Showing Posts For Spell.6082:

Looking for a team.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Spell.6082


<Player looking for a team>
Ingame name: Spell
Main Class / Potential Classes (Incase team requires): Ranger/Warrior are profs I want to play currently, but could adapt.
Region: EU
Practice Times: Can adapt to any schedule tbh
Experience: Played since first Beta till November patch (was bored and disapointed in competetive scene thats why i quit and went for play League). Played (as either sub or was part of main team) with people that are currently on top in EU scene and those people could confirm that if needed. Played as almost any profession (except Mesmer), but mains were Bunker and DPS Guard, Power and Condi Ranger, GS Warrior, Power and Condi Necro depending on where I was playing.
Stats before I quit are: Tournament Games played 927 with winrate of 78% (% played by profession – 25% Ranger 25% Warrior 20% Necro 15% Guard). With QP I gathered I was in Top20 in first Ladder but I did quit 1 week before it was released. (Time when you got only 1 QP for whole 8 team tournament win).

Other (Anything else that you would like to add): I’m currently playing more League (got high soloq division) than GW2 since I want to get into some team before I start to practice again. I see some potential in GW2 as competetive title thats why I came back.
I’m good theorycrafter and stategist. I’m quite vocal and straight forward person so communication in English is not a problem for me even tho its not my native language (I’m from Poland)
Im looking for serious and experienced sPvP teams because I would like to play in real tourneys (not tPvP) in the future.
When it comes to recording and streaming I can do both if there would be a need for it.

Contact ingame
by Msg on forum
by email –
by skype – wydras_m

(edited by Spell.6082)

Old player LF EU Team

in PvP

Posted by: Spell.6082


hoping to get into some good team since i think gw2 have much more potential now than ever.

Old player LF EU Team

in PvP

Posted by: Spell.6082


Profs – I played bunch of already. Only prof that i didnt touch at all since I dont like playing it is Mesmer.
Experience – I have been playing with some good teams and players back in the day (around november patch when QP were only obtainable by winning whole 8 team tourneys I got up to ~rank 20 even tho I did quit before QP “leaderboards” came up life). I did play in team known as Mace Stun for quite some time and I subbed a lot for teams which members are still on the top of ladders. Rank 37 with amount of tournament matches played – 927 with winratio of 78% (profession by % – 25% warrior and ranger, 15% guardian, 20% necromancer)

I did play bunch of profs as I wrote before. I did play Ranger (when they were not so viable) and had success with it, Warriors in many different builds, Bunker and Offensive guardian. I did create few builds that were used at some points by people from MS, so I can say I’m good at theorycrafting. I have slots on my account for every single profession.

Currently after playing some League and getting quite nice Division, I was thinking about giving another shot at GW2 competitive aspect since Custom Arenas and Spectator give this game another dimension from that point of view.

I’m looking for either a whole team that lacks a roaming player or players like me that have some experience and are coming back to gw2.

Contact me ingame by ID or skype – wydras_m

PS: If there is a high tier team that is looking for a sub, I would be interested in that offer as well.

(edited by Spell.6082)

I tought to give my ideas another shot

in PvP

Posted by: Spell.6082


11. Mists world:
- Add normal bank and guild bank stead of 3x PvP Lockers
- Add token seller close to Mystic Forge

Not going to happen, because people will abuse it in PvE by traveling to mists, selling their stuff, then clicking on Leave mists to return back
Destroys the point of Black Lion Merchant Express

Players on servers without WvW queues can already do this by traveling to their home borderland. The crafting merchants provide bank access, and exiting via character select returns the player to their same spot in the world. Besides, you can’t sell PvE items in the mists anyway can you?

Reasoning is that there are some players that are only sPvPers and actually dont want to load screen to other locations to swap to PvE area. It would make it a little bit more convinient for sPvPers to have those stuff and 3x PvP lockers are pointless anyway. When I was making this post (as i wrote it was quite some time ago) there wasnt possiblity to stack Glory Boosters or Tickets in PvP Locker and that was the reason I wrote this idea.

Namely, I disagree with or would tweak a few of your down state changes.

The mesmer #2 downstate is fine as is. The only potential change I would suggest is making the clone and mesmer exit stealth at the same time. Taking away the stealth entirely would put mesmer at a pretty serious disadvantage compared to other classes in downstate as there’s no guarantee the random teleport would even move them out of range of a spike.

I don’t like your suggestion for changing thief down state either, but can’t honestly defend it in the context of other classes.

It’s a good idea to put a range cap on rally, but 600 is too small. The range should be at least 1500 so that any player that can hit the downed state player could also cause them to rally. I’d personally suggest something more akin to a 2100 or so range. A thief getting downed shouldn’t be able to use their 2 skill to get out of range of a downed opponent to prevent a rally.

I think downed state stealths are simply very very stupid, thats why I gave an idea to make those changes. Stealth when downed makes a fight much more confusing and hard for new players to understand whats happening and not being completely balanced compared to other profession skills. Stealth as mechanic is not quite polished due to it being really unfun for enemies. Let me explain what i mean by that – there is very little possible counterplay to it – dmg doesnt break it, can stomp/res people without breaking stealth, no revealing skills, can be stacked for huge amounts of time, very low CD and can be used in combat, only way to counterplay it to basically blindly dps area where you think enemy is standing

600 range on rally in my opinion is optimal range since 600 is around point + surroundings that are mostly in LoS. Random Rally on map happend to me far too often that could change game completely because of simple luck. It would give game additional depth since you would sometimes want to die close to enemy to be able to rally and not always run away as far as possible every time.

"Quickness", what do you think?

in PvP

Posted by: Spell.6082


Make it a boon that counter condi is Chill.
A lot of professions got boon removals, so there would be a possible to counterplay it.

I tought to give my ideas another shot

in PvP

Posted by: Spell.6082


Dear Spell …

where have you been all this time????
thiese ideas are great !!!
i really would like anet take notes of them and apply in game as soon® as possible.
if they need something to make this game better…THIS thread is the answer.
/holy grail

I posted those things in this forum a while ago but Anet decided to transfer my post to Suggestions section which almost noone ever reads. So i gave up back then but after seeing anet dev posts I tought about giving it another try.

I tought to give my ideas another shot

in PvP

Posted by: Spell.6082


10. Amulets, Runes and Sigils:
- PvP Sigil of Rage / Superior Speed / Demon Summoning / Restoration / Sanctuary removed
- Runes of Air removed
- Runes of Ogre (4) Rock Dog doesnt heal Ranger by using downed state number 3 skill

11. Mists world:
- Add normal bank and guild bank stead of 3x PvP Lockers
- Add token seller close to Mystic Forge
- Add stronger dummys (10x or higher HP than Heavy Dummy) close to Svanir / Chieftain / Guildlord Area
- Add Waypoints close to PvP Server Browser / Profession Dummys / Monster / Siege Master and Starting area
- Add profession / monster icons where each profession Dummy or Chieftain/Svanir/Guildlord is standing
- New waypoints to the middle of every map (you can see sPvP maps when you strech out Mists world-map) and make them FFA areas for each server. GuildLords / Chieftain / Svanir / Gates / Trebutches / Points are removed.
- QP Ladder applied in-game into Mists Champions statue

12. sPvP Maps:
- Make all side-points slightly bigger (except Legacy of Foefire and Kyhlo middle points)
- Decaping point increased from 5 to 8 seconds, but Caping point decreased from 13 to 10 seconds
- Make conditions work on objects like trebuchet and gates

12a. Forest of Nifhel:
- Make buffs spawn after 3 minutes when game starts
- Respawn timer still set to 3 minutes
- Make monster kill scale: first kill gives 25 points and second – 50 points and third – 75 points. Make 2nd and 3rd spawn monsters stronger. (make them visually “stronger” ex: add armor on them or something to enhance their models)

12b. Legacy of FoeFire:
- Make gates stronger by increasing toughtnes and health
- Make when you kill a Guildlord it gives you huge stats buff – +150 to all stats for 3minutes.
- Add gate repair kits on side points (Quarry and Waterfall) that would work same as trebuchet repair kit (look below to Battle of Kyhlo changes)

12c. Battle of Kyhlo:
- Repair kit now have set of 3 skills when picked up: 1 – swiftness buff, 2 – throw repair kit, 3 – stunbreak;
- Add longer time before despawn / respawn of repair kit after its being dropped down after holding it
- You shouldn’t be able to use any utility skills or profession skills when carrying Repair Kit
- Entering Mesmer Portal drops repair kit

12d. Raid of Capricorn:
- Move Ruins point from water to the middle of the ship
- Ruins point replaced by Commune of Power that resets point control (similiar to Temple of Silent Storm Commune)
- Cannon Balls obtainable not only from Ship but as well from Water
- Shark are always Neutral mobs hostile to both teams

Balance by values and Ladder system are too much work to do it as a hobby. Profession balance is quite hard at moment when game is not in correct state to make it a great title due to really poor map mechanics (boring and stagnant match progression). There are as well few major changes that would totally turn around whole sPvP balance without even touching any skills, so its better see how they would affect meta and then adjust values of skills.

This could be the real beginning of changing this game in right direction to make it an E-sport.

If anyone is interested why I wrote some things that I did just ask questions I will be happy to answer since all those patchnotes are not just throw in ideas but actually thats that I have been thinking about for quite some time and in my belief would make this game a little bit better sPvP wise.

Those ideas were written long time ago and almost ignored (and removed) by Anet from this subforum so almost no1 saw them but I want to give it another shot.
Some of those things might be already implemented so those might be outdated.


I tought to give my ideas another shot

in PvP

Posted by: Spell.6082


6. Interface and Animations
- Two additional bars below HP of target – Endurance and Casting Bar
- Show exact values of HP on players and NPC
- Make all utility and elite skill animations more clear and bigger
- Improve responsivness of character dodging and turning
- Player names bigger compared to NPC names

7. Mechanics changes:
- Mesmers Moa shouldn’t work when target have stability
- Moa shouldn’t be able to stomp people
- Piercing projectile mechanic should ignore projectile protection
- Utility skills and elite skills should have now atleast 0.25-0.5 cast time
- Able to use underwater combat abilities on water surface
- Teleport skills dont work when target or location is in out of line of sight
- Remove passive condition removals from traits

8. Boons/conditions and Buffs:
- Stealth no longer stacks in duration instead refreshes each time its applied
- Quickness is now a boon, that convertable to condition – chill
- Remove Quickness from passive traits and sigils. Obtainable only by utility skills or condition converts.
- New retaliation damage scheme (change that next attacks that hit you deal XXX damage – limited charges as stacks and doesnt stack in duration, increase overall damage)
- New confusion damage scheme (next attack deals XXX damage to you – limited charges 1 stack used per 1 attack; increase overall damage)
- New blind stacking scheme (1 stack for 1 attack, stacks in intensity not duration, reduce overall duration)

9. Downed State / Respawns:
- Respawns are individual and scale during match from 10 seconds up to 20 seconds depending on duration of match. Increases by 1 second each 1.5 minutes
- New skill in downed state as number 5 – Suicide
- Mesmer number 2 downed skill no longer stealth Mesmer
- Thief number 3 downed skill changed to immobilize (like Elementalist number 3 on downed state / like number 1 on Thief shortbow while in stealth)
- Elementalist number 2 downed skill no longer resets HP of Elemenetalist in downed state and have lower duration
- Remove traits increasing downed state damage from all professions and balance damage across all professions
- Rally works only in 600 range from person that was stomped
- Underwater stomping available

I tought to give my ideas another shot

in PvP

Posted by: Spell.6082


1. SPvP F2P Accounts:
- Only able to hit level 2 in PvE then instantly teleports to Mists and blocks Lions Arch portal and “Leave Mists” button
- Only two character slots
- New servers for F2P characters – accessable for both F2P and B2P players
- Not able to gain rewards from tournaments – Chests, Rank Points, Glory Points, Gems – except QP and tickets
- Not able to send mails, use trading post, create guilds, whisper to people that are not on f2p player friendlist

2. Custom Servers:
- Purchased by 60 Gems / 5 Tickets for daily usage
- Server Moderator can start match rotation and reset it, set password, kick players and swap players teams
- Customizable player amount from 1-8 players per team
- Customizable Match duration (time or points)
- Customizable Map Rotation (Random or Pick your map rotation)
- Customizable Point Control (on or off)

3. Hot-Join SPvP:
- Segregate based on current amount of players, maximum amount of players, current map, map rotation type, amount of friends in game, server number
- Types based on player amount: 5v5 or 8v8
- Types based on maps: random map rotation or one map repeated

4. SPvP Tournament matches:
- Remove profession icons and character names from scorescreen before final countdown begins -> show only amount of players and name them Player 1/2/3/4/5
- Change final countdown from 10 to 30 seconds, but players cant swap characters, but still can swap utility major traits / utility skills / weapons / armour
- Show enemy professions and character names when final countdown begins
- Lock utility skills / major traits / weapons / armour after match starts

5. Free and Paid Tournaments:
- Random map rotation with possible multiple maps in same tournament – all 5 maps included.
- Glory and Rank Points for Free Tournaments placement: 1st – 300; 2nd – 200; 3rd/4th – 100
- Glory and Rank points for Paid Tournaments placement: 1st – 500; 2nd – 400; 3rd/4th – 300; 5th/8th – 200

5a. Free Tournaments:
5aa. Solo/Duo Free Tournaments:
- Join solo or two man party
- Reward for 1st place is 1 tournament ticket ticket for victory

5ab. Premade Free Tournaments
- Join only 5 man party
- Leader of group guild name is displayed before match start
- Reward for 1st place is 5 tournament tickets per person; 2nd place is 1 tournament ticket

5b. Paid Tournaments:
5ba. Solo/Duo Paid Tournaments
- Join solo or two man party
- Joining requirement is 1 tournament ticket per person
- Reward for 1st place is 1 QP and 80 gems; 2nd place is 5 tournament tickets, 3rd-4th place is 1 tournament ticket

5bb. Premade Paid Tournaments
- Join only as 5 man party
- Leader of group guild name is displayed before match start
- Joining requirement is 5 tournament tickets per person
- Reward for 1st place is 5 QP and 120 gems; 2nd place is 2QP and 80 gems, 3rd-4th place is 1QP and 5 tournament tickets, 5th-8th place is 1 tournament ticket

(edited by Spell.6082)

TPvP Player ideas for first serious changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spell.6082


“Suicide” button I think its really needed with new respawn system, because I think there should be no unfun mechanics and bleeding enemy out slowly is one of those that makes game simply not fun to play.

Swapping Skills/Weapons/Armour/Major Traits during match makes so many bugs and makes many many builds very unbalanced – every profession with no sacrifice got swiftness when normally it would force you to take utility or weapon that gives you swiftness which would result in removing full glass cannon builds but more balanced builds. For example GS warrior can get swiftness with warhorn, but if weapon swapping wouldn’t be allowed GS warriors would have to sacrifice shieldblock to gain better mobility, but could get swiftness from allies (ex. Guardian or Elementalist bunkers that would buff up allies before they leaving point), which would increase amount of viable builds and teamcomps. That would counter “Build Wars” and make teamcomps that are more about 5 professions with universal builds more than FotM that can swap their utility/weapons/armour skills all the time.
It would remove as well bugs that are caused by swaping skills / major traits like “Elite skills last longer” on Guardian last trait tree that resets “Renewed Focus” cooldown.

There would be so many different queues for new and advanced players to have their own queues until Matchmaking system would be made. Thanks to sPvP F2P Accounts it would increase amount of players so it should increase overall amount of games played at same time so i wouldn’t worry about very long queues because of split.

TPvP Player ideas for first serious changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spell.6082


12b. Legacy of FoeFire:
- Make gates stronger by increasing toughtnes and health
- Make when you kill a Guildlord it gives you huge stats buff – +150 to all stats for 3minutes.
- Add gate repair kits on side points (Quarry and Waterfall) that would work same as trebuchet repair kit (look below to Battle of Kyhlo changes)

12c. Battle of Kyhlo:
- Repair kit now have set of 3 skills when picked up: 1 – swiftness buff, 2 – throw repair kit, 3 – stunbreak;
- Add longer time before despawn / respawn of repair kit after its being dropped down after holding it
- You shouldn’t be able to use any utility skills or profession skills when carrying Repair Kit
- Entering Mesmer Portal drops repair kit

12d. Raid of Capricorn:
- Move Ruins point from water to the middle of the ship
- Ruins point replaced by Commune of Power that resets point control (similiar to Temple of Silent Storm Commune)
- Cannon Balls obtainable not only from Ship but as well from Water
- Sharks are always Neutral mobs hostile to both teams

Balance by values and Ladder system are too much work to do it as a hobby. Profession balance is quite hard at moment when game is not in correct state to make it a great title due to really poor map mechanics (boring and stagnant match progression). There are as well few major changes that would totally turn around whole sPvP balance without even touching any skills, so its better see how they would affect meta and then adjust values of skills.

This could be the real beginning of changing this game in right direction to make it an E-sport.

If anyone is interested why I wrote some things that I did just ask questions I will be happy to answer since all those patchnotes are not just throw in ideas but actually thats that I have been thinking about for quite some time and in my belief would make this game a little bit better sPvP wise.
oh and sorry for poor English

(edited by Spell.6082)

TPvP Player ideas for first serious changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spell.6082


6. Interface and Animations
- Two additional bars below HP of target – Endurance and Casting Bar
- Show exact values of HP on players and NPC
- Make all utility and elite skill animations more clear and bigger
- Improve responsivness of character dodging and turning
- Player names bigger compared to NPC names

7. Mechanics changes:
- Mesmers Moa shouldn’t work when target have stability
- Moa shouldn’t be able to stomp people
- Piercing projectile mechanic should ignore projectile protection
- Utility skills and elite skills should have now atleast 0.25-0.5 cast time
- Able to use underwater combat abilities on water surface
- Teleport skills dont work when target or location that is out of line of sight
- Remove passive condition removals from traits

8. Boons/conditions and Buffs:
- Stealth no longer stacks in duration instead refreshes each time its applied
- Quickness is now a boon, that is convertable to condition – chill
- Remove Quickness from passive traits and sigils. Obtainable only by utility skills or condition converts.
- New retaliation damage scheme (change that next attacks that hit you deal XXX damage – limited charges as stacks and doesnt stack in duration, increase overall damage)
- New confusion damage scheme (next attack deals XXX damage to you – limited charges 1 stack used per 1 attack; increase overall damage)
- New blind stacking scheme (1 stack for 1 attack, stacks in intensity not duration, reduce overall duration)

9. Downed State / Respawns:
- Respawns are individual and scale during match from 10 seconds up to 20 seconds depending on duration of match. Increases by 1 second each 1.5 minutes
- New skill in downed state as number 5 – Suicide
- Mesmer number 2 downed skill no longer stealth Mesmer
- Thief number 3 downed skill changed to immobilize (like Elementalist number 3 on downed state / like number 1 on Thief shortbow while in stealth)
- Elementalist number 2 downed skill no longer resets HP of Elemenetalist in downed state and have lower duration
- Remove traits increasing downed state damage from all professions and balance damage across all professions
- Rally works only in 600 range from person that was stomped
- Underwater stomping available

10. Amulets, Runes and Sigils:
- PvP Sigil of Rage / Superior Speed / Demon Summoning / Restoration / Sanctuary removed
- Runes of Air removed
- Runes of Ogre (4) Rock Dog doesnt heal Ranger by using downed state number 3 skill

11. Mists world:
- Add normal bank and guild bank stead of 3x PvP Lockers
- Add token seller close to Mystic Forge
- Add stronger dummys (10x or higher HP than Heavy Dummy) close to Svanir / Chieftain / Guildlord Area
- Add Waypoints close to PvP Server Browser / Profession Dummys / Monster / Siege Master and Starting area
- Add profession / monster icons where each profession Dummy or Chieftain/Svanir/Guildlord is standing
- New waypoints to the middle of every map (you can see sPvP maps when you strech out Mists world-map) and make them FFA areas for each server. GuildLords / Chieftain / Svanir / Gates / Trebutches / Points are removed.
- QP Ladder applied in-game into Mists Champions statue

12. sPvP Maps:
- Make all side-points slightly bigger (except Legacy of Foefire and Kyhlo middle points)
- Decaping point increased from 5 to 8 seconds, but Caping point decreased from 13 to 10 seconds
- Make conditions work on objects like trebuchet and gates

12a. Forest of Nifhel:
- Make buffs spawn after 3 minutes when game starts
- Respawn timer still set to 3 minutes
- Make monster kill scale: first kill gives 25 points and second – 50 points and third – 75 points. Make 2nd and 3rd spawn monsters stronger. (make them visually “stronger” ex: add armor on them or something to enhance their models)

(edited by Spell.6082)

TPvP Player ideas for first serious changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spell.6082


My nickname is Spell. I was founder of EternalMists.Net which lets be honest was failure, because of lack of interest in GW2 SPvP streams. I was aswell playing as a sub with many really good teams and players and was part of Mace Stun main team for quite some time (didnt play Paid tournaments for around 2 weeks already, but still got 17 QP on EU), but after a while i started to lose interest in this game due to lack of changes in sPvP content. I wrote here idea-patchnotes that I had in mind for quite some time to maybe inspire Developers to start changing this game.

1. SPvP F2P Accounts:
- Only able to hit level 2 in PvE then instantly teleports to Mists and blocks Lions Arch portal and “Leave Mists” button
- Only two character slots
- New servers for F2P characters – accessable for both F2P and B2P players
- Not able to gain rewards from tournaments – Chests, Rank Points, Glory Points, Gems – except QP and tickets
- Not able to send mails, use trading post, create guilds, whisper to people that are not on f2p player friendlist

2. Custom Servers:
- Purchased by 60 Gems / 5 Tickets for daily usage
- Server Moderator can start match rotation and reset it, set password, kick players and swap players teams
- Customizable player amount from 1-8 players per team
- Customizable Match duration (time or points)
- Customizable Map Rotation (Random or Pick your map rotation)
- Customizable Point Control (on or off)

3. Hot-Join SPvP:
- Segregate based on current amount of players, maximum amount of players, current map, map rotation type, amount of friends in game, server number
- Types based on player amount: 5v5 or 8v8
- Types based on maps: random map rotation or one map repeated

4. SPvP Tournament matches:
- Remove profession icons and character names from scorescreen before final countdown begins -> show only amount of players and name them Player 1/2/3/4/5
- Change final countdown from 10 to 30 seconds, but players cant swap characters, but still can swap utility major traits / utility skills / weapons / armour
- Show enemy professions and character names when final countdown begins
- Lock utility skills / major traits / weapons / armour after match starts

5. Free and Paid Tournaments:
- Random map rotation with possible multiple maps in same tournament – all 5 maps included.
- Glory and Rank Points for Free Tournaments placement: 1st – 300; 2nd – 200; 3rd/4th – 100
- Glory and Rank points for Paid Tournaments placement: 1st – 500; 2nd – 400; 3rd/4th – 300; 5th/8th – 200

5a. Free Tournaments:
5aa. Solo/Duo Free Tournaments:
- Join solo or two man party
- Reward for 1st place is 1 tournament ticket ticket for victory

5ab. Premade Free Tournaments
- Join only 5 man party
- Leader of group guild name is displayed before match start
- Reward for 1st place is 5 tournament tickets per person; 2nd place is 1 tournament ticket

5b. Paid Tournaments:
5ba. Solo/Duo Paid Tournaments
- Join solo or two man party
- Joining requirement is 1 tournament ticket per person
- Reward for 1st place is 1 QP and 80 gems; 2nd place is 5 tournament tickets, 3rd-4th place is 1 tournament ticket

5bb. Premade Paid Tournaments
- Join only as 5 man party
- Leader of group guild name is displayed before match start
- Joining requirement is 5 tournament tickets per person
- Reward for 1st place is 5 QP and 120 gems; 2nd place is 2QP and 80 gems, 3rd-4th place is 1QP and 5 tournament tickets, 5th-8th place is 1 tournament ticket

Leaderboard for QP: Flawed

in PvP

Posted by: Spell.6082


I have same problem. EU 16QP and not even mentioned. qq

Bladetrail huge damage BUG - all info how to replicate it

in Warrior

Posted by: Spell.6082


With the trait it basically increases damage of Bladetrail for every next target hit. I have no idea why but thats this trait thats doing that.
I have tested Bladetrail on golems with and without trait and without trait it hits all equally for around 2k Crit. With trait it deals damage that i posted on screenshot (increases its damage per additional target). As I said I have no idea why its doing that, but thats I’m 100% sure that trait is affecting this huge damage increase.

It can happen in sPvP as well on teamfights on small points (for example Keep on Forest of Nifhel). It might not crit for 20k damage but AoE 8-10k with 1 skill (that is not supposted to be a main damage skill but more like long range slow) is anyway a little bit overpowered. (it needs to hit only 4 targets to get up to 8k Crit as an AoE spell).
That is not supposted to work that way thats why I wrote it as a bug since it happens only when you have a trait that shouldn’t be doing that (it’s not in description of trait nor discription of Bladetrail skill)

I found a way to replicate it now I hope that ArenaNet might have easier time finding solution to that bug since it can be gamebreaking even in tPvP. (compare normal damage of max 2k Crit to around 8-20k Crit on AoE skill). If you hit it you basically can win a teamfight out of a bug especially for a skill with really low cooldown.

I think there might be 2nd trait that is doing same thing which is Strength nr IX trait which is “Slashing Power”

(edited by Spell.6082)

Bladetrail huge damage BUG - all info how to replicate it

in Warrior

Posted by: Spell.6082


Okay, since i saw this video on youtube I wanted to find why and how to replicate it to give ArenaNet solution for fixing it as soon as possible.

Here is video on of Necromancer that basically got oneshotted –
Here is screenshot of me succeding replicating it –

How it works?
Bladetrail when traited correctly starts getting more damage per each target hit. It increases by around 12-20% per next target hit. Max hit i got from screenshot is 21.000 damage with one hit of bladetrail on HEAVY golem which is high toughness target.

What was my build?
I had 20/30/0/0/20 so strandard glasscannon warrior. Stength – V, IX; Arms – IV, X, XII; Discipline – V, X. 5/6 Scholar Runes and 1/6 Divinity Runes, Sigil of Fire on Greatsword.

What traits make it work?
You need 10 points in “Strength” tree and take trait nr “V” which is “Berserker’s Power”. Without it Bladetrail deals flat damage for every target hit which is around 800 normal and 2000 critical hit, but with it it basically increases by high amount which results you can find on my screenshot.
