Showing Posts For Tekillya.6529:

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tekillya.6529


I think all the suggested ideas are great. But unless something is implemented soon, I will need to take a break. I am at the stage where I log in and look at my beautiful characters….just look, see what in on the TP look at a way point that will cost me to much to get there…and log out. I feel bored. They have made the most stunning game with amazing leveling, new concepts in dungeons, great jumping puzzles, fun pvp, explored mykitten off, tried new professions, new crafting. But all have run their course. I and the 65 others in my guild have hit a brick wall. We are all fans of this game we have a website, fb page you name it! No content in pve beyond 80 other than dungeon grinds is not enough. Pvp is now stale and boring. Sorry fan boys (I am one) but with harsh words I need to say I will come back now and then, but until something more is added I cannot grind over and over:(
I think gw2 is the best game in its class, it just lacked enough content, sorry arenanet I want to love this soooo much.
Thank you all for reading and I hope to see you all again soon when new content is put in the game. Have fun:)

Am I the only one that hates the Ele elites?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tekillya.6529


I think Summoning an Elemental should be up all the time, just like a hunter pet, then maybe we could stand a chance! And then have the elites on top of that!

Elementalist. The worst independent Profession

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tekillya.6529


We should get way points for free being this class as I have lost over a gold on them grr

The problem of the elementalist:

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tekillya.6529


Agree with all points.
I was in the very first beta and have been in all since Jan.
They felt so powerful in the betas, and honestly still do up to about level 30…oddly where most people got to in the time the betas would let us.
It is almost like around the level 50 to 80 it losses all grunt, this might be to lack of any testing at such a high level against other high levels and matching combos with others in high dungeons. Lack of feedback may contribute to the lack luster of this class at high levels.
Dragons tooth is terrible at high levels as is the casting time on 90% of spells as mentioned.
The fact there is a cooldown on attunment swapping is below par when weapon swapping for other classes is smooth and instant!. Why are we being penailzed, we should be able to switch between them fluidly. At least let us weapon swap, there is no flow with swapping. And the Air one drives me mad when I switch to it to get a run boost and it hits a yellow urgh!
The protection spells, need to last longer for us to survive, if we are not going to get some sort of dps buff!
As now…we cannot tank, we are no glass cannon and other classes buff and add boons in dungeons…so why even use a elementalist.
Please listen to us as you have some great suggestions here, or at least respond to us as in the future of this class, if you feel it is ok or if you are going to address some of these issues we are experiencing.
For now I am leveling a OP ranger, I love they have a tank pet to protect them lol

Engineers...turret issue

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tekillya.6529


Ok is it just my server, but I find it so annoying how at events that spawn regularly there are like 12 to 20 engineers just set up with turrets sitting there constantly firing and waiting for the event to spawn…just farming away. I am sure these guys are afk gold spammers!

I look at "The Endgame Reimagined"...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tekillya.6529


Why can’t some games just be difficult? Tetris is. So is Super Meat Boy. Just because every other mmo spoon feeds you with “Epics” after successfully bashing 123 for 10mins doesn’t mean Arenanet has to follow suit.

This is what they make it, it’s you that has to beat their game. No one whined to Nintendo that Super Mario was too difficult.

Super Meat Boy is stupid-wtf-nochance hard. It’s still one of the best games I’ve played.

Have you seen the Indy game movie at all? It is all about how those 2 guys made that game Edmund McMillen and programmer Tommy Refenes , and the launch of it, a amazing doco! Has the maker of Braid and FEZ

Waypoints when dead.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tekillya.6529


Venator I 100% agree!
I am the sort of player that loves to explore. I like to craft and play a slower game.
I like to run around looking at things and taking in the stunning game that GW2 is,
I like to go back to base to craft and use the bank. This cost silver lots of it!
I like to farm, then craft, so being out and about then having to wp home is expensive, well run I hear you say…then you have just given a reason to have MOUNTS!
As for me spending 30 mins running and fighting my way to a crafting station is not great fun for me.
I got up to 2 gold buy selling stuff and leveling yay, but to only do some farming and crafting and waypointing and look at my inventory to see it is now 98 silver wtf!

They have said this game offers varied experiences for all. Not all want to pvp, not all want to fight constant mobs all the time, they have said some like to explore and enjoy crafting…well you are punishing us:(

I look at "The Endgame Reimagined"...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tekillya.6529


I am finding that in some dungeons there are simple ways around these mobs. NOW I am no expert. So if you want to pick this apart then be my guest. Just offering some friendly suggestions, that we have found works:)
I agree with creepjack and being prepared with food buffs and the right weapons for situations and a good make up.
Take CM for instance on explore mode. For some great ways to get around stuff. Looking for the butler option I think it is.
First mobs are quite kite-able and do tend to target the first person to attack, so a melee is handy with a Eli/Necro heal comb they are easy to keep up. Along with Eli’s dropping vulnerability!! This is essential.
We found that the eli could easily take out the ranged (in all corridors and the long one after the 2nd boss with the traps) as their ranged was be far better than the npcs, we just sat down and waited this she was finished.
We ran around the large mobs.
We stood under scaffolding to take out ranged above us etc etc
Test out some things, we were surprised how easy that dungeon was when we mixed up our weapons and took in a good support combo team.
Then TA, we again used the eli range to take out far npcs, ran around the dogs. 2nd boss we got the eli to kite the spiders in air and we all took out the boss. We waited to see if there were pats before running in etc.
Most people who have done these now have some great advice.
Also stacking on top of each other is another great way to utilize buffs/shields/healing.
There is a lot of running back and people kiting till you get there. the distance sometimes is a killer!

BUT the cost for damages is a lot, as to the way points!