Showing Posts For TemplarOmega.7384:
White Feather wings glider+backpack combo PLEEEEEEEEEEASE!
Same for me, i never understood this weird cycle thing, like most other games with a cash shop will keep all their items so players buy them all time, not take em away so players dont even know they exist.
Especially personal is that i want white feather wings glider and backpack and have no idea when it will come back, only to hope anet feels like theyre going to put it in coz i was taking a break the other times when they put them, which was what like 3-4 weeks total in 2-3 YEARS.
So this combo of glider and backpack ive been waiting for a while to come back, since i missed it last time and the only skin im actually waiting for, and its infuriating knowing that no mater how much i grind or play i wont get it unless anet wants it.
So any ideas on when it might return?
So i see the Golden wings glider combo is back on store.
Could you please bring back the White wings glider combo as well? Please?
So i havent played the game in quite a long time, basically since HoT release, mainly because i didnt buy it because some other games got my attention ( Witcher 3 mostly ).
But now im thinking of returning and buying HoT.
Hence this post.
How is GW2 now compared to almost back a year ago. I was enjoying the game back then, probably one of the best MMOS considering the mechanics and overall feeling of game.
These are my main questions if someone can take some time to answer.
1) Has it changed in a way drastically ( ive seen flying in new expansion but only in new areas?)
2) Are professions different now?
3) My fav profession was guardian with a greatsword and staff, is that still viable or good?
4) How is lategame now( back then fractals grind was my choce of lategame )
5) How is farming gold now? ( a main lategame problem i had, is it still farming bosses in a zone with a farm train or something? )
Edit: Also any other additions that changed the game are welcome.
Thanks in advance for answers or any help offered.
Edge of my Greatsword vs Anything that is my enemy.
I honestly like the Strong mobs more, IF AND ONLY IF they are not hp punching bags.
A perfect example of a good strong mob are karkas, they are strong but not numerous , they make u think since if u auto attack sleep on them u will die for sure and they have decent hp, although sometime a bit too much.
I would prefer a strong and CHALLENGING strong mob compared to an hp punch bag or a swarm of mobs i will 1 shot.
I just realised this while being bored, but now with the transmutation splitter theres a possibility for a new troll type, however its a very expensive one because it requires 4 things out of which at least 1 is expensive :
-A legendary
-A white item same type as legendary
-Transmutation crystal
-Transmutation splitter.
Basically ive realised that trolls can now transmute the skin of a legendary without the stats on a white item with super low dmg and then split them when he needs the actual legendary.
I mean no one would question or ask for link on a legendary to check if its actually a legendary, and no one would suspect that warrior with twilight is doing close to 0 dmg amirite?
Also for those saying that the trolls are doing bad to themselves coz theyre not completing a dungeon fast or not killing stuff fast, you have to realise a troll doesnt care for his own good as long as others suffer and he can laugh a bit. Also to attempt this you would need at least a legendary, which means u can afford to have a bit of fun on a free day and screw a dungeon or so.
So what am i trying to say? No idea, basically ive either given rich people new trolling ideas, either ive made it so ppl will ask for more gear link from now on soooooooo…………….TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
Seriously why are so many people complaining about zerg, there are other ways to play this game………………..
…………… like playing protoss or terran.
I will agree to the OP, i bought Cobalt and after 1 or 2 hours of sadness i changed the skin and realised i wasted 20 gold on nothing, but didnt care coz at least the shining hell was gone.
It isnt a bug or anything just the way it was designed, and the thing is other players dont even see the glow so u cant even stand out with ur blade, nope its just a personal torture for the eyes which i dont think is worth it. They should remove it coz its silliy and annoying if u ask me.
Also if it is a bug pls remove it faster.
Simple question…. whats better? The greatsword or the hammer?
Both have many purposes in PvE and PvP for both aoe and single target but generally which one is better? Just wondering what opinions people have and what are their reasons for thinking so.
So i like the guardian. It combines the heal,suport and tankiness of paragon,dervish and monk from gw1, and its kinda like a paladin from wow. So i like these kind of tanky healy classes. But the thing is i aint sure of what build to use on him.
Based on what ive heard of AH and shouts ive made this build:;TABA2ytEaJ1StlSLqsMZJyymlLLZWLCGEcI4RA
Edit: If link doesnt work copy and paste it, it should work then.
Is this build any good? As a general PvE build and maybe WvW? Or sPvP ? And would hammer be better than gs for this build?
(edited by TemplarOmega.7384)
Even then it feels vague to me.
- Why would Zhaitan not make an appearance himself in the battle for Claw Island? Why would he wait in Orr for us to get strong enough and cut off his supplies (the Mouths and eyes) and defeat him?
Okay i dont think u get it, the dragons JUST WOKE UP, they didnt attack us , they didnt send anything at us , they just woke up and THIS IS THEIR INFLUENCE, simply that. The battle with Zhaitan was us against a weakened , sleepy dragon.
When the other dragons will attack us, and i mean full attack not sleepy influenced minions attack, trust me , we will feel it harder than ever.
Sir u got messed up by an ent warrior.
A hundread thousand years ago during the protoss and zerg final battle the Space marines arrived and joined the battle. During the battle Zeratul, Kerrigans and the reborn Emperor powers collided and formed an energy sphere which travveled at 10 times the speed of light through the universe, eventually reaching the Covenant which tried using it as a power source.
However they failed and the energy sphere escaped and travelled again in space and time until it reached Azeroth. Here the shaman Thrall wanted to destroy this sphere for it had accumulated too much power in its millenia of travelling. The Lich King however wanted to use it for his own power but failed to contain it and the sphere escaped again. The sphere met a great evil entity named Diablo which almost absorbed the spheres power but in the end the power was too overwhelming.
The sphere travelled once again and reached a weird planet called Tyria. Here the sphere saw Gods giving man and animal great magic and decided to help the creatures. The sphere broke its own energy into ustensiles used by these creatures for war or any other activity. These energy objects are now merely arrows, axes and many more which shall never dissapear from the hero or evil that needs them in this world of Tyria.
The energy sphere therefore became all that we know as everlasting weapons and infinite arrows and bullets which the energy keeps creating until it shall be ended by the very ending of time itself.
But honestly, now all jokes aside everyone knows the ultimate beast and boss of the game is the ÜBERQUAGGAN.
Yeah, gotta wonder what Yahtzee (Zero punctuation) will choose this year. (Since he is a banana)
Yea makes me wonder what his best 5 and worst 5 will be since he can only affect the income of potassium one takes.
Spider moa spider moa , does whatever a spider moa does.
Bandit camps? Caves? Pirates? Leveling?
Dude have you even reach Orr and beyond to see the respawn rates and mob density there?
Then some guy comes there and starts yelling HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX FLYING TURRETS !!1!111!!!
Guardian……..dat survivability………me likey.