Showing Posts For Sub Sink.4362:
Just a quick one for the farm haters:
1. Some of us enjoy it.
2. You don’t have to like it or do it… just like you don’t ‘have’ to PvP or WvW.
3. Those cheap mats you are so excited to buy… they are cheap because of farmers and likely the bots too. Take farmers AND bots out… enjoy the huge spike in mat prices.
4. Like it or not… these “farmers” you are hating on… are working for you! Saving you money and making some of their own at the same time.
So… next time you are at the TP getting a good deal… remember… “farmers” are part of the reason the prices are lower. Next time you see another farm go down because you reported it and ruined someone else’s income and enjoyment – supply will go down and prices will go up.
As much as you’ll all hate the logic of it… you can’t argue it. You may not like it but we are all part of of the game and we all do our part. If I spend 8hrs farming… I worked for my mats and gold… if 1000 of us spend 8hrs farming… enjoy your reasonable prices.
Just my cents,
Oh and PS: If it’s mindless or difficult, quick or time consuming… what difference does it make to you… really? CoF P1 is mindless and quick… I don’t hear people making a fuss over that.
“Dungeon Commander Icon "
I don’t understand this. WHAT.
5 man dungeon and still needs commander icon to those 4 people to follow it?
or wut the hell is DUNGEON COMMANDER!
Really not important… I was just throwing ideas around. It wasn’t as much about the icon “in” the dungeon anyway… it was more about grouping with or seeing it ‘outside’ the dungeons… like a title showing an experienced dungeon-eer vs a Pug.
My suggestions or thoughts are not and were not carved out of stone… just tossing some ideas out there… creative thinking if you will.
Thanks for taking the time to put your words together though real helpful
Take Care,
Why point system and not badges? Badges should be the way to purchase a WvW tag. Badges are WvW currency. Say 1000 badges. 1000 badges would not be hard to obtain, but getting 1000 badges would get you enough experience in WvW that should help you enough to be able to start commanding.
Also with dungeon commander tag. There is no need. That is what titles are for.
Sure… why not badges? I personally think that would be way too easy.
Reason this wouldn’t be my 1st choice at a solution would be:
You can zerg (not lead, but be part of a zerg) and earn hundreds of badges quickly and easily.
Also something that would have to be taken into consideration would be:
If you are on a winning or commonly losing server.
Doesn’t mean for sure that X person is a bad at commanding or shouldn’t be able to obtain a commander tag as easy as a server that commonly wins.
Maybe X person will be the best commander or is the best commander the server has but… because they don’t Zerg badges or do the jumping puzzle regularly… they are prevented from getting a Commander Tag as easily.
Zerg Server = Tons of Badges and in turn… more commander tag access.
Low Pop Server = Less Badges and in turn… less commander tag access.
They would have to find a way to make this fair. What that is exactly… I’m not sure.
Badges… I don’t think are the solution.
Like I mentioned a little above… the badges you get from the WvW Jumping Puzzle would define you a good leader then as well. People farm those regularly… which with badges as commander currency… the JP would count towards funds for a Commander Tag.
Thanks for the reply,
The idea is that you have to “earn” your status as a commander… show that you are a good leader or experienced. Easy, does not fit into that category. You will not find a “good” or “experienced”… manager, CEO, or boss, etc… that got their easy.
(edited by Sub Sink.4362)
Sounds to me like you want this game to become a generic WoW clone with dodging. If that’s the case then go play one of those because GW2’s goal was to NOT be that kind of game, which comes with its own issues but I for one find it much more enjoyable than spending months grinding for gear.
Hehe, no grinding in GW2 at all. Unless you want anything nice. Grind months for gold to purchase T3 Gear\Skins, Grind 6 months to a year for a (no stat bonus) legendary skin, or pay real money for in game items.
When you get to 80… you grind and grind and grind. You have no choice. If you want to play you are forced to either repeat content over and over again OR roll a new toon and repeat all content to get to 80 and repeat and grind on a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc… toon for the gear you suggest you don’t have to grind for
Grinding is grinding… well all do it… we are all essentially forced to do it… or we can stop playing. I still play… I still enjoy it… but… it is still a lot of “grinding”.
Confusing is you thinking that you don’t have to grind… though… so was Anet’s advertising and promoting as the days of grinding are over.
(edited by Sub Sink.4362)
Hello, I believe it is a good idea to create another kind of commander, commander guild, the pin that commander can only be seen by guild members. That would help a lot to improve the frequency and enjoyment of the guilds in WXW, because many do not feel prepared to command an entire server, but your guild is. We see dozens of pin commander active in LA or PVE, but WXW are all inactive. Sell one for 50 gold would be perfect.
Not a bad idea either… or at the least another angle to look at tags from.
I still strongly believe that all WvW tags should be earned in one way or another though… not purchased with gold. PvE… gold purchasable tag, no problem… all other means or suggestions should still to some sort of alternate currency (tokens, points, or # of kills) or something like that.
Thanks for your input,
yes like ‘WoW’ has
Even if it came down to opening up a couple new open world pvp servers with free transfers for awhile or whatever to populate it.
I think this was a huge part of the fun in WoW or well… once you got high enough level for revenge Ganking or taking down towns for kicks before leaving for work… made my mornings on more than one occasion.
I hear ya. My idea’s are not specific to what exactly should be done… just some idea’s to toss around and thoughts. How hard or exactly what steps or points should have been used to achieve a WvW commander tag… I do not know. What I DO know is that is shouldn’t have been gold.
Thanks for the reply and ideas,
While I agree that getting the status of commander should almost exactly follow those guidelines for WvW…. can you imagine the uproar of well-known commanders losing their tags due to an update?
Yeah, that would be the tough part. But I’m sure some brainstorming on the Dev’s end could come up with a solution or option. Or since they paid gold already for it… ALL current commanders have the option of changing the color of the map icon to PvE or WvW. Further more… and experienced WvW commanders would already have the points to spare or say at rank 100 or whatever you you auto get the tag option as a reward.
As far as PvE goes, since gold is already how you get the status, there is no need for a change here…
Map Icon color would be the change… but yeah, other than that… not much change.
I don’t see any need for a dungeon commander status…. though it might be cool to show that you are experienced in a particular dungeon when you join a pug.
I don’t either ‘really’ but was just throwing it out there. Another achievement or something to work towards etc… something else to do for those who are bored to death. As well as the pug thing. I know it would be more useful than 98% of the titles you get under your name
What would the guild commander thing be used for though?
Guild Commander icon would be very helpful in my opinion. Group leaders of challenges, puzzles, and finding bounties on the map etc… being able to see clearly who you are working with and or who is in charge would be priceless. Sure the WvW one works but… I personally have no desire to buy a WvW tag as I do not participate in WvW but it would be nice to have a Guild one for guild event organization.
Thanks for the reply and input,
(edited by Sub Sink.4362)
Commander Icons
General PVE Commander Icon = Purchasable With Gold
WVW Commander Icon = Purchasable With WVW Point System
Dungeon Commander Icon = Purchasable with Dungeon Tokens
Guild Commander Icon = Purchasable with Guild Commendations.
-Different color map Icons for each type of commander icon.
Likely late for this type of change now but… this is something that should have been separate from the start IMO.
I would like to know if the people I’m rolling dungeons with have a tag that shows they know what they are doing… same with WvW Commanders. General PvE Commanders… would be nice for zergs or general directions etc… and Guild Commanders for easy locating during guild missions and such.
Anyway… that’s it.
All the best,
D****t ANet, get your act together!!! I pay good money every month to be able to play this game wheneve…(huh?…what do you mean I don’t have to pay a monthly fee for this awesome game? uhm…)…Scratch that…let’s try again.
D****t ANet, get your act together!!! I’m sick and tired of all these server crash issues!!! Even though I don’t pay a monthly fee, having this game not be available at my conv….(huh?…what do you mean it hardly ever goes down unexpectedly? well then what am I going to nerdrage about?)…well…uhm…
Carry on, I guess.
First off… I am not raging, hating, whining, or complaining… I know these things happen and that it takes time to resolve some issues… etc…
I do want to say though… I am so sick of hearing people say idiotic things like I’ve quoted. (sorry no offense, not meant entirely at the poster)
Why you ask?
Well for one…
Just because we do not pay a monthly subscription does not mean that we should be provided with any less quality of service. We paid for a the game and their service and will continue to do so with further purchases of expansions and such if we are satisfied with the service and content provided.
ArenaNet\NcSoft decided on their own that a monthly fee was not going to be charged. If they had stated to all their customers that the quality of the service provided would be less because of this… I’m sure a great deal of us would have been happy to pay a monthly fee to receive exceptional service, bug fixes, and updates promptly.
There seems to be some misconception that ArenaNet\NcSoft does not make a substantial income in other features such as the gem store and providing things in game (with a fee) that other games with monthly subscriptions do not charge for.
The money ArenaNet\NcSoft makes from gem store purchases and other means are very likely substantially higher than the commonly charged monthly subscription in other MMO’s.
With all that said… still calm, respectful, and understanding… but lets get off the ArenaNet\NcSoft (or any company) gets a ‘get out of responsibility’ card each time something goes wrong just because we do not pay a monthly subscription.
All the best to all of you,
We are currently looking into the rewards for events like this. I will post more information on this as it becomes available. Risk vs Reward is most certainly something we are thinking about.
(3 months ago)
So how is that coming along?
Groups @ Greneth (After wipes, a failure, and multiple run backs) Rewards = Same as months ago and patches long past.
Groups @ Lyssa (After recent patch, new champ farmer and new champ 1 shotting gorilla) Rewards = The Same, though the event is MUCH harder and longer to complete.
Groups @ Jormag (After recent patch, takes so long to complete now and not more fun nobody even comes to help) Rewards = The Same, though the event is now a little harder and MUCH longer to complete.
There are more but those are the most prominent in my mind at the moment.
Those three events are something people ‘could’ enjoy but IMO… due to overzealous patching or attempts to stop farming… it’s done much more harm that good from the players stand point.
I miss feeling rewarded for a great struggle. I miss exploring across the world running into or finding a Champ you haven’t completed and with skill beating him on your own… WOW, exciting and what an accomplishment! OMG, no reward… really? Or 1 blue. Yes, it was fun… but the fun was greatly enhanced presuming that there would be a nice reward waiting for my 30min solo battle.
Anyhow… not to bash or take this off track… just something I’ve heard a lot of chatter about.
PS: I’d pay a subscription to be noticed, heard, or accommodated… and have fixes for known bugged\stuck world events (same day) – Not waiting months for a big patch.
GW2 should be 100% srs bsns…
We should have complete dark and dramatic gameplay, there should be dwarves and elves and high elfs. And darkness should come and overwhelm the world! And then when all that content is done we will introduce pandas! Wait…. Thats another game..Everything about GW2 is humorous, there was funny non serious, not dark themes since the games creation. We have mini people as pets.. We have toy dolls and skritt.. At what point did you think this game was about serious things? I believe the majority of the playerbase enjoys or tolerates the things that you and a “very few” others complain about. If you want seriousness there is COD, BF3, Crysis 3, and probably some dark MMO’s out there that better fit your style.
I’m not saying it should stop all together but the original story does not at all go retro or would quaggan backpacks have belonged in it. It’s an obvious money grab (which is fine) but it’s almost a sellout to lure people in with a rich and indepth story and then turn it into pac-man vs anime one year in.
I’m just nervous that my over 2000 hours of playtime is going to be a total waste if in another years time the game has turned into Asian game show\pokemon\gemstore when it was advertised nothing like this… dragon fighting, lush content, a living world, etc…
I respect your opinion but you’ll have to respect ours too.
I think we have close to the same amount of hours, but in my time I’ve seen things a bit differently. I see people happy with occasional fluffy items and cute things, people enjoying a change from the core dynamics of the game. Arenanet tries to please as many people as they can, they add to the game what people enjoy. From their figures on purchases and such they can deduce what sells well and what people like. Look at the SAB forums, people loved the idea, at least the majority. Stuff like this is a break from the day to day. When you are walking through a town and see a giant charr with a pink backpack, I find that absolutely funny. And that’s how most respond to it, enjoying its humor, in that it is different. Even if we do not enjoy the content, the items, the shinys, doesnt mean someone else doesn’t.
And humor goes a long way in keeping players happy, far more so than the whole dark emo universe that encompasses so many of other MMO’s. You can tell by reading just about any posts from devs and designers that we have a light hearted and humerus design/dev team. They are bringing their work (not ours) to us to enjoy. It is their decisions and direction, and I respect that even if I don’t like some or all of it. It isn’t about making a game that other people like, it is about making a game that encompasses what the designers wanted to share with the world. And beyond that, it is about adding things that others can take away from the game with joy.
There is far more to game design, development, production, creation, than just pandering to certain people. At its core the game is the vision of someone else, and you either enjoy it or you don’t.
I totally hear and understand your points and such… and do find it funny etc… I just fear there won’t be a limit on how far they will take it. Panda’s for example.
The only real complaint I have really is the amount of focus on these things vs polish and fixes on the original content or wasted content such as Southsun.
Good post\reply though.
There is “some” polish.
Also I’ve never heard anyone say “I’ve worked for several large companies in areas of restructuring” which is usually a nice word for firing people.. (See Ncsoft-Seattle)
Thanks for the reply.
1. Reading over the update link you provided. How many of the “polishes” were on the “original” content? Actually made me laugh how little polishes or fixes there were on the original content vs all the bug fixes, polishes, etc… on the newer content.
Oh and bug fixes for bug fixes… most of which are not listed (a new build is available x3 after a update) why are those so quick to fix\polish when original content is still broken a year in?
2. My employment history. Irrelevant comment. Though if you must… I was in the field of rescuing companies not firing employee’s – saving people’s jobs and futures vs ending them.
I’m a straight, male exotic dancer now… hung up the superhero cape for a even better financial future for myself and significant other. Despite my titles… I’m still not a jerk, cold, nor do I destroy peoples lives
Every time I see new content coming with soooo many daily hindrances and unfinished features etc… (if I didn’t have a lot of patience) I would have /ragequit many times over.
Rainbows, unicorns, backpacks, quaggans, retro, leather shirts… please, please, please… this is out of hand.
You know why there isn’t a All in One video game?
Because it’s a BAD idea.(generalizing, don’t rage)
You want capes… play a Superhero game.
You want Pokemon… play pokemon.
You want 80’s… play 80’s games.Mini games… cool.
Game changing content… please think.I see these retro\super weapons (cool or not) it destroys any atmosphere or feel the original world had.
GW2 will be a second hand store in no time. Piles of useless toys added into a fun semi-realistic world to a spiraling out of control helplessly unrealistic world.
I’m scared of what’s to come.
Totally agree with you my friend. The childish thing, Anet tries to add in the game is ridiculous, quaggan backpacks ? really ? kitten T3 cultural charr armor fighting zombies with a plush on his back ? the “old style” 8 bit crap ?
I hope the devs start doing some serious content and not this childish thing because this game will fail so much, even in their facebook page when the game was released it has 1kk likes, now it has 800k… numbers don’t lie. We need content, new or old polished SERIOUS content.
GW2 should be 100% srs bsns…
We should have complete dark and dramatic gameplay, there should be dwarves and elves and high elfs. And darkness should come and overwhelm the world! And then when all that content is done we will introduce pandas! Wait…. Thats another game..Everything about GW2 is humorous, there was funny non serious, not dark themes since the games creation. We have mini people as pets.. We have toy dolls and skritt.. At what point did you think this game was about serious things? I believe the majority of the playerbase enjoys or tolerates the things that you and a “very few” others complain about. If you want seriousness there is COD, BF3, Crysis 3, and probably some dark MMO’s out there that better fit your style.
I’m not saying it should stop all together but the original story does not at all go retro or would quaggan backpacks have belonged in it. It’s an obvious money grab (which is fine) but it’s almost a sellout to lure people in with a rich and indepth story and then turn it into pac-man vs anime one year in.
I’m just nervous that my over 2000 hours of playtime is going to be a total waste if in another years time the game has turned into Asian game show\pokemon\gemstore when it was advertised nothing like this… dragon fighting, lush content, a living world, etc…
I respect your opinion but you’ll have to respect ours too.
I appreciate the reply… but this is not a discussion, debate, or argument. This was a “suggestion”. I also understand this is a open forum and you and I are welcome to post\reply… which is why I courteously posted and replied.
Good Hunting.
In otherwords, this is my topic. You will not derail it. You will not say anything bad about it or discuss other options. Since I am the OP here this is a perfect suggestion and needs no other insight from other players. Now feel free to post, as long as it says good things about this idea.
Yes, you are correct. Though I was not intending to be rude as you’ve clearly suggested I was.
How many posts get locked because they turn into flame fests or totally get derailed or hijacked? LOTS. Sorry I was trying to keep this one on track or constructive if you will.
This is my post. I am allowed to try keep it on track. I am welcome to defend my ideas. It was my suggestion TO Anet… I do not have to reply or justify my answers or reasoning if I do not want to.
Just like you do not agree with my original post… I can not agree with yours OR be free to courteously tell someone that I do not want to get into a debate about it… they were just my thoughts and words.
Rather than waste his time, other peoples time, and my own I thought I would stop the way it was going before it was a debate between us two.
In all fairness… I am the OP and I am entitled to moderate the post.
Thanks though… I’m sure your comments are beneficial to everyone. Seeing the following posts… has further ‘derailed’ the post into your comments on my attempted moderation.
If you understand how larger companies work you would of listened in on the sotg videos and other interviews and know, they arn’t putting out any real new content.
I understand because I work for many large companies in area’s of structuring, restructuring, review, and managing.
My knowledge does not require or have any lack of due to not watching these video’s OR making facts out of things that have not yet happened or just promised.
Politics for example… (not a fan) I go with what facts I have, what has been done, and what is known. Not what I read, seen, or heard on the internet… etc…
I appreciate the reply… but this is not a discussion, debate, or argument. This was a “suggestion”. I also understand this is a open forum and you and I are welcome to post\reply… which is why I courteously posted and replied.
Good Hunting.
I feel as a daily player… that focus is being lost or has been.
I get the concept, have common sense, and understand how larger companies work\structure… nor am I a stranger to MMO’s and or their successes vs shortcomings.
That was my suggestion and from word of mouth… many others thoughts.
That’s all.. no hate or spouting off at the mouth.
Every time I see new content coming with soooo many daily hindrances and unfinished features etc… (if I didn’t have a lot of patience) I would have /ragequit many times over.
Rainbows, unicorns, backpacks, quaggans, retro, leather shirts… please, please, please… this is out of hand.
In a game that is geared to be so cosmetic… and Trading Post heavy… sure hard to find the things you want.
+Lack of features\options for searching on the TP is unacceptable.
+Window shopping has to be done… outside of the game for any sort of efficiency.
+The LFG feature or (lack of) and having to go to 3rd parties for this feature as well.
-It’s been a year!?
-What we will get though… more content and unpolished features further pushing the old issues to their limits of tolerance and or functionality.
You know why there isn’t a All in One video game?
Because it’s a BAD idea.
(generalizing, don’t rage)
You want capes… play a Superhero game.
You want Pokemon… play pokemon.
You want 80’s… play 80’s games.
Mini games… cool.
Game changing content… please think.
I see these retro\super weapons (cool or not) it destroys any atmosphere or feel the original world had.
GW2 will be a second hand store in no time. Piles of useless toys added into a fun semi-realistic world to a spiraling out of control helplessly unrealistic world.
I’m scared of what’s to come.
Oh and LAG. We ALL hate it.
Why add more lag inducing features until your LAG problems have been ironed out? I don’t get it. It’s not just my connection… my computer… ping or latency issues… it’s server\game side.
I have never experienced LAG in PvP… add viewing on a already tight situation… what happens… more problems.
shakes head
(edited by Sub Sink.4362)
Every time I see new content coming with soooo many daily hindrances and unfinished features etc… (if I didn’t have a lot of patience) I would have /ragequit many times over.
Rainbows, unicorns, backpacks, quaggans, retro, leather shirts… please, please, please… this is out of hand.
You know why there isn’t a All in One video game?
Because it’s a BAD idea.
(generalizing, don’t rage)
You want capes… play a Superhero game.
You want Pokemon… play pokemon.
You want 80’s… play 80’s games.
Mini games… cool.
Game changing content… please think.
I see these retro\super weapons (cool or not) it destroys any atmosphere or feel the original world had.
GW2 will be a second hand store in no time. Piles of useless toys added into a fun semi-realistic world to a spiraling out of control helplessly unrealistic world.
I’m scared of what’s to come.
(edited by Sub Sink.4362)
Oh and LAG. We ALL hate it.
Why add more lag inducing features until your LAG problems have been ironed out? I don’t get it. It’s not just my connection… my computer… ping or latency issues… it’s server side.
I have never experienced LAG in PvP… add viewing on a already tight situation… what happens… more problems.
shakes head
#1, #1, #1, and #1! before any more new features or content! Every time I see new content coming with soooo many daily hindrances and unfinished features etc… (if I didn’t have a lot of patience) I would have /ragequit many times over. #3 is right up there too.
The lack of features\options on the TP is unacceptable for how little attention it would need to make searching more efficient.
In a game that is geared to be so cosmetic… and Trading Post heavy… sure hard to find the things you want or need. Window shopping has to be done… outside of the game for any efficiency.
//as well as the LFG feature or (lack of) and having to go to 3rd parties for this feature… but I won’t get into that. We will get more gem store items or wasted content though.
This many months after launch and little to nothing has been done to enhance the TP’s search functionality. Previews… yes – thank you. Much more time consuming to do than add a couple simple but huge time saving features for us.
//again as well as the LFG features… not hard but focus is not on tuning the game to perfection rather than adding more unpolished content.
My 2 err… 5 cents.
This seems to happen after events that gather massive amounts of people. There was a Guild Bounty and Jormag in the the same area, then it happened during a guild party the other day when there was an entire guild in a newb area, and the time after that it was an area with 2 guild bounties.
I lost everything several times and its not like ANet reimburses you for the items lost, not even the commendations or even an “we’r sry,” Its more like “the games broke, deal with it.”
Same thing also happened to me. 2 commendations and the rewards were lost. It sucks but I also know these things happen sometimes. To hear nothing of it and any loss is essentially “deal with it” – That I’m not happy with.
Food\Drink Auto Consume option and the ability to turn it on or off.
Until you get to level 80 items you’re lucky to be able to make any use out of all your hard work whether it be selling or making food for yourself\guildmates.
(I’ll be generalizing a bunch here so don’t pick me or the post apart please)
For the most part other than leveling and basic use… these professions are sinkholes and without significant change they will stay this way.
The mats are mostly useless or better used elsewhere. Worse yet… crafted items are often worth nothing at all and or the mats themselves are so plentiful they aren’t even worth selling.
on with my suggestion(s):
Auto Consume option and the ability to turn it on or off.
With this feature our toons would be well fed and buffed… mats will be more in demand as food will be consumed more often… and quite possibly resurrect the cooking profession. With any luck that would also make it possible to make a little money too.
Lots of people including myself had fun with cooking and leveling it… discoveries were many and varied. All to have it fizzle out in the end to… well not much.
Same concept as my cooking suggestion but with potions. Alternatively add drinks to the recipe options. As far as I’ve heard and leveling the profession myself 98% of the potions are useless and either cost more to make than they are worth or they are simply unlikely to be used ever.
The best of the potions end up being soulbound on Acquire so the ones that could be useful or beneficial are not just account bound but actually soulbound. I’m sure there is some rhyme or reason to that but… I can’t see it.
1. Auto consume option.
2. Food AND Water?
2a. Hunger and Thirst? Even just as a reminder “I’m Thirsty or I’m Hungry” rather than a negative effect for not hydrating or eating.
That’s all… my 2c.
All the best,
(edited by Sub Sink.4362)
Johan’s Leather and Heavy (in green) are backwards. The screen makes it easy to see what I’m referring to.
That’s it.
Wow, this post really makes me shake my head. Enough so that I took the time to log in and write.
The attitude over something like this is amazing and borderline rude. Comes across like a spoiled brat.
Given I am an explorer type and have maxed all the crafts and collect recipes or anything else that my be useful that I discover along the way. In-fact I still go back to various hearts and or double check them if and when I pass them again.
Anyway I’ll get to my point as this doesn’t even really deserve my response really (sorry I don’t mean to be rude).
If you want everything scripted out for you and or a complete recipe list… consult a cookbook – that’s what ‘they’ are designed for.
Pretty sure a large part of GW2 is designed around discovery and exploration. Come to mention it… that is part of the crafting process too… I’m sure you are\were upset that there wasn’t a fully detailed manual that gave away all those secrets too. rolls eyes
Also if you want you’re MMO spoon fed to you maybe you’re playing the wrong game or genre all together?
Hopefully you’ve found some adventure and understanding since your original post.
I applaud ANET for leaving things a mystery to those who enjoy it and still enabling some to get secrets online if they so chose to do so without ruining the surprise for everyone else.
Go to the door first and read the note… then go back to him… and he’ll talk. Guess I only thought I read the guide properly.
Bump. Wondering if this was only intended to run during the event? I’ve been there for an hour trying different things and I can’t get any further. Read a ton of stuff on the internet too… no success.
Hmmh, well thank you for the clarification.
Seems weird (to me) that the Guard button is… well… 95% what looks to be under the attack button. I thought somehow I’d moved it while in a fury of combat or something.
Maybe not.
Thanks for the reports, everyone! This is an issue we’ve been tracking for a while now, and I’ve heard we may have a fix for it in the next few days. If you continue seeing it, please let us know.
2 months ago
Maybe he meant few months?
I’ve got the sound issue to but dealing with it ok… it’s fairly infrequent for me. Besides… plenty of other bugs to b**ch about
Happy squealing, popping, hissing, and or crackling
I’ll bump that. Hate not being able to use the small UI. I’m guessing if not a UI issue it’s maybe ClearType (on\off), Font Smoothing (on/off), or possibly a missing or wrong Font?
Haven’t tested my suggestions yet… been to busy playing but… couple simple suggestions\thoughts if anyone cares to try.
Good Luck,
Now you’ve been flagged for Grammar
Characters not “Charactors”.
Don’t say I never did anything for you.
Just messing with ya – take care
Is it normal for the pet action bar to be organized like this (screenshot)?
-Seems odd to me.
Is there a way to move the action bars around even?
-I know you can move and re-size some other components but these seem locked.
Maybe a hotkey to enable moving or dragging?
-Somewhat like the chat or map windows would be nice.
Worst case… is there a way to reset the UI so (if wrong) I can access all my pet actions efficiently?
Thank you for your time,
Well there wont be a poll like that because no matter the results it will be a whinefest. Here’s my take though: I am…
Happy with the game itself, although I see alot of areas for improvement (a common situation for new MMOs).
Overall I am continuing to play and have fun but realize there are some things undecided that Anet could take in a direction I support or wouldnt support (in which case I would stop playing). The trend is overall positive.
I hear you and my opinion and understanding leads me in the same direction.
So many points and details to it as why (with a poll) I was suggesting a poll with 3 choices or even 5 (would be Anets discretion obviously).
No comments. Just a poll.
The forum is for comments… a poll is for voting.
-not meant snarky… just a clarification.
(edited by Sub Sink.4362)
I got d\c off a Overflow server over halfway through the event. When I logged back in I assumed I would be back on the same Overflow server – I was wrong.
When I returned I was logged into a different Overflow server. Ok, the problem is…. the server that I was returned to was at best 1/4 of the way through.
I had to redo a decent chunk of the (slow) process and only rewarded once but… better than people that got nothing at all.
Multi-Boxing would have had it’s benefits in this one I guess.
I think it’s a reasonable request… if Anet would like the public to see the results… that’s another story. Good or Bad… the results would speak for themselves.
Preferences: (not required, but come to mind when choosing).
-West Coast, Pacific Standard Time, or Reasonable.
-A ‘Community’ not ‘Hardcore’.
-Maybe PVE based… but not limited to.
-Members willing to Duo, Group, or just Hang Out.
-Mature, but not stuck up.
-Humor and or Good\Fun Attitudes are a MUST… life is too serious as it is – keep it fun.
Anyhow… there is a rough idea of what I’m looking for or want to create.
Numbers don’t always make a good guild or I’d just look for the guild with the highest amount of members. A good base of players and moderately managed Roster can create a Solid, Strong, and Successful Guild\Home\Community.
Thank you for your time.
-Sea of Sorrows
[I have a guild I created just for personal guild bank space called “West Coast Originals” (WCO) which we can build up or happy to hop on board of another if what I’m looking for is out there]
To better understand the sheer volume of (game related) satisfaction vs being unsatisfied with it… all consolidated it to one simple poll for everyone to see and vote.
I think, it would beneficial.
Something such as:
1. Happy with the game, service, and all it’s contents.
2. Unsatisfied with the game and level of customer service.
3. Frustrated and on the verge of quitting the game for good.
I can’t create a poll and I’m sure the vote options could be fine tuned but I general I think this would be a great way to implement a poll based ‘customer feedback’ option.
Feel free to comment (in short) or even vote… not the most efficient way but it’s the only option unless Anet agrees and implements a poll question.
Thank you Anet and all of the players for your time, input, and good hunting… in which ever world you choose.
All the best,
-Sea of Sorrows
Maybe this post should be moved into a ‘General’ area. Though the replies and topics are appreciated… I mistakenly posted in the “Lost Shores” section.
What I was going for was maybe more like Overall Game Experience VS specifically related to Lost Shores content.
Also not meant to be a Flame Fest.
I am not for or against Anet.
Polls are generally for statistics and results – not comments. You have a right to vote and to be anonymous in doing so.
done edit
(edited by Sub Sink.4362)
So to verify… this bug is supposedly squashed?
I have issues forging the items to even get the Recipe for the “Berserker’s Draconic Armor Box”.
After grinding all the gold, mats, and making the chest piece etc… I cannot forge the items for the recipe
I am trying to combine:
20 Crystal Shards
5 Bottles of Elonian Wine
50 Mystic Coins
1 Berserker’s Draconic Coat
Forging the items seems to be impossible as it stays greyed out and I’ve tried many combos etc….
Thanks in advance for any input,
(edited by Sub Sink.4362)