The living story was indeed the focus of my post because it is the only updated content lately. However transient.
My concern is for the game itself but the way updates are seemingly repeated with a different coat of paint via living story was a good demonstration of that concern. Grinding could also be demonstrated via the dungeon reward tokens for a set and weapons, just off the top of my head, and not just the tedious living story achievements. No doubt there are countless other examples.
General discussion was my preference because we are concerned about the game as a whole. Living Story is perhaps just a symptom. Moderation can put it wherever they want it to go.
I simply want the developers to know that many players, clearly, had high hopes for Guild Wars 2 and the current direction does not seem to be meeting those hopes.
I am deeply regretful that it has gotten to a point where truely enjoyable content and story along with the world at large seems ignored.
The best example of that is that it seems to be the Scarlet show. The update content comes across as lazy (same tasks, different skin) and EVERYTHING is Scarlet. That’s not very deep. She is feeling like a retroactively added deus ex machina character.
An update schedule of every two weeks may be the reason that it seems to many of us that corners are being cut. While I cannot speak to the actual design team’s methods the underwhelming and un-engaging content that results speaks for itself.
As Jaymee pointed out, we have seen so much more from the ANet team. I held them in the highest regard. Palawa Joko and our former selves having released him on the world is a treasure trove of story but for a future time.
This thread was meant as constructive criticism and I appreciate that a lot of the posts here have echoed concern and similar reactions to recent content in a generally positive way.
This thread got far more response than I expected. I never intended any, actually, just a note that the way things are going now is not cutting it for some of us.
Thank you all for caring about the game. It is a good community and it was a great game. I long to feel that love again.
The content is so very temporary. Though I applaud the effort to provide new content it generally is not feeling fresh or original. It feels forced. I feel like I’m visiting a tourist attraction rather than a participant in the world.
Lasting effects are cosmetic changes to weapons and perhaps armour but nothing lore wise.
The exception: The lead-up to the tower of nightmares was well done. Changes to the world. Kasmede and Marjory investigating. Mystery. Then Kessex Hills changed significantly. This has been only an exception. I hope this does mean that things are changing.
The tidbit in the fractal story that Scarlet mentions is nice. A glimmer of hope but I know players that didn’t notice because I have heard them say they feel that the writing is no longer worth paying any attention to.
My deepest regret is that this game and world that I love feels neglected and uninteresting and I actually cringe when the weekend arrives and I feel obligated to log in for a guild event. I then leave as quickly as possible.
There was a time when I was in GW2 as much as possible. Breathing in the richness of the world. Exploring and feeling that the world was alive. I no longer feel that.
This makes me incredibly sad. To feel that GW2 is dying and that my interest started waning before even a single year was done.