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Charr should have been the main enemy. Undead are boring and repetitive.

in Lore

Posted by: Sverre.3590


Black and white is boring for a story, and in retrospect, humans are far worse than charr. In fact, all conflict in the entirety of GW1 came from humans and their gods. If humans hadnt misused the magic the gods granted them, the gods wouldnt have had to limit them through the bloodstones, and if the gods hadn’t had to limit the magic of the mortals, abbadon wouldn’t have rebelled and then fallen, after witch sending the titans to lead the charr against the human civilizations, drive shiro mad, and attempting to end the world in Nightfall. In fact, humans are the source, indirectly or directly, of all conflict on Tyria, everything was fine until they came into being.

Humans arrogance is what lead to their downfall more than the charr. Frankly i see abbadon sicking the charr on them as karma, past deeds catching up to them. In addition humans had the biggest, most powerful kingdoms in existance, how is it that a broken race of “savages” utterly crushed them? Seems that humans thought themselves so untouchable that they never even thought something would rise to challenge them. Play the start of GW1 and you will so how lax and arrogant the residents of ascolon are before the searing

Even in EotN, charr weren’t depicted as inherently evil, cause frankly that wouldn’t make for a convincing plot, there need to be greys within sides of a good story.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sverre.3590


The crying is to get the attention of the devs to address a problem most gamers are having with their product, that’s the point.

can I write this? or will this get trashed too? worst treatment I have ever experienced from an online game company.

“most gamers”? you do realize that the people posting on the forums, as with WoW, are a very small minority of the actual community. Theres maybe what 300 people who cry or troll here on a regular basis? there are over 1 million copies of the game sold already. “most gamers” are simply the same very vocal minority of any online game who cry and whine about everything they can, most of which don’t make any logical sence in the first place. Do you need to grind for max stat/viable gear? no they can all be bought, crafted, collected and crafted for you or exchanged for karma. Do you need to grind for the best looking gear ie Complete explorable dungeon sets? yes.

Repair costs to high? don’t go through 30s in deaths every dungeon and you wont be bothered. Dont like the reward nerf? Maybe just do a different path/ easy mode story dungeon every 15min and you wont be bothered and not the same thing repeatedly. As far as i’ve seen every dungeon in the game is doable without corpse congoing, so there’s no need to just do one path in the first place, you may, god forbid, have to learn how to play the game.

When does it stop?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sverre.3590


Its only a grind because you make it one, in fact many of the people who complain about the grind are desperately trying to make the game as grindy as possible. If you’d rather do the same 15min-30min of content non stop for the hardest gear in the game to get, than exploring any other possible option to get max stat gear( which isn’t hard, getting a set of non dungeon exotics takes very little effort) than that’s your fault.

If you cant be bothered to do more than one path in the span of 30 min in any explorable dungeon or maybe just breeze through a different story dungeon, then you don’t get as good of a reward, boo hoo. You think repair costs are to high? If you die enough to break your armor more than 3 times over and lose more than 30 silver you have other problems, stop corpse running your way through all the encounters and l2p.

In defense of Anet

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sverre.3590


The main problem i’m finding is that everyone whining in the forums seem to think dungeons are the games main source of end game gear, it isn’t, not by a long shot. Anyone can buy a full set of exotic gear simply running story mode dungeon for the money at the end, farm materials to get them crafted, or simply spending karma to get the max stat gear. From the look of it allot of people here seemed to have hit 80 and decided to go farm a full set of dungeon gear, dungeon gear wasnt meant to be the first set you get, it was meant to be exactly like all the other pieces of armor that are far easyer to get, except for its looks. Anet stated that gear would not require a grind, and it doesn’t, i have a full set of exotic gear and most of it i bought with karma/gold, but if you want a full set of the top armor that looks the best, you have to grind for that.

Any argument about the end reward nerf or rapair costs are just nonsensical in themselves. Personaly when repairing my armor after one piece has broken it costs 10-13 silver, you get 30 silver at the end of any explorable, if you seriously died enough to break your armor more than 3 times over i fail to see how that’s the games fault, stop corpse running and l2p. As for rewards, if you run a story mode/explorable mode in less than 30min and cannot be bothered to either do a different story dungeon (which are all easy imo) or just do a different explorable path, and would rather do the exact same content over and over, then you are making yourself grind by refusing to play any other part of the game, again, not the games fault.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sverre.3590


Why am i surprised most forum posters are so over critical? Seriously this change was greatly needed. So you can’t spam the same path over and over to rush your exotic gear. So? God forbid you have to actually explore the explorable dungeons to get proper rewards. Many people here seem to think that constantly repeating dungeons is the only way to get gear, i myself have a full set of exotic gear and only half of it is from dungeons.

Stop throwing a fit because you think that there isn’t any way for you to ever get gear or gold just because you can’t repeat the same 30 min to 1 hour of content to get it. It’s only a grind if you try to make it one. The game isn’t going to hold your hand, hand you charity loot, and tell you how special you are because the exact same armor as everyone else. If you really feel that the content isn’t fun, fine no one is forcing you to play the minority of the pve content, nor are you currently paying any money to do so, but don’t expect to get everything you want if you don’t put a little effort into it.

Besides, its not like the content is going anywhere, if another update comes out all the dungeon exotics you get wont suddenly become worthless because there’s another teir of dungeons you need to slog through to keep competitive. Experiment, try other paths, other character builds or team combinations, run dungeons to run dungeons, not to gear up.

The majority of the complaining being done on here is not the difficulty increase, its the notion of GRINDING in a game advertised as a NON-GRINDING GAME. It’s really that simple.

You act like you have to do the same dungeon exclusively to get a specific set of armor with the stats you want, several dungeons have the same stat combinations and any other pieces can be found, bought or made. Sure you wont look as pretty and you may not look how you want but looks are where the non-grinding ends, they have stated before that cosmetics will be difficult to acquire. Grinding is usually the idea the you must do dungeon A to do dungeon B to do Dungeon C, forum goers here seem to thing “Grinding” is “doing the content and getting the rewards slower than i want”.

(edited by Sverre.3590)

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sverre.3590


Why am i surprised most forum posters are so over critical? Seriously this change was greatly needed. So you can’t spam the same path over and over to rush your exotic gear. So? God forbid you have to actually explore the explorable dungeons to get proper rewards. Many people here seem to think that constantly repeating dungeons is the only way to get gear, i myself have a full set of exotic gear and only half of it is from dungeons.

Stop throwing a fit because you think that there isn’t any way for you to ever get gear or gold just because you can’t repeat the same 30 min to 1 hour of content to get it. It’s only a grind if you try to make it one. The game isn’t going to hold your hand, hand you charity loot, and tell you how special you are because the exact same armor as everyone else. If you really feel that the content isn’t fun, fine no one is forcing you to play the minority of the pve content, nor are you currently paying any money to do so, but don’t expect to get everything you want if you don’t put a little effort into it.

Besides, its not like the content is going anywhere, if another update comes out all the dungeon exotics you get wont suddenly become worthless because there’s another teir of dungeons you need to slog through to keep competitive. Experiment, try other paths, other character builds or team combinations, run dungeons to run dungeons, not to gear up.