Ok, the whole point of these puzzles is to be a challenge. Making check points and putting up guard rails so you can’t die is just silly. It’s not suppose to be easy, you are SUPPOSE to die if you’re bad at them so you learn and get better. It makes you want to do better and makes the end reward that much sweeter.
They are working on capes, they go in the back slot but there was a bunch of graphical bugs that came along with them. I’m sure they will be out soon enough.
There ya go.
(edited by ThatTallGuyX.3058)
I’m completely against getting rewarded proportionately to the number of bosses you killed.
When you start a dungeon, you should be encouraged to do all of it.
When someone leaves, the other members are penalized for that person’s absence, therefore, there needs to be a penalty (or reduced reward) to those that leave early.Here’s how I think it should be:
Let’s say a Dungeon with X bosses and Y side objectives.
- Doing all X bosses and Y side objectives should give you 100% reward.
- Doing less than that should give you reward equal to the % you completed, with a penalty of 10% per boss you missed (skipping side objectives would not penalize you).Let’s say there are 4 bosses and 0 side objectives.
Each boss is worth 25%…
…if you do 4 Bosses= 4×25% = 100% * 1.0 = 100%
…if you do 3 Bosses = 3×25% = 75% * 0.9 = 67.5%
…if you do 2 Bosses = 2×25% = 50% * 0.8 = 40%
…if you do 1 Boss = 1×25% = 25% * 0.7 = 17.5%Let’s assume there are 4 bosses and 2 side objectives.
Each boss is worth 20% and each side objective is worth 10%.
Assuming you do 1 side objective (10%)…
…if you do 4 Bosses= 4×20% + 10% = 90% * 1.0 = 90%.
…if you do 3 Bosses = 3×20% + 10% = 70% * 0.9 = 63%
…if you do 2 Bosses = 2×20% + 10% = 50% * 0.8 = 40%
…if you do 1 Boss = 1×20% + 10% = 30% * 0.7 = 21%In World of Warcraft, there is a reason why doing Vault of Archavon or Baradin Hold, would usually go like this:
- Everyone wants to do hardest boss first to avoid getting saved with a “bad group” and fail.
- Once hardest boss dies, half raid leaves, raid most likely disbands, and all other bosses are essentially skipped.…and that reason, is that it is worth it – and it shouldn’t!
Often, in the middle of that selfish behavior, some unlucky group/raid members who needed stuff from the skipped bosses are screwed.With a system that rewards you better the more you do, this would certainly not happen.
I’m not sure what you are talking about, This system would promote completing the dungeon. You cannot earn badges from doing the same boss over and over, you would need to wait a day before you could get your badges from the same boss again(You would be encouraged to complete the paths to be able to maximize your reward for the day). The reason why the vault of archavon bosses were killed like that is because the gear from the other bosses were obsolete. In this game were are earning tokens for skins which is different.
Why should people be PUNISHED for having to go take care of their children or other emergencies. I believe if you put in your time an effort to down a boss you should be rewarded for that specific effort.
(edited by ThatTallGuyX.3058)
Well the design that I suggested does fix the issue of farming the first two bosses of a path because you can only get the loot from them once a day. If you want more you have to complete the WHOLE path again not just the first boss.
but then I farm the first 2 bosses a day, have a slower rate but also a lot easier time (which, according to some, doesn’t do the “prestige and achievement” of the armor justice).
in the end every “fix” would merely be a bandaid, because people will always go for the fastest/most efficient way to get their stuff, and you can’t fix people.
personally, if people want to farm the first few bosses only, I don’t care that much. because in the end the reward is just another skin.
What your saying is not an issue of the reward system. It is an issue of the actual difficulty of the first couple bosses of the dungeons, which has nothing to do with this suggestion.
(edited by ThatTallGuyX.3058)
The ability to highlight, copy and paste from the Guild UI would be a nice ease of life feature for the guild’s who use websites/ventrillo/mumble etc… basically anything you need to keep tabbing in and out for.
Again just an ease of life suggestion, I understand it’s not difficult to keep tabbing out of the game and such.
And all this trouble for some skins
Haha, they do look cool though.
Glad to be of service.
Well the design that I suggested does fix the issue of farming the first two bosses of a path because you can only get the loot from them once a day. If you want more you have to complete the WHOLE path again not just the first boss.
Hmm, yeah I definitely agree that this could cause an issue like that but is 45 tokens from a specific dungeon really that much ( Its 1/4 the tokens you need for the cheapest piece of gear a day, so if you did do the runs that way it would take you 4 days to get one piece of the cheapest gear as opposed to 1 day if you finish all 3 paths)
I think you are still punishing players for not being able to progress though content if you lower the rewards like that.
in Suggestions
Posted by: ThatTallGuyX.3058
There ya go. /thread
Did you try depositing your collectibles…. there is an option to deposit all your collectibles in a storage bin which can be accessed at all of the crafting stations. You can do this directly from your bag by clicking on the gear and clicking deposit all collectibles. You can also be anywhere in the world to do this since it’s directly from your bag…so no porting is necessary
Meh… this just sounds like you are too lazy to buy more bags or filter though your own loot by turning auto loot off. I mean it’s a cool ease of life idea that would be really convenient don’t get me wrong, but I can live without it as well.
Money isnt super easy to come by either, its just a nuisance; with my idea it wouldnt be gamebreaking at all, how many people do you think will actually get 100% world completion? This is just an extra reward for something that shows youre an explorer.
Everyone one would if that was the reward lol.
*EDIT: Love the idea though, I support it.
(edited by ThatTallGuyX.3058)
This is my suggestion and opinion on the whole topic. Enjoy. :P
Here goes nothing…
So the new system for the dungeons is a good start in my opinion but I don’t think you should be punished if you simply cannot finish the dungeon, say for life reasons.
When I’m doing a dungeon I prefer to be rewarded as I go, on a per-boss basis. If I spend my time killing Giganticus Lupicus and don’t get rewarded until I kill the two bosses after him, well, that’s just really disheartening. If I need to drop group and allow someone else to take my place well then I guess I wasted 40 minutes. Running a dungeon, downing bosses and not get reward at all for it…does that seem fair?
Also what happens if you get kicked out right before the end and they just pick up someone else to take all the badges YOU worked for?
I have a suggestion that I am confident would fix this issue.
First, every boss should drop 15 tokens only once per day. So in CoF you would then obtain 45 Tokens from all the bosses you kill in a single path.
Second, I think that you should be rewarded at the end of the dungeon as well for another 15 every time you run it.
So in summary you would obtain 60 tokens PER PATH and IF you wanted to keep running the dungeon you could but you would only get the 15 from the end after you have already done the dungeon path once that day.
This method would encourage that players choose different paths in dungeons and even encourage players to try other dungeons but it would not discourage the player from farming the dungeons he or she would want.
This way you aren’t FORCED to do another path or FORCED to do another dungeon, but it looks a heck of a lot better than running the same path over and over. But since some people like this method of farming I believe it caters to them as well.
So in closing: TL:DR
15 Tokens per boss (only once a day each).
15 Tokens for completing a dungeon. Can do this as many times as you want with no penalty but you must complete the whole path.
No dungeon reward reduction because it’s obsolete with the new system in place.
Every type of dungeon runner wins(If you can’t complete the dungeon path you would still get 30 tokens if you killed 2 bosses for example).
Encouragement of new paths and new dungeons(You net more tokens by doing new paths and dungeons).
Any ideas or suggestions to add will go here:
Thanks for reading.
(edited by ThatTallGuyX.3058)
While the apparent bug with some peoples’ counters not resetting is unfortunate, it was already present in the previous patch.
I do want to say that moving the token rewards to the end was an excellent change. I’m glad that people who don’t deserve the gear by exploitative farming are no longer able to do so.
So if you got kicked just before the last phase by the other 4 people, and they invite another guy to replace you, you are happy with that?
Good point that would not be cool lol.
I vote 20 tokens per boss only once a day… After that you can only get silver and items from the chests.
Each boss has a Daily 20 Token Reward. This would encourage that you do ALL three paths AND make players want to do other dungeons instead of grinding the same one.
It would also solve the problem of someone getting kicked say two bosses in because …well yeah they wouldn’t get the loot from the first two bosses because they already got it. BUT they would still be able to complete the dungeon with another group allowing them to get the rest of their tokens for the day.
Eh? Eh?
(edited by ThatTallGuyX.3058)
I am sad that now you get twice as many tokens yet thoughs who ran it correctly did not get extra tokens in the mail. Basically everything we did til now just got cut in half in value. Just as if they had made the items cost half as much would have done to people who already bought the gear.
This isn’t true we were able to obtain the gear before everyone else who got it the easy way. Also why are you upset you are getting more tokens per run now… Do some more runs and stop looking for handouts. ( I would wait till they fix the loot system first though).
For the love of god…
ANET can you just hot fix this awful reward degradation system out of the game until you fix it. You promised your players at least 60 tokens per path a day but from the looks of it the tokens are being reduced by a percentage similar to that of the silver reduction percentage. Some players are affected and some aren’t, as of right now your poorly implemented system is causing a HUGE imbalance between players who are earning the correct amount to the players who are not.
Just take it out for now, let us get our correct amount of loot per run. Then if you want to stop us from grinding the same path a million times than just fix the system, test it properly then implement it. You are severely hurting the willpower and enthusiasm players have for your dungeons with these broken systems in place.
You can do this now that Magg’s path takes just as long as the others. That was the whole reason for the degradation system right? We were doing the same run because it was the fastest? Well if all the paths work now and they give the same loot AND we get more for doing the daily.. then why the heck would we even want to run the same path twice in a row?
Degradation system is obsolete in my opinion , the extra daily reward has made it so.
Aside from this issue great job on the dungeons I believe they are just the right difficulty all around.
The Skill Points near the Rally Waypoint and Fort Trinity Waypoint are both bugged. Nothing has spawned. The one near the Fort Trinity Waypoint has the health and the event “fist” but there is no NPC. The skill point near the Rally Waypoint has nothing at all in the area where the SPC is suppose to be.
(edited by ThatTallGuyX.3058)
Someone already described the issue. The npc object to start the event spawns below the walk way after it is killed the first time. It’s beyond me as to why this bug has yet to be hot fixed.
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