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So who would win?!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Squishy.1965


Obviously one man can’t take on an Elder Dragon single-handedly and hope to defeat it. Detsiny’s Edge couldn’t defeat the Shatterer with the help of Glint. And that was just a general of Kralkatorrik.

(But Rytlock could definitely pull it off:P He’s just too kitten:)) )

However if the fight is like the current battle with Zhaitan. You on a ship spamming button 1, even a monkey could beat Mordremoth, not to mention Rytlock.

Destiny’s Edge fought Kralk, not the Shatterer…

Yes, thank you. I realized later but was too tired to come back to edit the post. Anyway, the point is the same:D

So who would win?!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Squishy.1965


Obviously one man can’t take on an Elder Dragon single-handedly and hope to defeat it. Detsiny’s Edge couldn’t defeat the Shatterer with the help of Glint. And that was just a general of Kralkatorrik.

(But Rytlock could definitely pull it off:P He’s just too kitten:)) )

However if the fight is like the current battle with Zhaitan. You on a ship spamming button 1, even a monkey could beat Mordremoth, not to mention Rytlock.

Are you going to buy HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Squishy.1965


I keep seeing so many people say things like “Hmm, I don’t think I’ll buy the expansion because for probably 30$ I’m just getting a new class and a bit more.”

You guys do realize that you paid let’s say 30-60 $ (I personally bought the game on day one of it’s release) for the original game. Since it’s launch it has received several updates, completely free. So in that original value, you got more as time went by.

HoT will be the same. You pay a certain amount now, and yes, maybe it seems like little content now, but it won’t stay like that. It will probably be another 2-3 years of new content being added to it for free.

Plus, they are using this expansion to test out new things. I don’t blame them for not adding more than one specialization per profession. They want to see how it works, what the feedback will be and then they will add more. They’ve said so themselves.

And just like the Original Guild Wars, no one made you buy any of the other games. Everyone could just stick to Prophecies / Factions / Nightfall. You want the extra things? You want heroes? You want better Pvp buy the other ones. You don’t? Don’t buy them. The game is totally playable in it’s vanilla form and you’ll just be looking at other people talking about the new stuff and you won’t be able to join.

Want to take down Mordremoth? Want to enjoy future updates? Then buy HoT. You don’t, don’t buy it. Simple.

Suriel is a cheater!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Squishy.1965


All you have to do is make her walk through the black well to take her shield down so you can damage her and stand in the black wells when she casts her bright light attack. She’s not OP, she’s not cheating.

So Being 1-Shot is meant to be a Challenge?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Squishy.1965


Encounters where pretty fun at launch, but then QQ and everything became easy.

I want my @launch fire elemental back!
It was then and there that every young progeny learned to dodge.

1shotting bosses are fine as long as you have the mechanics to avoid it, and we have plenty of those.

I thought I remembered fire ele and behe being a lot harder to beat. And standing in one spot DID not work. And people getting downed everywhere. A world boss should take skill to kill, not just a certain amount of minutes, preferably as little as possible so you don’t waste too much time there.

So Being 1-Shot is meant to be a Challenge?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Squishy.1965


I was not standing still, i wasn’t even near the bosses, but they still 1 shoot you. The point is, this should not be in any frigging game. 1 shot mechanic is lame imo. I’m a staff necro and every skill is a mark you have to place on the ground and basically stand still to place them, but i guess like some have said in other threads, im supposed to start changing build and my gear just for this fight? no thank you. i shouldn’t have to. this was supposed to be fun and i was actually looking forward this update, but ah well forget it.

I’m a staff necro too and I can easily run around casting marks without ever having to stop moving. Try using autocast in case you’re not already doing it.

And besides that, I agree it should be challenging, but they could at least make their super attacks to be very damaging but not one shot kills. Especially since if you die, you have to walk all the way from downstairs again, then maybe even wait in line again to be able to enter a dome to fight because they are taken by someone else. 10 second battles with 2 minutes to get back up and another 2 to wait to get in again is not fun (am exaggerating to prove a point).

unused offensive vs unused upgrade slot

in Crafting

Posted by: Squishy.1965


Firstly, ascended items already have the stats from inscriptions/jewels in them. So the Ascended ring already has the stats from the exquisite jewel you wanted to add (or at least another exquisite jewel)

Secondly, Ascended items can only accept infusion which are offensive, defensive and utility. That’s what the name of the slots are for so you know what type of infusion you can put in it. And the only Ascended items with Utility slots are Amulets.