Showing Posts For Stydracos.2460:

About Eye of the North timeline

in Lore

Posted by: Stydracos.2460


The fact is we don’t know who built the structure – when it was built – nor its intended purpose.

Collection Expander is a bit misleading

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Stydracos.2460


Surely the hint was in the name? I don’t understand how this is a bit misleading?

About Eye of the North timeline

in Lore

Posted by: Stydracos.2460


I’d love it more if the Tengu were involved in its construction.

Connecting the dots DO NOT TOUCH towers.

in Lore

Posted by: Stydracos.2460


They look like drilling rigs of some kind, and they all look and act identical.

Definitely Scarlet’s doing.

They remind me of the device in Frizz’s Lab from the Aetherblade Retreat story dungeon (or Aetherblade fractal). If they are indeed related then they strike me of the refined deployable version.

It’ll be interesting to see where they go with these devices story-wise.

Dredge, Flame, Frost, & Destroyers

in Lore

Posted by: Stydracos.2460


I’m hoping its the dwarves forcing the two to combine forces.

I hope Zhaitan isn't dead

in Lore

Posted by: Stydracos.2460


@BuddhaKeks – The MEGA-LIT cannon is stated to be a mist-cooled tripartate thautmatium energy weapon. Thats technobabble for ‘magic’ laser… so using the ‘right’ magic seems to work against the elder dragons. Lets not forget it was Caladbolg that was used to cleanse Orr so its not such a far fetched to have it as a plot device in ending that particular dragon – pay attention to the story indeed.

The first elder dragon encounter was underwhelming in my opinion but I hope its the last we see of Zhaitan and the risen as the story progresses.

Personally I would have preferred the fight against Zhaitan to be less ‘heroic’ and more tragic – a bitter sweet victory. Have our airship knocked out of the sky early on… then have a game of cat and mouse with the dragon. Pact forces arrive to save the day only to suffer horrendous losses while we salvage the mega-lit miracle cannon. It fires cutting down the ED which it lands on the tower – end cutscene showing the pact forces blasting the dragon into oblivion and then showing the cost, the pact warmachine for now is crippled.


in Lore

Posted by: Stydracos.2460


My mistake for questioning foefires involvment in the disappearance of gargoyles. Thank you for pointing out the time difference it seems rather unlikely given that timescale – right zipcode wrong timezone I guess.

My own take on the topic :

1) The gargoyles disappeared ‘around’ 140 years ago – ‘around’ the time of Ventari’s death.

2) The ingame item ‘fossilized gargoyle remains’ icon is reminiscent of the guildwars 1 gargoyles form. This suggests to me that the Ascalonian Gargoyles are similar in form to those we saw in guildwars 1.

The above item makes me wonder two things :
Are the fossilized gargoyle remains a post disappearance phenomena?
Why are they fossilized?

3) The Gargoyle named creatures existing in the underworlds “Realm of the Mad King” do not share the appearance of the fossilized remains. Unless there was an unexplained metamorphosis it seems unlikely there is a connection on name alone.

4) The guildwars 2 halloween event 2012 stated that it’s been over 250 years since the spirit of Thorn was last sighted. This puts the disappearance of the Gargoyles from Ascalon ‘around’ 110 years after Thorns last sighting.

In summary it appears to me given the lack of evidence and / or lore all we truly have left is wild speculation; and on that note I am blaming Ventari.


in Lore

Posted by: Stydracos.2460


Maybe foefire had something to do with it? (Gargoyles disappearing)