Showing Posts For Sprong.4963:

Bugs in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sprong.4963


Make something idiot proof and they will make a better idiot.

This is a problem.
Took out all our siege in lords room and is attacking the gate..
Not cool.


Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Sprong.4963


ya, whats so different from T1?

Translate my Crash file

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sprong.4963


Re-installed 310.70 but still have the crash. I will attempt the 306.97 downgrade now.

The Arenanet text document in “documents/guild war 2/” doesn’t seem to update unless i crash to desktop. But most of the time I have to hit the restart button because the computer is completely halted – so it doesnt tell me what happened.

The most recent one is this

  • Crash <—*
    Exception: c0000005
    Memory at address 000000ec could not be read
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 3452
    BaseAddr: 00400000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 16378
    When: 2013-01-02T03:16:29Z 2013-01-01T20:16:29-07:00
    Uptime: 0 days 1:33:01
    Flags: 0

which doesnt list the module… why?

Translate my Crash file

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sprong.4963


The only other programs i have running would be Teamspeak 3 and Raidcall… both with overlay disabled.


Translate my Crash file

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sprong.4963


ok. sorry about the wall’o’text. just figure out how to attach


Translate my Crash file

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sprong.4963


—> Error Logs <—
006e1b’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfalt
Model ‘0×006e1b’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtalrtrunf
Model ‘0×00617e’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtalrtrunf
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘KIWQR.f0qXr’
Model ‘0×006e1b’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtalrtrunr
Model ‘0×0079ea’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunlalt
Model ‘0×0079ea’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtalrtrunl
Model ‘0×0079ea’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfalt
Model ‘0×0079ea’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtalrtwlkb
Model ‘0×0079ea’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtwlkbalt
Model ‘0×00617e’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtalrtrunf
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1452426965190581768’
Model ‘0×007209’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d16b’ from parent bone ‘wristl’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×007209’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d16b’ from parent bone ‘wristr’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×007209’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d28d’ from parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×007209’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d28d’ from parent bone ‘kneel’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×007209’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d28d’ from parent bone ‘kneer’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×007209’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00cf5f’ from parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×0075ae’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d16b’ from parent bone ‘wristl’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×0075ae’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d16b’ from parent bone ‘wristr’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×0075ae’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d28d’ from parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×0075ae’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d28d’ from parent bone ‘kneel’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×0075ae’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d28d’ from parent bone ‘kneer’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×0075ae’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00cf5f’ from parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×019eda’: Missing anim or fallbacks: teamaupdown

—> DirectX Device Info <—
VendorId = 0×10de
DeviceId = 0×1180
Version = 9.18.0013.1070
Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680
Compat = 0×00100800
VidMem = 4042 MB

Translate my Crash file

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sprong.4963


  • Stack <—*
    37BAFC70 814a0420 49fefe60 7a51a2c0 37bafcb8 .J.`..I..Qz…7
    37BAFC80 70e76a58 46c82800 37bafc94 5c6de600 Xj.p.(.F…7..m\
    37BAFC90 78c53240 3b2e2700 00000000 00000000 2.x.'.;........ 37BAFCA0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 37BAFCB0 00000200 00000200 37bafcf4 70e7697b ...........7{i.p 37BAFCC0 814a0420 7a51a2c0 37bafd28 37bafd18 .J...Qz(..7...7 37BAFCD0 88979923 78c53240 5c6de608 5c6de600 #...2.×..m\..m\
    37BAFCE0 70e7cc6a 37bafcd0 37bafdc8 70fdc01d j..p…7…7…p
    37BAFCF0 00000000 37bafd40 70e76840 78c53240 …...7h.p@2.x
    37BAFD00 7a51a2c0 37bafd28 37bafd18 37954de0 ..Qz(..7…7.M.7
    37BAFD10 693accb8 693acca0 00000000 00000000 ..:i..:i……..
    37BAFD20 00000200 00000200 00000000 00000000 …………….
    37BAFD30 37bafd60 70e7d028 37954de0 78c53240 `..7(..p.M.7@2.x
    37BAFD40 37bafd60 70e7cecd 78c53248 5c6de600 `..7…pH2.×..m\
    37BAFD50 00000001 693acca0 37954de0 37aa6ce0 ……:i.M.7.l.7
    37BAFD60 37bafdd4 70e7d031 00000000 88979803 …71..p……..
    37BAFD70 49fefe60 37954de0 00000000 70e45418 `..I.M.7…..T.p
    37BAFD80 37954de0 00000000 37bafdb4 00000000 .M.7…….7….
    37BAFD90 00000000 37aa6ce0 37bafda0 37954de0 …..l.7…7.M.7
    37BAFDA0 03020100 07060504 0b0a0908 0f0e0d0c …………….
    37BAFDB0 14131211 3f64e4e6 46c82800 00000000 ……d?.(.F….
    37BAFDC0 88979803 37bafd6c 37bafe50 70fdbb5d ….l..7P..7]..p
    37BAFDD0 00000000 37bafdfc 70e6b8cc 37954de0 …….7…p.M.7
    37BAFDE0 3795791c 70e4d778 37954de0 37bafe00 .y.7×..p.M.7…7
    37BAFDF0 70e64608 37954de0 00010000 37bafe5c .F.p.M.7….\..7
    37BAFE00 70e6b774 37954de0 00000004 00000000 t..p.M.7……..
    37BAFE10 00000000 00000004 00000000 00000002 …………….
    37BAFE20 88979b8b 0768a860 153a6260 0768d0e4 ….`.h.`b:…h.
    37BAFE30 37954de4 00000000 37954de4 00000000 .M.7…..M.7….
    37BAFE40 70fdb6d0 37bafe28 37954de4 37bafe20 …p(..7.M.7 ..7
    37BAFE50 37baff6c 70fdbe28 00000001 37bafef0 l..7(..p…….7
    37BAFE60 0072c4a8 37954de0 00000004 00000000 ..r..M.7……..
    37BAFE70 00000000 00000004 00000000 00000002 …………….
    37BAFE80 00000000 0932420c 00000000 00000000 …..B2………
    37BAFE90 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002cc22 …………"…
    37BAFEA0 00000000 00000004 00000000 37bafe90 ……………7
    37BAFEB0 00000000 00000000 00000006 00000000 …………….
    37BAFEC0 13b95b58 11b436c0 153a6260 107efe3c X[…6..`b:.<.~.
    37BAFED0 00000000 00000001 37954de0 00004061 ………M.7a@..
    37BAFEE0 00000000 0768a860 00000000 153a6260 ….`.h…..`b:.
    37BAFEF0 37baff14 006ed93c 0932420c 0000103c …7<.n..B2.<…
    37BAFF00 3afe9c60 006edb9a 00000002 088db250 `..:..n…..P…
    37BAFF10 0000103c 37baff24 006ec69d 08946544 <…$..7..n.De..
    37BAFF20 0000103c 37baff44 006ecdc8 00000000 <…D..7..n…..
    37BAFF30 08946540 0066c9df 00000000 3afe9c60 e....f.....`..: 37BAFF40 00000000 37baff7c 008c73dd 08946540 ....|..7.s..e..
    37BAFF50 8d8d6504 00000000 3afe9c60 3afe9c60 .e……`..:`..:
    37BAFF60 c0000005 37baff50 37baf6b8 37baffc4 ….P..7…7…7
    37BAFF70 008c7540 bb6030c8 00000000 37baff88 u...0`........7 37BAFF80 008c7485 00000000 37baff94 75e333aa .t.........7.3.u 37BAFF90 3afe9c60 37baffd4 77d69ef2 3afe9c60 `..:...7...w`..: 37BAFFA0 41ba4ba4 00000000 00000000 3afe9c60 .K.A........`..: 37BAFFB0 c0000005 75e57717 75e57717 37baffa0 .....w.u.w.u...7 37BAFFC0 37baf6bc ffffffff 77da71d5 01d57140 ...7.....q.wq..
    37BAFFD0 00000000 37baffec 77d69ec5 008c7403 …….7…w.t..
    37BAFFE0 3afe9c60 00000000 00000000 00000000 `..:…………
    37BAFFF0 00000000 008c7403 3afe9c60 00000000 …..t..`..:….

Translate my Crash file

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sprong.4963


  • Thread 0×568 <—*
  • Trace <—*
    Pc:64341049 Fr:37bafc7c Rt:70e76a58 Arg:46c82800 37bafc94 5c6de600 78c53240
    Pc:70e76a58 Fr:37bafcb8 Rt:70e7697b Arg:814a0420 7a51a2c0 37bafd28 37bafd18
    Pc:70e7697b Fr:37bafcf4 Rt:70e76840 Arg:78c53240 7a51a2c0 37bafd28 37bafd18
    Pc:70e76840 Fr:37bafd40 Rt:70e7cecd Arg:78c53248 5c6de600 00000001 693acca0
    Pc:70e7cecd Fr:37bafd60 Rt:70e7d031 Arg:00000000 88979803 49fefe60 37954de0
    Pc:70e7d031 Fr:37bafdd4 Rt:70e6b8cc Arg:37954de0 3795791c 70e4d778 37954de0
    Pc:70e6b8cc Fr:37bafdfc Rt:70e6b774 Arg:37954de0 00000004 00000000 00000000
    Pc:70e6b774 Fr:37bafe5c Rt:0072c4a8 Arg:37954de0 00000004 00000000 00000000
    Pc:0072c4a8 Fr:37bafef0 Rt:006ed93c Arg:0932420c 0000103c 3afe9c60 006edb9a
    Pc:006ed93c Fr:37baff14 Rt:006ec69d Arg:08946544 0000103c 37baff44 006ecdc8
    Pc:006ec69d Fr:37baff24 Rt:006ecdc8 Arg:00000000 08946540 0066c9df 00000000
    Pc:006ecdc8 Fr:37baff44 Rt:008c73dd Arg:08946540 8d8d6504 00000000 3afe9c60
    Pc:008c73dd Fr:37baff7c Rt:008c7485 Arg:00000000 37baff94 75e333aa 3afe9c60
    Pc:008c7485 Fr:37baff88 Rt:75e333aa Arg:3afe9c60 37baffd4 77d69ef2 3afe9c60
    Pc:75e333aa Fr:37baff94 Rt:77d69ef2 Arg:3afe9c60 41ba4ba4 00000000 00000000
    Pc:77d69ef2 Fr:37baffd4 Rt:77d69ec5 Arg:008c7403 3afe9c60 00000000 00000000
    Pc:77d69ec5 Fr:37baffec Rt:00000000 Arg:008c7403 3afe9c60 00000000 00000000
  • Thread registers <—*
    eax=00000000 ebx=46601a00 ecx=37bafc94 edx=46c82800 esi=37bafc94 edi=75e31400
    eip=64341049 esp=37bafc70 ebp=37bafc7c
    cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010246

ebx-32 466019E0 d4596d75 0d87ba85 456762f8 4fd4e008
ebx-16 466019F0 00000000 00000000 00000000 466019e8
ebx 0 46601A00 00000004 00000000 00000000 00200000
16 46601A10 00001000 000007d0 00000001 000f4240
ebx+32 46601A20 00010000 00000010 57236402 00000001
ebx+48 46601A30 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ecx-32 37BAFC74 49fefe60 7a51a2c0 37bafcb8 70e76a58
ecx-16 37BAFC84 46c82800 37bafc94 5c6de600 78c53240
ecx 0 37BAFC94 3b2e2700 00000000 00000000 00000000
16 37BAFCA4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000200
ecx+32 37BAFCB4 00000200 37bafcf4 70e7697b 814a0420
ecx+48 37BAFCC4 7a51a2c0 37bafd28 37bafd18 88979923
edx-32 46C827E0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
edx-16 46C827F0 00000000 000076c0 00000800 46c82008
edx 0 46C82800 465d5000 58544e43 00000000 45199dc0
16 46C82810 00000191 00000140 00000000 00000000
edx+32 46C82820 3f000000 40000000 40800000 3b808081
edx+48 46C82830 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f800000
esi-32 37BAFC74 49fefe60 7a51a2c0 37bafcb8 70e76a58
esi-16 37BAFC84 46c82800 37bafc94 5c6de600 78c53240
esi 0 37BAFC94 3b2e2700 00000000 00000000 00000000
16 37BAFCA4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000200
esi+32 37BAFCB4 00000200 37bafcf4 70e7697b 814a0420
esi+48 37BAFCC4 7a51a2c0 37bafd28 37bafd18 88979923
edi-32 75E313E0 90909090 90909090 90909090 90909090
edi-16 75E313F0 8b55ff8b 9ceb5dec 90909090 90909090
edi 0 75E31400 8b55ff8b 75e95dec 90ffffff 90909090
16 75E31410 8b55ff8b 758b56ec f4fe8308 31f9830f
edi+32 75E31420 c68b0000 00000325 f8835610 67840f03
edi+48 75E31430 e8000337 0000000a 04c25d5e 90909000

  • Code <—*
    64341029 dc0f0000 568b750c 8b06f640 1404578b ….V.u…...W. 64341039 3d8c415c 64740683 c00850ff d78b4604 =.A\dt....P...F. 64341049 f6401404 747683c0 0850ffd7 8a4b6680…P…Kf.
    64341059 e1017468 8b930010 000081c2 18020000…………
    64341069 3b930810 0000720c 68180200 008bcbe8 ;…..r.h…….
    64341079 c34dffff 8b830010 0000c700 12000000 .M…………..

Translate my Crash file

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sprong.4963


Whats happening here. Brand new computer. Game randomly freezes to a black screen. Sometimes it will recover after about 30 seconds. Other times I will only hear sound after 30 seconds. Other times it will go black(or green) and no sound, nothing, kapoot.

Intel i5 3570k 3.40ghz 6mb
Asus p8z77-v motherboard
Asus GeForce GTX680 2GB DC2O
G.Skill 8GB RipjawsX 12800CL9 2×4GBkit
Intel 240GB 520 Series 6Gb/s OEM (running game on the SSD)
Windows 7 Home.

—> Crash <—
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 00000014 could not be read
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 380
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 16378
Module: nvd3dum.dll
When: 2012-12-26T18:22:19Z 2012-12-26T11:22:19-07:00
Uptime: 0 days 1:38:10
Flags: 0

—> System <—
Processors: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:10:9]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)

—> System Memory <—
Physical: 5337MB/ 8140MB 65%
Paged: 12968MB/16278MB 79%
Virtual: 2130MB/ 4095MB 52%
Load: 34%
CommitTotal: 3310MB
CommitLimit: 16278MB
CommitPeak: 4384MB
SystemCache: 3442MB
HandleCount: 19227
ProcessCount: 61
ThreadCount: 774

—> Process Memory <—
Private: 1312MB
WorkingSet: 1152MB
PeakWorkingSet: 1683MB
PageFaults: 6400623

[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]

22/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Sprong.4963


I agree with Elth. The whining is getting boring. I start reading some of these posts and as soon as they start getting negative it turns into Blah blah blah blah blah.

This week has been WAY more fun than the previous few weeks. Its nice to have WvWvW instead of WvW all the time. Glad to see TC show up and put up a good persistent fight. Adds a whole new dimension to the battlefield. I hope they can feel welcome in T2.

And to Blackgate. Thank you for taking care of that hacking issue. Havent noticed any odd or suspicious activity lately and that is much appreciated. Nothing makes me more upset than an individual (or small group) belittling everything we (all of us as GW2 Community) are working for. You do have a better coverage, this is undeniable; therefore you should be winning and props to you for it. Like someone mentioned above, we all have great players, as well as poor players – the same is for you. I have had some extremely fun fights against skilled BG, and some other times I just feel guilty after a fight. Also, its impressive how fast you guys can respond to an attack.

As a Rallian I am quite content with second place. Its a happy medium that allows me to focus on prioritizing fun while not sacrificing competitiveness. being in second gives us something to strive for. Although, it’d be nice to win once in a while just so we could see what its like.

(edited by Sprong.4963)

Zone change crashes the game.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sprong.4963


now im getting Waypoints within the same map. Just tried to waypoint to Citidel in Borderland after I died… insta blackscreen.

Zone change crashes the game.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sprong.4963


upgrading your computer may not be the answer.

I just loaded GW2 on my new compy this past week and now I have the Zone Change Crash issue.

Intel i5 3570k 6mb
Asus p8Z77-V motherboard

Asus GTX680 2GB DC2O with factory settings ; Nvidia Driver 310.70

Running the Game on a Intel 240GB 520 series Solid State Drive
Windows 7 Home

My old compy with a GTX240 would never crash on zone change. But this new one does. Kinda makes me have sadpandaface.
It looks a million times better, but crashes with nearly every zone change… Including PVP map changes.

Why do you have new builds during Prime Time.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sprong.4963


Is there anything that crucial it couldn’t get, say, 20-30 minutes warning?

This this this and this.

Why do you have new builds during Prime Time.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sprong.4963


You know, making it 5am for you may hit someone else’s prime time then we’ll be having this discussion all over again. You can’t please everyone eh?

Yes, this may be true, but this is NA prime time, where they most likely have the majority of their players. Couldnt they do a rolling patch? 5 am for each servers time. Also, not having any explanation why cheeses me off —what is so important that it needs to be fixed RIGHT NOW? Probably some stupid patch for all this new PVE content they introduced. As you can probably tell, I am getting very annoyed, and all these issues with this game are becoming cumulatively annoying.

Why do you have new builds during Prime Time.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sprong.4963


Seriously?! Its been maybe three evenings in a row where you have scheduled a new build during NA Prime Time. Everybody in WvW is screaming curses. All our siege and work gone! Such a kitten off. Cant you wait till 5am or something?

Getting Loot Bags

in WvW

Posted by: Sprong.4963


from my observation it seems to be approximately 3000-3500 worth of damage needing to be dealt. But there has also been times I have seen a downed player so I get close and Whirlwind attack with my warrior and somehow I get a badge. Othertimes Ill solo a guy down and get nothing. It seems very random.

[WvW] Critmancer Build (Power + Condition)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sprong.4963



Just curious to know what your stat numbers are sitting at right now? You have a mix and match of armor which seems strange to me. Do you have a set of preferred stat numbers that you are trying to reach, or just throwing in different pieces to see what happens?
The Prec/Tough/Condi armor you are using is only attainable thru dungeons according to my research (Svanir/Khilborn/Nightmare/Corrupted Orrian). Are the stats you currently hold attainable with crafted gear?
My neccy is almost 80, and I want to test out your build when I get there.

Help me build a GS / 1h-Shield warrior pls

in Warrior

Posted by: Sprong.4963


I even enjoyed Axe/Mace with greatsword combo.

Stack the vulnerability on your target with Mace4 and Axe2. Knock them down with Mace5, switch to great sword and push the I Win button.

Sanctum of Rall I Blackgate I Isle of Janthir

in WvW

Posted by: Sprong.4963


Wow, you have us pegged exactly. Now that you have successfully called us out, everyone on BG might as well fess up to other nefarious behavior you might have missed. I’ll start:

When we took your garrison early this week I personally:

  • Washed my hands with the decorative soaps in the Garrison bath room
  • Repeatedly opened and closed the Water Gate even though it had a sign that said "Keep this gate closed at all times
  • Drank the last cup of coffee in the Lord’s Break room without brewing a fresh pot

I will understand if these deeds leave you to outraged to properly compete next week.

Its okay – we have staff that looks after that. Its all part of our friendly concierge service at SOR.

I’m surprised your server can’t afford such perks.

We spend all our moneys on mass golems ^.^ huehuehue

Lol! I’ll have no more hard feelings once I see it has stopped. There are MANY fine players on your server that deserve more than to be discredited by these few. If it continues to happen then it is going to remain a topic on the forums. I hope and trust that it will not.
Score update for those of us at work??

WvW Solo Vid

in Warrior

Posted by: Sprong.4963


Food – Bowls of Curry Butternut Squash Soup +100 precision +10% crt dmg

Master Maintenance Oil – gain 6% power equal to your toughness , gain power to 4% of your vitality. (its currently bugged and gives + precision. )

for Sigils i run Hyrdomancy on my GS and Bloodlust on the rifle although i should probably switch it out, i usually don’t take the time to get the 25 stacks to effectively use it. i’ll update the op and add a spec link in abit.

is this because you are dying a lot in larger group settings (ie greater than 5v5)?

I run the exact same build as your 20/0/30/0/20 with Power/Tough/Vitality gear and Berserker jewels – its a good solid build but I dont quite get your damage numbers…. this is why I ask if you are dying a lot with berserker gear (which is what I assume you are running when you say Glass Cannon gear).

As for sigil on the rifle you could use Superior Sigil of Intelligence (100% crit chance after swap) but you probably crit enough as it is;

OR if you think need more power then Superior Sigil of Strength (30% chance at crit to gain might for 10s) – one stack of might is equal to 35 power. After 10 attacks, 75% crit chance, 30% of which grant might, in theory you should have at least 2-3 stacks of might for an addition 70-105 power. Even SSoBattle for an instant 3 stacks of might at weapon swap might be better.

Or Suprior Sigil of Force for a flat 5% increase… which for you would be quite a bit since you’re hitting so hard already.

My personal favorite, though its a little unpredictable, is the Superior Sigil of Rage for a 10% chance at 3 seconds of quickness on a critical.

Im going to try out your 20/30/0/0/20 with rifle tonight. It looks interesting but squishy.

<— SoR Warrior

Sanctum of Rall I Blackgate I Isle of Janthir

in WvW

Posted by: Sprong.4963


4:40 p.m. 28/11/2012
10+ iCOA inside of Bay Keep in Blackgate Borderlands with no outer wall down.

Sanctum of Rall I Blackgate I Isle of Janthir

in WvW

Posted by: Sprong.4963


No matter what, until proven otherwise, your server will have a bad reputation. Not because this has happened, but because it is continuously happenING. Until you can prove yourselves on the battlefield without the help of a hacker/exploiter you wont have the respect that you once had. Are you not embarrassed by that? I was when I heard a small group was exploiting on our server. In your case it was an entire zerg of multiple guilds over and over again. 6-7 times in an evening. No excuse there; people on your server knew it was an exploit and gladly participated. Not only that, you are being defensive about it and not proving to us that your dealing with it. The sheer fact that its STILL happening is ridiculous.