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Better engine optimisation (PoF)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tetterwing.3981


Hi all,

The Path of Fire demo is fresh, amazing and I’m loving every moment of it.

Except when the frames start dropping.

I get ~60fps in the maps from the original game and ~50fps in HoT. In Path of Fire demo, however, it’s usually 20-25. When I’m further away from the city it’s perfectly acceptable and it’s pretty much the same as HoT (~45fps), but running around the city streets and buildings can be extremely taxing to my CPU, which is i7 and, again, had no problems with the main game and the first expansion, aside from Lion’s Arch and whenever there’s a world boss.

Please look at this as nothing but a friendly feedback and nothing else, I have been with Guild Wars 2 since the very beginning, I pre-purchased HoT and did the same with PoF. I would just like to look forward to a smoother experiences when 22 of September comes.

Thank you,

Too much non-skippable verbiage

in Living World

Posted by: Tetterwing.3981


Disagree, I think it’s fine, I like the way the characters interact now, skipping the story parts of the story seems silly to me.

I also like it, but not for the second, third and forth time. Story’s somewhat ok for the first time, but everything after that, without the possibility to skip, is just hurting the whole experience .

Too much non-skippable verbiage

in Living World

Posted by: Tetterwing.3981


It’s insanely boring having to listen to NPCs banter over and over again just to make the story longer. A skip button is necessary at least for the first two sections!

(edited by Tetterwing.3981)

HoT Grindfest?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tetterwing.3981


HoT doesn’t have enough content. That’s why they padded it with grind. What’s surprising is how many people are eating it up.

hear hear!

The logic

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tetterwing.3981


I think that one simple concept needs to be understood: Boring is boring. Simple as that. You might force yourself to see it differently because of the hype, but a lot of people have played the game in this last couple of days and are not impressed by the gating, the difficulty and the new level design

Really? People just need to toughen up

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tetterwing.3981


Just play the game guys.

You don’t play HoT. You grind it! And it’s not fun. That’s the problem.

HoT Grindfest?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tetterwing.3981


I sure as hell didn’t expect to play the same thing over and over again just to get so little in return. That was not the case with the core game

HoT Grindfest?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tetterwing.3981


So let me get this straight, we paid for an expansion in which you need to grind your heart out to achieve something.
Soloing is pointless since most of the events are group events and even with some people you still can’t do much of a thing.
Story is locked behind masteries and you need to do a ton of mindless running around and doing the same events until you finally master something, then you do a little story just so you could grind again for the next mastery. Rinse – Repeat! Hours upon hours of mindless and frustrating grinding. For what? For 30 minutes of story instance? An “evolved” version of the crystals from silverwastes that allowed you to jump higher and stuff? Is this your expansion Anet? Is this what you had in mind for the loyal fanbase? An effing grindfest for a kittenty and mostly pointless masteries? If this is the end strategy for the lvl 80 characters then wow, just wow. Consider my mind blown.

Beta weekend players, HoT worth it or not?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tetterwing.3981


I enjoyed the core game and I’m still enjoying it a lot.
I’m not enjoying HoT, however.
The maps are not optimized and you experience terrible fps drops (tho, to be fair, not as terrible as the first beta).
Gliding is okay, it doesn’t change the gameplay that much, enemies are crazy difficult and solo exploring doesn’t seem to be advised.
Masteries are also kinda meh, yes, you unlock abilities, but they seem to few and not impressive and the moment you unlock them – it’s grinding for statistics.
Maps are vertical but I was not in awe with them. It’s like a mess to me, a melting pot of frustrating chaos, especially for a solo playthrough.
One thing that I like HoT are the new abilities and professions which breath new life in characters.

BWE1 How about FPS?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tetterwing.3981


As I’ve mentioned in other topic, my gaming laptop with I7 and GTX960 lets me get 45-60fps in core game maps, but 15-30 fps in HoT. Hopeful that it will be fixed, but I use every opportunity to let the devs know. Changing options, playing with sliders and taking Valium doesn’t help at all. This game really, really needs better optimization.

(edited by Tetterwing.3981)

HoT graphical optimization feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tetterwing.3981


Im planning on buying a gaming desktop pc anyway because of other games, but id still want to be able to play it on my laptop which could handle the original game without struggle.

My point exactly! I bought a new gaming laptop mostly because of GW2. Imagine my joy when I could roam across the maps with 50fps! Imagine my disappointment when I visited the jungle and it was 20fps! I don’t care about fps as long as it’s above 30. But everything below that number and I cannot enjoy a game.

HoT graphical optimization feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tetterwing.3981


I’m so glad I’m not the only one experiencing these problems. The worst thing is, lowering the options or resolution doesn’t help at all….

HoT graphical optimization feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tetterwing.3981


Here’s hoping things will become better!

HoT graphical optimization feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tetterwing.3981


I have a gaming laptop with i7 processor and gtx 960m, I’ve explored all maps in the core game with FPS ranging from 45 – 60fps, which, in my opinion is great. Until I went into the jungle. One moment the FPS counter will show 55fps and the next 15fps. This is absolutely unacceptable. i’ll make few steps, and it will rise to 25fps, then 28fps, then I will turn one way and it becomes 50 fps. I turn the other way and it’s back to 25 or 15fps. I don’t know what to say. I am extremely disappointed and I sincerely hope that the devs will optimize the maps better. Right now, HoT is unplayable due to this…