Showing Posts For Stealth.6971:

Are all the players in the high level zones?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stealth.6971


Since there aren’t many people to do difficult quests/random events with, what are the fastest ways to level up? Apparently there’s insane wait times for WvW, so where/how should I level up quick? Before I stopped playing I didn’t play for long enough to learn about world bosses and more advanced stuff so I’m still very much a noob. Any leveling advice you guys may have will be appreciated

EDIT: is this the current world boss location list? (a little down the page)

Are all the players in the high level zones?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stealth.6971


Read the mega server thing. Hopefully that will solve the issue. I remember back in the day just roaming around, there would always be people on your screen no matter where you are. Now I can look around entire zones and not see a single person

Are all the players in the high level zones?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stealth.6971


I haven’t played in like a year and decided to play again, but there aren’t many people. I’m only level 24 so maybe it’s because most people are higher levels by so they’re in high level zones?

Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Stealth.6971


I get this too sometimes. I’ll just be running past mobs and suddenly my character starts shooting the nearest mob, without me even touching the fire button. Let me just be clear about that; my character both targets and fires at a mob, without me telling it to.

This is exaclty my problem. When that happens against something too strong for me it leads to a quick death or near escape.

Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Stealth.6971


But then I have to turn it back on again evey time I attack. I’m waaaay to lazy for that

Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Stealth.6971


For some reaseon at random times my ranger will start shooting at a nearby enemy even though i didnt even click on it. What gives? Sucks when I’m in a higher level zone and I draw in an enemy that’s strong.

Ranger Aggro

in Ranger

Posted by: Stealth.6971


No idea, I have the same problem. Ill send in my bear first and sometimes the run past him and attack me.

Changing pet skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Stealth.6971


I notice when I open the pet panel there are 4 abilites with pictures (i have a bear) but the F2 key is binded to one of those and I can’t seem to change it. How would I do this, or are the other ones used automatically? Also where do I find other pets?

(edited by Stealth.6971)

Just your second weapon

in Ranger

Posted by: Stealth.6971


I use sword/torch

What pet do rangers start with?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


Cool. Also what happens when they die? Do you just tame a new one or do they come back after a while?

What pet do rangers start with?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


Do you choose your starting pet as a ranger? How do you get new ones? I’m gonna be starting a ranger since elementalists suck.

How do you change zone?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


Don’t see a link, but I find a map online and it seems there are in fact narrow passages. However, it seems that some section don’t connect so you have to go through other areas to get to the one you want. Can anyone confirm this?

How do you change zone?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


Yes I know it’s a noob question but how do you get from plains of ashford to Diessa Plateau for example? On the map there doesnt seem to be any paths, its block by mountains and stuff. Are there portals to go through? Why aren’t they on the map?

Making light armour help.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


Anyone??? Need better armour ASAP. Also, what’s a good way to make money?

Crafting : Really worth it anymore?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


that’s dumb, what if you need a lot?

Making light armour help.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


Im currently in plains of Ashford (sp?) haven’t left that area yet since I’m a noob. Are there humans in that area or neighboring areas?

Making light armour help.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


I currently have a level 14 elementalist that really needs better armor. Since they can only wear light gear (there’s only heavy and light correct?) I would need to have the leatherworker trade in order to make light armour right? And where can I farm for leather and the other supplies that I will need for light armour?

Good armour/weapons for lvl 12 elementalist?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


Noob question but If I have 2 daggers, does my damage get doubled?

Good armour/weapons for lvl 12 elementalist?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


Ya so I’m still a low level but I’m still getting owned in the 1-15 lvl zone when attacked by like 2 or 3 ghosts… I currently have crappy apprentice clothing and I have weapon and armour smithing skills. I just don’t know where to get good gear and what’s the best gear I can get? I can’t wear any of the armour that I can make either.

Fix Elementalists. Seriously.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


Agreed, Elementalists are weak and fragile. Buff plox.

Why demote player ranks on quests?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


Because if you work to level up to give yourself an edge you should not have that taken away at least to a certain extent. This is mainly for quests where you are running solo or with weak npc’s.

Why demote player ranks on quests?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


I guess its my gear then. My gear sucks but don’t know where to get better gear. Haven’t done crafting so i guess I gotta figure out how that all works so I can gear up better. Also need to find better weapons but I don’t know where to find good monster drops yet. Any ideas? Also need ways of getting good money too.

Why demote player ranks on quests?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


I would appreciate if they disable side-kicking for story quest until they fix the balance, which might take quite a while. Sometimes I suspect they only tested some of those story quests with a well-equipped warrior. As an elementalist, for some of my level 30-40 story quests, they are still nightmare modes even when I went back at 20 levels higher. Things like support NPC gets killed almost instantly, group of mob ignoring aggro and chasing you from start to end even you did nothing, support NPC bugs out and getting stuck, doing nothing … So many thing s that make you sick would have been resolved if side-kicking in story quest instance can be disabled. It makes you feel the difference that “Oh I gained levels and I am stronger now!”, like many MMOs that you enjoy leveling. Why obliged to side-kick in story quest instance? Isn’t it pointless?
Or at least give us an option to disable side-kicking in story quest would be nice.

Exactly! If anything, disable de-levelling for quests so that your grinding actually gets you somewhere. Or depending on how many players are around you get de-levelled less if you’re solo vs. in a big group.

Why demote player ranks on quests?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


Ya, I understand why they did it but it still sucks when you’re playing solo and there’s noone to back you up. I’m new to guild wars and have no idea where to find the best armour for an elementalist class. Just trying to get through the first few missions to get out of the starter area, but I keep getting swarmed with too many enemies at once which are tighly packed together so I can’t lure just one at a time. Since I get brought down to their level 1v5 is just not possible. How do you make decent money early on to buy gear? I get nothing useful early on.

Why demote player ranks on quests?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stealth.6971


What’s the point of levelling up if everything you do demotes you to a lower level? I got destroyed on a quest and figured I’d level up a bit to help me out but it demotes me back down again… They might as well take out levelling up and just give you the level they want you to play at for every mission and event…