Showing Posts For Tangleknot.8605:

Tyria Mastery Points.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


Wow… I just got back to GW2 and although I have the base game and I’ve considered getting HOT. But I just haven’t read or seen a lot of good things about it… Maybe I’ll wait until it goes on sale.

I dislike BLC & Skins drop rate

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


I had planned to buy keys for these skins but when I found there was a 2% drop rate, I decided not to get scammed. At this rate you need 50 keys per skin! To even get a chance at getting a good skin, you need to drop ~$100. These items are for the rich players, the 1% the rest of us who don’t have this sorta disposable income will not/cannot be support this buisness practice.
At a 20% rate I would have bought keys, Anet could have made $30 from me, and probobly a lot of other players.

Black Lion Chests ... ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


Most of us have tripple digit chest stacks laying around in our banks. Your not alone.

Heritage + Abyss dye, need pic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


I’m not sure if this will help you but this is the best dye guide I know of.

Good luck

Would it be cheaper spending $70 to get the greatsaw?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


BTW if you have time to farm events for ~6 hours you should easily be able to buy that skin and save $60.

Would it be cheaper spending $70 to get the greatsaw?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


^Yeah and gem prices keep going up! Convert gems to gold this weekend while the prices are high and wait until after the weekend to get a better deal on your skin. Most rare skins are 20g on the TP now and thier prices are steadly dropping.

Best way to make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


My advice,
Buy a rare set of Explores (MF gear) for cheap, rune it up with pirate or travelers runes and snag some cheap food tarts/ bars and go to orr. Find a location like Shelter/ jofast/penitant, or the robot and farm events events. Get a full 5 person group (manditory!) and you’ll make 3-4 gold an hour doing dynamic events (this assumes your selling rares and dyes on trading post, and greys/blues/and greens to the vendor).
Good luck!

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


The community is great! And I’m sure the no carrot-on-a-stick has a lot to do with it. Those who were looking for a game to gear grind and show off their kitten have left, or are leaving, and those of us who enjoy playing this game because its fun, remain.

Magic Find: No Significant Benefits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


I don’t have a snazzy graph but i’m now fairly convinced MF actaully works.
I’ve been farming the Shelter/ Penitant Events for the last week with my epic maxed-out MF gear and a food boost. On avarage I get about 1 rare per event.
Today started off the same (1 rare per event). I then used a 1 hour MF boost from the Black lion trading… 3 rares per event on average.
After the hour was over I switched to another epic set with no MF, and got a ton of loot but only 1 rare in 1.5 hours.
When farming for rares and gold I found MF is important, however doing enough dps to achieve a “Hit” (% damage need to warrant drop and exp from a mob) is more important. If your attacks don’t register a hit in, you get no loot what-so-ever. Thats why grouping up is important, your party helps you do damage to mobs.

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


I know of game that has lots of skills, and a gear grind you might like.
It even has pandas
Seriously though, some people need lots of skills and grinds to make their expeience seem rewarding. GW2 isn’t one of those games. You play it cause its fun, if its not fun then its time to stop playing it.

Should I delete/remake character of the same class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


Remember you can buy 3 more character slots, 800 gems or convert 3 gold.
As for the warrior, keep dumping points in deffense! I soloed my warrior to 80, taking on 2-3 mobs of higher level or 4-5 mobs on normal level.
When I gather in Orr now I don’t even bother to kill the undead, I have trail of’em behind me while I harvest ore or herbs.
Also Norn might seem slow but the juggernaught and bear forms have a charge… You can get moving pretty fast.

Fireworks and Bots!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


From wiki:

Charice (Shire of Beetletun)
Diessa Plateau
Radarr Boommaker (near Bucherblock waypoint)

Fireworks and Bots!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


Yesturday we have 5 bots running circles outside of Shleter’s Waypoint – Cursed shore. Why they chose a such obvious location and with such a small loop is beyond me, but then the fireworks went off.
Someone dropped “Fireworks” in their path. They imediatly picked them up like loot, but unlike loot Fireworks change your task bar (rather than going in your bag). Seconds later all the bots were running around targeting mobs and shooting red, blue, and green fireworks in the air.
So if you guys have bot in your area and you want to put the little bugger to work drop some fireworks, only 32 copper each!

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


Sad to hear you don’t like it. Rift has a very grindy PVP gear system, maybe you’ll like that one more?