Showing Posts For Strenif.4935:

Does our Trait "Strenght in Numbers" work?

in Guardian

Posted by: Strenif.4935


Do we even know how much damage reduction 30 toughness provides?

Pile of Putrid Essence

in Crafting

Posted by: Strenif.4935


Did you try google?

I hear it’s awesome.

Locking the map down is fun?

in WvW

Posted by: Strenif.4935


Try changing maps?

(edited by Strenif.4935)

"Merciful Intervention" da heck?

in Guardian

Posted by: Strenif.4935


Now you might be able to sell me on porting to NPCs or pets but porting me to a flame turret? Last I checked you can’t heal turrets so why would I ever want to port to one?

Please, please, please allow me to click on who I want to port to just like JI.

Forced colors in WvW (same vain as no names)

in WvW

Posted by: Strenif.4935


Wow, so not the argument I had in mind. Well.. whatever rock on.

As for the whole “if you don’t force colors it will make render times slower” this is just flat out wrong. The server is already doing that. Allow me to show you.

Current system:
Load Player: Strenif.4935
Head: Item#3918 #color432 (green)
Shoulder: Item#458 #color432 (green)
Chest: Item#2561 #color432 (green)
Gloves: Item#1232 #color432 (green)
Boots Item#44 #color432 (green)
Legs Item#1764 #color432 (green)

New system:
Load Player: Strenif.4935
Head: Item#3918 #color32 (Rust)
Shoulder: Item#458 #color532 (Red)
Chest: Item#2561 #color74 (Rust)
Gloves: Item#1232 #color74 (Rust)
Boots Item#44 #color74 (Rust)
Legs Item#1764 #color3 (Black)

Server performance is not effected AT ALL.

Forced colors in WvW (same vain as no names)

in WvW

Posted by: Strenif.4935


Ok so yet another “I want guilds and individuals to stand out more in WvW” post from a former DAOC player. Ya I know but hey at lest this one is on a different subject.

Right now players from different servers armor is defaulted to the color their server currently is on the map (red, blue, or green). So any dyes they have applied to their armor is only visible to friendly players.

Back in DAOC, a guilds member’s would dye their armor with the same color scheme so when you saw them on the field you would know who they are and weather to run crying for mommy or not. This goes back to the community thing everyone has been railing about. I won’t boar you with all that, the other threads on it cover that subject well enough.

Now there is an issue with this. Namely enemy identification. There are numerous ways around that but before we get into that which is really just going to turn into people telling each other their ideas are stupid. So I’d like to start out by asking what you think of hostile servers being able to see your or your guilds color scheme?

(edited by Strenif.4935)

Can you get a Precursor as a drop? Can a Dev confirm?

in Crafting

Posted by: Strenif.4935


I would say yes, but a very low chance. Like .001 kinda low.

Can Mystic weapons be put in the Mystic Forge?

in Crafting

Posted by: Strenif.4935


Trying to find some more weapon recipes for the Forge and was wondering if Mystic weapons can be combined in the forge.

I’m sure someone has already thought of this but I haven’t been able to find out of it can be done or not. If they can’t, oh well on to the next theory. If they can… well… I know what I’ll be doing tonight.

does anyone even have legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strenif.4935


Karma isn’t what’s holding me back, it’s the gold. 120 gold just to start?

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Strenif.4935


I agree 100%

I like running solo or small groups but I haven’t found a group to my liking yet so I spend most of my time solo and not having a snare is very hard to work around against a good player.

I finally did it....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strenif.4935


I don’t thick that’s true Eveningstar. I like penny arcades take on it.

The General forums are always going to be filled with crazy post filled with ego drama and stupidity. But you go to the crafting boards or the server boards where people don’t think they have the attention of developers, it’s more reasoned.

Cant monetize youtube vids gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strenif.4935


ok… can I have… you know…

a hug before you go?

Pine is not a hard wood

in Crafting

Posted by: Strenif.4935


I have no idea why but this reminded me an episode of west wing.

Leap of Faith always misses in PvP

in Guardian

Posted by: Strenif.4935


The effect is based on where you land. Just because your target was in range before you jumped doesn’t mean it’s still there when you land.

In short, I want a Samich!

Where to find Elaborate Totems?

in Crafting

Posted by: Strenif.4935


You’re killing the right mobs, it’s the same chance to drop as a yellow weapon. My advice is sell the Intricate Totem and buy the Elaborate.

Toughness in sPvP

in Guardian

Posted by: Strenif.4935


I stack toughness with cleric gear and it is very noticeable but I would like to see how much defense is worth in damage reduction. Also would like to know if there is diminishing returns when stacking stats.

Mystic Forge + Trident

in Crafting

Posted by: Strenif.4935


You rock Linsey! Nice to see the Devs scanning the boards.

Fighting Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Strenif.4935


Stay at range. Guardians have crap for ranged damage. Use snares and roots to keep out of melee and whittle them down.

Craft Dawn of Rage. Tell me how like I'm 5.

in Crafting

Posted by: Strenif.4935


Right now no one ones how to craft it. You can get it in one of two ways, a drop, or from the mystic forge. Both are RNG. Honestly I’d wait till someone learns how to craft it (if you can at all) before putting any effort into it.

Is support rewarded?

in WvW

Posted by: Strenif.4935


This is what I have up in keep fights.

My armor is Cleric’s Draconic and weps are Cleric’s Pearl

If I’m up on a wall or down bellow them I’m not really in a position to land the final blow on anyone. I can equip a scepter and attack downed players but the range is short and I wouldn’t be doing any real damage I’d also have to give up the mace heal/block.

I’m not asking how do I get marks form killing players, I can do that fine with a greatsword/1hsword-torch combo. I’m asking why should people heal the people around them when they benefit more from damaging the ones across from them.

Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor

in Crafting

Posted by: Strenif.4935


I wonder what Andy Samberg would have to say about this.

Would like to see changes to Shield's 5 skill

in Guardian

Posted by: Strenif.4935


My only problem with this skill is after first half second the bubble can be walked through even while you’re channeling. I always evade roll right after I cast it because there is no point channeling it.

(edited by Strenif.4935)

Hardest profession to kill as a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Strenif.4935


Honestly. Another guardian. I’ve fought at lest 5 1v1s against other guardians and they all ended up with us walking away from each other.

Is support rewarded?

in WvW

Posted by: Strenif.4935


That… doesn’t address my question… at all.

Is WvWvW for casuals?

in WvW

Posted by: Strenif.4935


I’m not sure I consider ether one as hardcore or casual.
A group of hardcore players can succeed at both and casual players can be effective in both. Just because wvw benefits from having an organized force doesn’t mean John Q can’t zone in, ask “where’s the fight?”, and be effective by joining that organized force.
Well.. provided John isn’t going to run around solo and get mad when a mob finds him. Or chase runners to far. Or run into a twenty guys alone, die, then scream “WHY DIDN’T YOU FOLLOW ME!?” Oh John.. why do you have to be Rambo?
I guess my point is this. Being casual doesn’t mean being stupid.

(edited by Strenif.4935)

Is support rewarded?

in WvW

Posted by: Strenif.4935


Hi, first off I’m loving WvWvW. You guys did an outstanding job!

I play a support guardian built to be tank and have a lot of AE healing and disruption skills (roots, knock backs, ect). I’m am having great fun managing damage and take a lot of pride in keeping people alive by both healing damage, and as is more important in GW2, preventing it.

I’ve noticed then when I’m say, defending a keep, I don’t get anywhere near the marks of honor my guildies get. I spend my time with the staff and mace/shield buffing, healing, and blocking incoming damage. Since I don’t have any effective ranged dps I feel this is the role where I have the biggest impact in the fight.

So here’s my question. What incentives are there for a player to play support?