at our disposal. We regret that we are unable to continue troubleshooting this issue with you. We recommend that you contact your ISP or local professional for further assistance.
You may wish to review the official Guild Wars 2 Technical Support forum, where you will find a wealth of information and support provided by both players and ArenaNet Team members. You may find a resolution to the issue already has been posted on the forum or you could create a new forum post to request input about the problem.
I check the forums out to find Customer yes customers as that is what we are , with the same issues and being told it is our fault. Yet we have no issues with any other form of pc or internet game connection. How can i go to my isp provider and say you have a problem when I can still use every other online facility without any issues. The one thing that may resolve the issue is completly unistalling the game and going for a fresh install however i dont know if we can even do that as the digital seraial key has already been used for the previous install. Anyone tried unistalling and reinstalling and been succesful.
I cant fault the support team as they have been as helpful as they can but how can it be my issue when i have had 8/9 years of uneventful play and nothing has changed from my end aprt from the increase in connection meg which has gone up through the years and now play on a 60 meg connection ( got the 60 meg for the purpose of GW2)
If anyone has had the same issue as me and succefully manged to get back online with no issues please advise as to whst and how you did it.
Im also having exactly the same issues and have followed all support instructions. If i run a repair this alows me access to the game for approx an hout or two i then get kicked out. The thing i dont understand is that it is our probelm with our pc or connection how come it efects nothing else on my pc including other online games. Using the net or anything else computer/online related why is it only effecting fuild wars 2 login
nice vid care to share some of your armour,traits,weapons etc
So now that they have made it easy to get the achivment. What about all the players who took the time to get the achivment by keeping all five alive ?
my issue is not with having to but STUFF. I can choose to buy or not . the issue i have is why the extra 200 cogs?
Argh ok ignore me same as above however didnt relise the mini counted
I have has the same issue reported it as a bug as didnt know what else to do used the Mystic forge for the first time. Made the new mini soldier used it once to see it now gone.