Showing Posts For Tales.3105:

January 26th Update: Your feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tales.3105


My feedback is about how feedback actually works.

It’s great you guys ask for feedback. I really do appreciate that. However if you hang out in the forums long enough you start to feel that the feedback isn’t going anywhere. This needs to be more of an ongoing and reciprocal conversation. Out of our feedback I would expect a post addressed to the player base saying " We heard you on the following points, we will be looking into them as resources allow. [followed by a list of points]." Then perhaps later or with the same post: “Points 3,7,12, and 15 are going to be a higher priority for us. Points 5,8, and 9 may not be something that is possible. Again this information is tentative and subject to change.”

I understand the player base takes things literally so you have to be carful what you say. But it feels like we have all these threads about good feedback and very little comes out of them. I’m not sure what this disconnect is but it has become apparent to anyone that frequents the forums.

If you read this I genuinely thank you for your time and thank you for making a great game. I hope we can work together to keep it that way.

I understand your thoughts, and perhaps we will be able to do that for some topics in the future; I agree it would be great! But what’s important to note is that we all — as forum members — have a certain level of visibility into our how feedback is handled simply by our participation here on the forums and our involvement in the game.

Here’s what I mean: I’ve seen the request for “gliding in central Tyria” hundreds of times on the forums. I’ve heard it in the game a hundred times, too! So when I see it come to the game, as a player and a forum member I know that ArenaNet listened to player/forum member feedback. I don’t need someone to come and tell me that, I can actually see it in the update notes and in the game.

So while I’m not discounting — believe me, I would be absolutely the last person to discount the potential or the value of further communication; trust me on that! — I like to think of an old expression that my granny said, “The proof is in the pudding.” In this case, take that odd expression to mean that we, as players and forum members, can see through actual game development that the feedback that we give is being read, reviewed, analyzed, and often implemented!

Again I do love communication, and I positively adore when devs post, or when they ask me to post on their or their team’s behalf. But I’m also aware that communication comes through many forms, including that demonstration through actual game changes. And because of that, I like the idea of productive threads like this, which you should know will be shared with every single member of the ArenaNet team as highly-suggested reading.

Anyway, I hope that makes sense. It’s just a personal opinion, but I like to think it has a certain logic.

But the fact that the game’s design decisions is questionable on certain aspects, especially on the class balancing and the lack on feedback from the devs makes it even worst. It would only result in a witch hunt.

Especially when we players actually do spend quite a fair bit of cash on this game.

Don’t get me wrong, when you guys do things right, we all do appreciate it. Gliding in Tyria, Shatterer etc.

I always thought of GW2 as a game where every class and every build should be viable, picking a thief should be just as accepted as picking a elementalist.

However, it doesn’t seemed to be the case. I’m a PvE mesmer main. I used to have fun with whatever build I churn up with (staff, sword + focus support mesmer build) despite the demand for zerkers back then. But now with raids and other high end stuff. I got to stick to the demands of alacrity up keep (which by the way I am still having fun with). Then it gets nerfed.

So. What is it that the devs are aiming for? Mesmer to be a pure support class which provides so much utility that it does no damage? Because I can live with that. But now it more like I neither do damage nor provide as much utility in PvE.

(edited by Tales.3105)

January 26 Patch Notes - Thoughts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tales.3105


I’m a PvE Mesmer and I don’t really find the patch really help. We don’t really have much damage and the alacrity nerf kinda hurts. Scepter is not really helpful considering the damage output just isn’t good and clones are sometimes a hindrance E.g. Mai Trin. So we tend to avoid using scepter. 5% increase attack speed doesn’t help cover the nerf we are getting.

How's guardian/dragonhunter

in Guardian

Posted by: Tales.3105


So far I’m not getting sick of my Berserker DH yet in PvE. Though the dmg is so-so but for me its still fun if you like what you are building. Everything in Guardian is pretty mediocre I guess. So everything goes for it. Which makes it whats fun for me Since swapping stuff around results in probably similar results, so I run what I like as and when. But the more elite people are not really happy about it though. My main is a Chronomancer, but I am enjoying my time as a DH for an alternative.

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Tales.3105


There you go. My Beloved Dragon hunter <3


Questions for Knight Build for Chrono

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tales.3105


I’m running Condibunker and I’m loving it. But I might want to switch it up a little for Raid. I have a zerker set, but I don’t really like it. Too fragile for my taste.

I was wondering if knight set would work?

Any opinions or experience with knight.

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tales.3105


Really good. I almost regret not buying that outfit. Norn Aristocracy indeed. If only you could display a monocle while wearing this, amirite? The only way you could make it better imo.

Hehe thats what I’m going for xD Thanks Yeah a Monocle or a top hat that doesn’t shave your hair would be cool lol.

Hey mesmer community. I’ve polished My fav mesmer Choristantha’s outfits from the original post just a bit over time. I love the Jungle Explorer outfit, wearing that typically now a days.

Also: is it just me or was ArenaNet holding back when they were showing off this jungle? I had to remind myself that it was an MMO in a couple of locations.(Jaka Itzel for example) No need to re-touch anything. Just Guild Wars 2, maximum everything.


Love your Screen shots as well. I like both versions. The Jungle Explorer looked sick nice.

(edited by Tales.3105)

State of mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tales.3105


May i have your condition build ? Please
Trying to build one myseft

Ehh I didn’t bother with Underwater lol…

Sigils is really of your choice, I used earth and agony I believe.

But yeah. The Signet can be changed to another well of your choice. But I’d prefer Signet of Inspiration for the random aegis and they changed the Signet now, you get always get swift on top of another random buff

(edited by Tales.3105)

State of mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tales.3105


I’m a Condi Shattermancer for PvE and I’m loving every second of it. Though everyone insist that Zerker mesmer is the way to go.

Your Alacrity its close to permanent state all the time and you can survive better with mobs without risking everything hitting you like a truck. (Shifting continuum split to about 45 seconds-50 seconds which means more Time Warp for teammates).

Sure, you trade off some dps for survivability since you damage out put comes from condi which takes time to stack and proc. But I actually prefer it.

To each his own though.

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tales.3105


My Mesmer Its all about the suave Luphine Coalhart


How do you use your Continuum Split

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tales.3105


Depends On Situation for me. This is what I tend to do.

Party/Meta Events – Continuum Split + Time Lapse
Wait for cool down for Continuum Split again after you Time Lapsed. This ensures you have a time lapse roughly around every 50-60 seconds(with good upkeep of alacrity). 2x Time Lapse for finisher to end what ever bosses you are fighting.

Solo PvE – Continuum Split + 2x Gravity Well
The Cooldown for Gravity Well is around the same time as Continuum Split, so I double Gravity Well away if needed.

Thats how I usually use F5

Hearts and Minds (spoilers) - advice?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tales.3105


I soloed it with my Mesmer, so I don’t think surviving is that big an issue in terms of stats. Essentially I just keep kiting in circles lol. Once in a while, stop and do a huge attack on the blighted, then start running again till CD is over. You don’t really hit Mordremoth that much really lol. Fly to the sky, survive, rinse and repeat. It very similar to fighting Eir if you pick Braham, Gram is the blighted, and Eir is mordremoth. Except that swirling Aoe, run next to Mordy himself and kite in circles again and again.

[Spoiler Alert]A grand funeral[Spoiler Alert]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tales.3105


You might want to add spoiler alert in the topic.


[Spoiler Alert]A grand funeral[Spoiler Alert]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tales.3105


I feel the lack of closure for Trahearne and HoT in general. Maybe its just me but well, after an intense fight with potato mordy, I was kinda sad that the ending was just watching glittering lights entered the egg and poof, thats it lol. Even the survivor NPCs doesn’t seemed to be sad about his death.

I don’t know, i hate Trahearne at first, but he kinda grew on me (lol, pun unintended) and I actually am genuinely sad over his death.

Is there a problem with this Mesmer Build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tales.3105


I was going for this current build for mesmer. I’m really liking it since it provide me with lots of HP and dmg, however I just can’t seem to be able to handle mobs properly and to be honest. I was hoping to go for the tankie DPS kind of build. I mean kiting and bossing is great. However it seems like something is wrong in my build.

My phantasms are hitting like a truck, my damage is decent too. Should I invest in more armour instead? o.O

My duelist hits 1-2k dmg per bullet, Blurred Frenzy hits about 1k-1.5k per strike. So on average with 3 duelist if prolonged enough I hit about 6-7k dmg whenever my phantasms attack. Berserked deal 2-3k per spin =\

I go for werewolf form as it nukes up to 3k-5k dmg when crit and gives me ridiculous lifesteal when mobbing,

PS. I just reached 80 so I don’t have any exotic gear yet =\

Meanwhile, bossing in this build is pretty strong.

Downside is that my phantasms die almost instantly xD Lol… What do you guys think?


(edited by Tales.3105)