Showing Posts For Strucker.8274:
I’ve said it before, and I will repeat it here. We are aware of the problems with the WvW achievements and will be doing more to address them in the near future. Currently it is more complicated to solve the problems than I would like, which means we need to have a fully comprehensive solution before doing anything.
My simple question / remark in regards to this is the following.
If ANet was aware of problems surrounding WvW achievements why did they persist to create new WvW achievements in the latest update, i.e World vs Kite.
I have tried several times to get this achievement for my account however when you go through 5-10mins of a jumping puzzle only to reach a point when you are unable to progress because of griefers that is where I draw the line.
Personally I think ANet should give everyone who steps into the Eternal Battle Grounds the World vs Kite achievement because their implementing it has simply been nothing but a dev sponsored culling pit.
Why the WvW achievement? I could see a sPvP one because there is so much flexibility. But WvW there are too many factors in play, first you need to have a keep to get to the puzzle, then you need to complete the puzzle all the while hoping you don’t get griefed by other players.
I’m sorry, I don’t log onto the forums much, but stuff like this that forces players into frustrating situations is probably one of the more foolish things I’ve seen in a Gw2 update in a while.
Not sure if I’m the only one with these feelings, so figured I’d put up a post in the suggestions section of the forums.
Seeing as there was a change to the way some characters carried greatswords I figured it would not be entirely out of the question so here are my thoughts, please feel free to let me know if you agree / disagree, however try to post rationale along with your thoughts as “no your wrong” doesn’t exactly say much.
I personally am very disappointed with the Charr animations in regards to the Engineer, more specifically with the Rifle and Pistol, this is due to several reasons:
1. When standing still firing the rifle results in the Charrs’ lower coat flapping up and down resulting in either an attempt to flash that cute norn across the room or perhaps evolution allowing a Charr to fly. Either way I would love to see it toned down a little bit.
2. When firing the rifle, the recoil has an apparent whiplash motion on the charr resulting in rather pronounced movement of their head, kinda looks like they’re getting punched in the face at 100km/h, again I believe the animation needs to be toned down a little bit.
3. When firing the rifle, the Charr also seem to have a rather weak posture as any almost any shot results in the rifle jerking upwards dramatically, I realize they may fire larger calibre rifles simply by their size, but perhaps another case on needing to be a bit toned down… Kinda scared to get a rifle with a bayonet as my Charr might unintentionally put his eye out.
1. When firing poison dart volley, the Charr seem to hug their pistol near their chest taking a very fragile stance, where other races tend to lean into their shot, in this respect it makes a rather large character look like they are having a degree of difficulty firing their weapon. Perhaps a change to the more steady gait of leaning into the shot.
Again please feel free to post any thoughts or comments, however try to accompany any feedback with rationale as it will allow others to understand what your thinking.
I love Charr but sometimes its the animations that just turn me off a certain race for a class, for example, I cannot play a Charr Engineer because every time you fire the rifle auto attack your jacket flips up which looks like your flashing people every 3 seconds.
8/10 for Taag Shadowstalker, the surname lacks a bit of originality but otherwise very Charry feel to it… 9/10 for Varr Bloodstone just seems even more Charry…
My Charr is Thel Vadam (Warrior), yea I know not terribly original, but I am a huge Halo junkie, read all the books and know all the lore. The Sangheili and Charr to me just seemed to be one in the same in terms of culture, etc. So I mean hey why not carry my love of that into GW2 right?
First off I competely understand the OP’s concerns re: gearing out and grouping up, I have been a hardcore MMO player for 7 years and a raid / group leader for 6 of those in other games (LOTRO being my most recent for 5 years and kin and raid leader).
However, I’ll be honest, while gear definetly helps in GW2 I find the biggest hurdle to be player skill level, I’ve ran many EM’s and FoTM with players who have subpar gear and done just fine, but a lack of coordination and simply put player ignorance seems to be the major issue with my experience. Unfortunately it does result in somewhat the same situation of an exclusive group that is difficult to become a part of. But hey just giving my 2 cents.
Everyone has an opinion, some may differ, you can try to express your opinion to others to allow them to understand your views and the reasons there of, this may help to enact change in the future.
But, I can assure you that posting hundreds of “QQ I didn’t get…” threads or any thread that is the basic equivalent of a temper tantrum does nothing but convey immaturity and only serves to distance others from what you may be trying to express.
Bottom line… either alot of adults are acting very immature, or alot of children have some serious trust issues…
I was one of 4 close friends online for the event, and I was the only one not to get a precursor, do I feel envious? yea, am I gonna QQ, quit the game and circulate a petition to destroy the very fabric which binds ANet together, probably not… just saying I’m all good with playing through 3 hours of lag and DC’s because I had fun which isn’t based on a loot table.
It’s a one time event, you will never reach 100% of the populace, so what do you do? Never have big server wide events? Laggy and buggy as they may be I’d rather not eliminate them, if you were that desperate to make it call in sick.
Next subject for QQ: a couple players got precursors and I didn’t why ANet are evil (hoping others enjoy loling at the QQ as much as me)
So haven’t seen a post on this, myself and others on EBay have been getting some very significant lag and DCing for the past day or two. Don’t know if its localized to our server or whatever, but haven’t seen any comments or posts by players or ANet so figure I’d start it up.
I’ve played MMO’s for 10+ years, I haven’t been this relaxed or satisfied with a game in a very long time.
Hey shout out to anet actually giving legit answers, I remember many games where the devs wouldn’t tell you anything about the mechanics.
Anet gets a cookie
My main is a warrior has been since 2nd beta event, I’ve played it in pve and spvp and wvw, I have seen no major issues with the class, I have seen annoying bits with other classes, but again nothing to suggest that the warrior is unplayable and certainly not extinct.
I’ll reestablish what other have already posted, be they nonwarrior trollers or actual warriors. You need to work within your class to achieve success, look at all the traits, skills, etc and base what you want to achieve of those. At first I had difficulty playbg the class but then I began to experiment and mix it up now I can be proficient in many situations.
Lastly if your that frustrated with the class roll a different one, it doesn’t take long to level and the way you are posting you’d be much happier playing something else.
PS on a personal note I don’t use greatswords because I find them to be the biggest noob combo out there, plus using them in pvp only gives you 2-3 useable skills.
I’ve probably reported 30-50 botters in the last hour alone, this issue is very frustrating, not only that but it really wears you down as a player, personally I don’t even know if I want to report them anymore because it is taking the fun out of the game.
On a lighter note, c’mon ANet just tranform me into a level 160 Champion Risen Abomination problem solved I’ll roam the server slaughtering botters en mass, note: skill key 5 must be teabag animation!
“Deployable Turrets” trait, only works for healing and rocket turrets, all other turrets continue to be based on the players location, in addition to the afore mentioned healing turret bug re: OP
The only exception to this bug that I’ve found is in the heart of the mists where all my turrets appear to be WAI re: “Deployable Turrets”.
Personal comment: wtf, how can it be bugged everywhere else and fine in one place, cue mind frak
I ran into this problem tonight, the trait Deployable Turrets is not applying to Rifle, Flame or Net Turrets, it does apply to Rocket and Healing Turrets.
I attempted to resolve the issue by swapping out the utility skills, relogging, swapping the trait, deploying and redeploying the turrets affected, however none of these have been successful.
Wondering if this is WAI or a bug.