Showing Posts For SwiftWing.8192:

When does the Halloween Event end?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SwiftWing.8192


Still no word on when the event ends? I just can’t believe how Anet is being complacent. There’s just no reason for Anet to not know when the event is ending. And for Anet to not share that information is just ridiculous.

Group stealth and culling in wvw.

in WvW

Posted by: SwiftWing.8192


Culling is in their priority list; it just isn’t at the top of the list. I really don’t understand the real problem. Why don’t they just give us stick figures if rendering is an issue. At least that way we know what’s in front of us. I could care less how things look if I’m dead all the time.

11/23: BP/AR/GOM Matchup

in WvW

Posted by: SwiftWing.8192


So here’s the math.

If each server was to hold exactly an even amount of points distributed between all of the maps, they would hold 231.67 tally points every 15 mins. Each home BL is worth 145 pts. EB is worth 260. If you split EB in half and add SM into the numbers plus your home BL you’d tick 292.50 pts (293) every 15 mins. Considering that if all servers had an equal share at 231.67 (232) if you hold all of your home BL plus 1/2 of EB and SM, and you managed to keep all of it without it turning over (flipping)….you could win a weekly matchup.

That’s the numbers in a perfect situation and I wasn’t incorrect. Now in the “real world” that’s not going to happen. However, using those numbers you can see just how little you have to control in order to stay ahead. Yes there is a severe problem in lack of populations and the numbers become skewed relatively easily by the “winning” side, but it is all a sliding scale as to what you need to control and when you need to control it in order to get ahead or catch up or whatever you’re in it for.

I disagree. In a perfect situation, all three servers would have an equal share of EB. The only thing that would differentiate the three servers would be who can control Stonemist the most during tally times.

11/16/12 : GOM - AR - BP (updated)

in WvW

Posted by: SwiftWing.8192


Well, a few things can key you into if someone is lower level and not a “fully decked out level 80”. The gear someone has is a pretty good indicator of approximate level, and of course the large green arrow by the name is a give away too.

The gear is not a good indication of level since gears can be transmuted.

I’ll give you the arrow point. It does indicate that the player is not level 80 yet. And therefore cannot be fully decked out level 80.

11/16/12 : GOM - AR - BP (updated)

in WvW

Posted by: SwiftWing.8192


Hey Borlis Pass, [CS]

I just want to congratulate you on your ability to 10 vs 1 a level 3 Ele in the EB jumping Puzzle. I mean, i walked past you guys with the intent to just do the jumping puzzle but clearly your might had to be shown. I really was impressed with how fast you took me out and proceeded to T-Bag my little Asuran face.

Glad to see PvP etiquette hasn’t evolved past Halo.

Please tell everyone how anyone in the other team is supposed to know that you were a level 3 and not a fully decked out level 80. I’d really like to know.

11-9-2012: {GoM}|{Borlis Pass}|{Anvil Rock}

in WvW

Posted by: SwiftWing.8192


I am wrong. GoM didn’t move up a tier.

11-9-2012: {GoM}|{Borlis Pass}|{Anvil Rock}

in WvW

Posted by: SwiftWing.8192


GoM might be moving to the next level while Sorrow’s Furnace moves down one. I think Devona’s Rest will still be in the same tier. So it will be Sorrow’s Furnace (green), Anvil Rock (blue), and Borlis Pass (red).

Newb Question

in Crafting

Posted by: SwiftWing.8192


You can leave your items in the collections. I believe you have to move the bank items to your bag.

Also, make it easier on yourself and use the deposit all crafting items from the inventory window’s option menu.

10/26 Gates of Madness vs Borlis Pass vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: SwiftWing.8192


I cannot speak for the rest of the server but I’d just like to apologize to the server that was getting spawn camped. I am from Borlis Pass and I do not approve of such tactics even if there are two other exits. Unfortunately, I am a mere soldier, not one of the leaders, so I don’t have much say in the matter of strategy. Again, I am only speaking for myself…sorry.

Can we please not bring WvW down 1hr after reset?

in WvW

Posted by: SwiftWing.8192


That’s what I don’t understand. Why don’t they stop WvW one hour before reset to do their maintenance? They take almost 30 minutes to setup the new matches, so why not takedown WvW one hour before reset and do all that?

19/10/2012 Emery Bay vs. Anvil Rock vs Borlis Pass

in WvW

Posted by: SwiftWing.8192


Just sounds to me that a green player is annoyed that the red team isn’t backing down on green’s supposed superiority.

When queues are full the score is pretty even

in WvW

Posted by: SwiftWing.8192


Queues get full? I’ve never heard of one.

So what you are saying is that the lower tier servers can keep up with any of the top tier servers as long they can keep their “queue” full? Thereby negating all skills, etc, etc, etc. In the immortal words of Mr. Spock, “Fascinating!”

WvW capacity

in WvW

Posted by: SwiftWing.8192


Hi all,

Does anyone know what the maximum capacity of WvW is? Is the max capacity shared between the three servers? Or does each server have their own maximum?

Thanks for any information shared.

Logout Function in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SwiftWing.8192


I don’t do sPvP so I wasn’t aware that leaving the mists returns you to your original location. Thanks for the info. It might actually be faster to go to mists to return back to original location.

Logout Function in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SwiftWing.8192


You can get back to your PvE spot by going to the character selection screen (Log out>Character Select) and going back in. You will be placed at the location before you joined WvW.