Showing Posts For Tenelen.7436:

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tenelen.7436


They fixed it, and as soon as the patch went live this happened:

People made actual lines to get the cannons:

Cant log 1 char, other chars fine

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tenelen.7436


Bumping to help you out buddy. I hope this gets figured out; have you submitted a ticket as well?

Were you on this character when the servers crashed?

Deputy CrackShot [Skill Challenge]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tenelen.7436


Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tenelen.7436


Bumping this thread isn’t going to get it fixed more quickly.

Yes it is.

You obviously have no idea how the real world works. The people who complain the loudest, and have the most numbers behind them get heard.

1 person complains, nothing happens, anet has no clue.
10 people complain, people start to notice.
100 people complain, it becomes a bigger deal.
10,000 people complain, and it gets fixed because if it doesn’t Anet looks to lose players, which is money to them.

It’s just a testament to the lack of support that is provided to the players by Arenanet. 5 days later, and I haven’t even received an email in return regarding the issue.

Play games like League of Legends, and put in a support ticket. You’ll get a response within 24 hours, from the nicest individuals in the gaming company, and they will always do everything in (and out) of their power to make you happy.

(edited by Tenelen.7436)

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tenelen.7436


I plan on just continuing to bump this until I hear something. I’ve got nothing else to really do in the game right now = /

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tenelen.7436


Bump, would love to just hear a response from Anet that’s along the lines of, “Hey we are aware it’s broken.”

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tenelen.7436


Bumping this thread as well. My apologies for doing so, but as many users have stated, this issue impedes progress and world completion, thus making it essentially game-breaking in a way.

Thank you sir.

I think it’s game breaking myself, but I for sure know that at least one thing is broken: My Heart.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tenelen.7436


I’m hoping to hear a response regarding this issue, as I anxiously await an answer.

I have everything that I need for my legendary, Frostfang:

The only thing stopping me is Map Completion, which is bugged because of this skill point in Bloodtide Coast:

I’m really hoping that there is a way for this to be fixed soon, or for a GM to talk to me regarding this issue. I have put in multiple support tickets over the last week, and I have not heard anything about it.

It’s disappointing to not be able to hear what’s going on, when I’ve worked so hard for this and I just want to complete it.

(edited by Moderator)

Can't download the Hotfix Patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tenelen.7436


I forgot to mention: They will start working on their own after about 12-24 hours, but I would love to be able to play on patch day for more than an hour.

Can't download the Hotfix Patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tenelen.7436


I’m not sure what the problem is, but every single time we have a patch day, I am able to download the original patch. After that, I’m not able to patch any of the hotfix patches that are implemented.

I’m in the MI area with Comcast, and I get the: Connection Error…

I have no Firewalls, I have reset my router, I have changed my DNS to use Google, I have flushed and registered my DNS, I have reset my modem, I have restarted my comptuer, I have run the client repair.

Past that, I’m out of ideas.

Toypacolypse Without Party System, Again

in Living World

Posted by: Tenelen.7436


Why Anet, Why?

Again, Holiday Releases are set back by some change that “was necessary” to make the game “better.” You changed the PvP system and use it as an excuse to why you have to revert us back to doing Hot-Join Toypacolypse, instead of letting us do it with our Party/Friends.

Why bother releasing these type of events if you aren’t going to spend the time to actually do them properly?

I don’t know about the rest of the community, but my Guild is beyond disappointed with the lack of ability to join each other in the most fun game-mode that Wintersday has. This Mini-Game is probably the most anticipated thing for us, and we get kitten on the second the patch is out.

We deal with recycled content because we enjoy it, but nobody wants downgraded recycled content. At least put a little effort into the patches for us.

In regards to this, here is the official word on it:

Major Latency Problems today

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tenelen.7436


I posted about this on Reddit yesterday, and a lot of people responded that they were also Comcast – Michigan.

I want to know if anybody has an ideas what we can do about this. I am sitting at a consistent 240 ping, and it doesn’t change at all. This just makes me realize that this is most likely Comcast doing something that has reduced my ping.

New PvP Reward Track - Daily Limit?

in PvP

Posted by: Tenelen.7436


Is there a max that you can earn on your PvP reward track in a day? I have played about 25 matches today, and my progress has come to a halt.

I hit Tier 3 rewards, and that’s where I have stopped.

I played 3 different matches to confirm (all on the same room I have been all day) and one on a different character to see if there was just some odd glitch.

If they limited it, that is amazingly lame.