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Anyone else think the Guardian weapons are a bit boring?.

in Guardian

Posted by: Straken.5613


Im leveling a Guardian, and I agree. I dont know if its the animations, or the slow swings, but since level 1 all i’ve thought is kitten leveling this dude is kind of boring.

Now if I were leveling with a group, and they all benefited from all the protection and buffs I could throw on em, It would be worth it. But solo play? Seems pretty kitten boring.

Redbull is the elixir of the mind t(’ ’t)

Mystic forge nerfed again?

in Crafting

Posted by: Straken.5613


there is nothing random about something working 20% – 25% of the time everytime then after a patch that same thing now has a 4% success rate. there is no explanation for it.

its not random, something changed. plain and simple.

Redbull is the elixir of the mind t(’ ’t)

Mystic forge nerfed again?

in Crafting

Posted by: Straken.5613


This is what I did to farm money. I was getting a rare about 1 out of every 3 to 4 mystic forges using 4 random greens. I forged greens probably 50 times.

After the last update, I have only got 1 yellow after about 25 forges.

Not to mention the same farming spots I was receiving yellows about 2-3 per hour, I have yet to receive a single yellow in the past 5 hours farming.

Something was definitly nerfed. This was my money making scheme, and now its non-existent. /cry

Redbull is the elixir of the mind t(’ ’t)

New 80 needs advice on getting gear

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Straken.5613


My best advice:
- run your story mode and get your black lion salvaging kits
- build your MF set, either go full armor & accessories with MF runes, or just MF accessories and runes. choice is yours. dont forgot your MF food
- farm for yellow and greens!
- combine 4 random greens for a chance at a yellow
- use your black lion salvage kit and break the yellows
- use the sexy ectos to build your own exotics!!

Out of my 25 free black lion kits, only twice did i not receive an ecto. I received 3 ectos from 1 break 7 times. That’s 21 ectos from 7 rares… YES PLEASE!!! I was able to craft a full set of exotic armor and trinkets from the 25 black lion kits.

Also, Magic Find is fairly powerful. Earlier today, I farmed in Cursed Shore for 45 minutes with 140 MF and after green combines, i had 7 yellows. Those yellows broke down to 11 ectos. Not bad for 45 min.

Redbull is the elixir of the mind t(’ ’t)

End Game Cooking - Super Food

in Crafting

Posted by: Straken.5613


I now have most of the crafted gear my heart could desire… and now it’s time to enjoy the finer things in life.

Unless I have missed it, I have yet to find a cooking recipe that uses the end game mats (ectos, t6 fine mats).

I think it would be cool to be able to create a kind of Super Food, one that is created from a slew of fine prized food types and 1-2 ectos. This could create maybe a stack of 25 Super FOOOOOODS.

These superfoods can add all types of cool and interesting things. Example:
The Pale Tree’s 100% Syrup
- 35 magic find
- 50 power
- 5% chance on attack to create syrupy terrain, slowing enemies by 33% for 5 seconds.
- 5% chance on attack to gain a sugar rush, increasing swiftness by 33% for 8 seconds.

I only bring this up because I dont really need ectos anymore, and I dont want to sell them… i must create… super food. Maybe there are already recipes for this, if so let us find them! I think that these super foods could be FUN ways to add some cool stuff to the everyday grind.

Redbull is the elixir of the mind t(’ ’t)

Ranger Pet Comments post 14th Sept Updates

in Ranger

Posted by: Straken.5613


Sometimes instead of the pet cancelling their F2 skill when the target moves, the pet will fire off their F2 attack into the empty space the Target was in before it moved.

This has made me always use my pets attacking F2 skills on stable targets I know are not going to move. I basically center all my attacks now around the target I hope arent going to move.

Sure, this seems a tad frustrating and a bug/glitch. It means you have to micro manage your pet’s attacks, and in my opinion makes the game play just a little more interesting.


Redbull is the elixir of the mind t(’ ’t)

List of pets' bugs, notes and missing information!

in Ranger

Posted by: Straken.5613


River Drake – Most of the time, if i hit it’s F2 skill, then its target moves locations, the Drake just fires off its F2 skill into emptiness. I hope this is not intended, because it seems like a bug to me.

This actually happens so regularly, that I pick the the mob that I hope wont move on me.

Happens in PvP too, but not as much play there for me.

Redbull is the elixir of the mind t(’ ’t)

Longbow ranger.

in Ranger

Posted by: Straken.5613


I leveled with the longbow from 0 to 80. Super easy. It is my humble opinion that if you choose the longbow, 20 points into marksmanship is a must for piercing targets.

It will take some getting used to, because you have to try to align your targets somewhat close together, and shoot at them so they are in a somewhat straight line. But if you can get them to do those 2 things, rapid fire will eat them all alive.

Combine the piercing arrows, with the longbow aoe 5 skill and you got a potent mix.

Add in the river drakes massive aoe F2 skill, and its even more relaxed.

Redbull is the elixir of the mind t(’ ’t)