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Food for thought for ArenaNet

in PvP

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

You know, I haven’t signed into these forums in YEARS because competitive large scale WvW is all I give two kittens about in Gw2, and as everyone else in the scene and working at ANET knows- ANET feels the exact opposite.

This thread is full of well thought out heartfelt responses with seriously good ideas that were not developed in a day, but stirred and simmered in the minds of the players that know/love it [competitive large scale wvw] the most. I won’t regurgitate them but there is a wealth of incredibly valid points within this post.

I logged on to try and add to the huge amounts of support I’ve seen and well- guess I’m trying to add myself in as a statistic IN FAVOR.

Such an implementation is naught but a fanciful dream after being let down for years relative to some (any?) kind of support towards this idea, but obviously I haven’t wholy given up- same as the other thousands of players that enjoy this game “mode”

I look to this post like I look to the stars and dream

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

Got ganked in the IoJ jp by a couple EB a minute ago. Figured I’d take the ss for this DIE guy to see- that way he can remember it during the gvg when HOPE’s long Kitten is so far in his Kitten he can’t think straight. It will be nice meteoring him and his friends later this week.

Man, my armor looks so sick on your screen dude. Thanks, for putting me up there for everyone to see it. I appreciate it bro.

Oh, and I’ll be at the GvG, but you might still be pve’ing at the puzzle so…

I’ll be there…. waiting for you

Oh man I’m so glad you replied on here, I’m about to pm you in game to 1v1. Maybe it will turn out differently since I wont be at 25% hp from fall damage at the jp……………………. But you can always wait till the gvg to see me, I totally understand if you needa hide behind your guildies <3

EDIT: I lost said 1v1- kitten talking confirmed and taken back

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

(edited by The BFG.4160)

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

Lol yeah I did. I think it’s funny it auto censors into kitten so I just go with it- and laugh about it quietly to myself. Thanks for noticing the capital K. rofl

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

Got ganked in the IoJ jp by a couple EB a minute ago. Figured I’d take the ss for this DIE guy to see- that way he can remember it during the gvg when HOPE’s long Kitten is so far in his Kitten he can’t think straight. It will be nice meteoring him and his friends later this week.


Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

9/27 - JQ / FA / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

HOPE thanks both SoS and JQ for the huge party we had in Pangloss for a while. Most fun I’ve had in a 3 way in a long time. Epic

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

9/20 DB/FA/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

Admired how ballsy Choo was tonight on FABL. NW Bay was a pretty decent fight, though would’ve been nice without AC’s to have a little more room to play with for the fights. We were hoping to pull off so you guys could take out the AC that got built on our end and we could continue on, but I don’t know any of the Choo leaders.

We went to EB to see if TW was still there, but it was a ghost town and we were wrapping up after SMC. Looking forward to the fights tomorrow.

Yea it was allot of fun. Definitely hard to kill the ACs when you and CL are kinda sitting on top them though.

Yes, because you guys definitely did not have superior AC’s on the cliff and by the gate NW bay or anything. #wut

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

9/20 DB/FA/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

[DIE] interesting fights tonight alongside [TW]. Especially that wp out of south camp- pure gold. Ready for our gvg you’ve rescheduled from tomorrow to whenever. May it prove as interesting as both last night and tonight <3

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

9/13: FA/DB/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

I’ve seen some people bringing up 1v1’s. I have an interesting story to tell. Outside of outer SW SMC tonight, I solo’d some TC thief that was uh…. “guarding” the wall that was about to drop from trebs I think. Get this- it was on a staff ele. I didn’t recognize him as being in a wvw guild, and good god you better be happy cause he was pretty embarrassing. WHEN YOU’RE LOSING JUST STEALTH AND RUN AWAY BRO. I WAS A STAFF ELE

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

9/6 BG/JQ/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

I think it’s funny how anet is abandoning the gvg scene and basically not giving a single kitten about dedicated, hardcore wvw’rs. Look at how much feedback/views/hype wvw has and then look at spvp. It’s so dumb. In the long run people are going to stay playing gw2 because of the wvw and not the silly, broken spvp or the INTENSELY easy-mode pve that a blind person could button mash their keyboard and win…. How they don’t understand this is beyond me.

I would like to thank everyone who’s taken one for the team and posted scarx’s enlightening video- if you haven’t seen it yet and are interested in what Anet really thinks about wvw, either message me in game or on here and I’ll hit you with the link.

Also- ty for the gvg tonight ons, those were some intense fights. Lord knows we need to enjoy them while they last.

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

9/6 BG/JQ/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

S/O to the pink afro asura dueling spec warrior from [umad]. you and your trolling shatter mesmer bro are the 2 most skilled players I have ever seen. Those were some excellent 1v2’s against you guys. Thanks for the great fights

-is what I wish I could say. Poor sad little kids. I hope your parents will finally learn to show you love eventually. This is an open invitation to 1v1 these guys. If you’re on BG and know who they are- tell them they are being called out. However, I am not expecting them to want any in a 1v1, clearly they are a 2-3 man troll team. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to teach the scrubs a lesson given the chance though.

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

(edited by The BFG.4160)

9/6 BG/JQ/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

Fun times in FABL tonight. Epic siege and eventual flip of a wp’d bay on top of some other caps/defenses. Idk why but I have more fun fighting the bg map zergs/blobs and their love for ppt > all else than fighting TC and other smaller tier servers. I certainly got ganked in transit a few times, but other than that, fun times and bags (so many bags) all around. So glad I went staff ele tonight, haha. Keep up the good work errrrrbody.

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

So much of this post is ridiculous. Every round, I told you to call time. It wasn’t until the last few rounds that we had any delay what so ever. You guys got your panties up in a twist because 2 up levels from guild [LOCO] would run in and die. being lil rally bots for you, which you should of been grateful. So when they came around I gave you the respect of informing you they were here so you could clean them up. We did have one round where a guy rage quit. He was a fill-in because you were so dead set on 20v20. We don’t have many members that are into GvGs and its hard to find 15 people not to mention 20, which I told you. So per YOUR request of us to find fill-ins we had some delays. I am all for official 15v15 but im not going to do an official and have to scrounge for players that have never participated in a GvG. The round total that night was 4-4 in the end. The whole time FA players were trolling us in between rounds. Running over, spamming emotes, putting us in combat, attacking us when we try to res players after the round. Then it looked like HOPE was a little stacked during the round so I tried to do a random player count, where instead of spreading out so I can get my count they all start attacking me and have their players run in from the sideline… so much for that accurate count. Ive never seen so much shinanigans during a GvG before. Was like being in a soap opera.

A huge paragraph of excuses if I’ve ever seen one. Its ok though, I totally understand if you guys learned your lesson 20v20. We simply will have to fulfill our baglust elsewhere and HOPEfully find you guys 20-40 man groups out in WvW for some more lesson teaching. Especially when I usually see you guys running extra deep- its confusing that you can’t find any WvW’rs that don’t like open field enough for a 20v20 gvg. Looks like you may want to review your roster, maybe make some changes.

Side note: You guys are in TC, you should be used to people using emotes. How is that trolling. anyways…..

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

(edited by The BFG.4160)

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

I’ve been waiting to see if RE said anything- I mostly assumed they would keep quiet and keep their shameful performance to themselves, but alas, like the aforementioned gvg, they somehow found a new low. I sure HOPE they respond to Drigan’s GvG runback request with an affirmative, because nothing will make my day more than more RE blood stained into my fingernails and more RE’s shame-ridden loot bags filling my inventory to capacity.

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

It looks to me like this ARK guild seriously likes riding the back of AGG. prove yourselves, you tiny, furry kittens

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

Oh my sweet furry kitteny lord. That was the most epic and longest SMC defense ever. Serious FA pride after that lords room defense/oust. So many yummy TC bags mixed in with a few magoomba here and there. Good fights all around in that 2.5-way.

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

8/23: TC/CD/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

Props to EP for a solid, classy match between RAM. Unlike a certain other guild that gvg’d before them that would probably rather remain unnamed due to their shame

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]

8/23: TC/CD/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: The BFG.4160

The BFG.4160

I just had an extremely enlightening conversation with a TC kitten ranger roamer. After, of course, he calls FA a trash server, I bring up the fact that my guild pretty much dominates TC groups in open field, be it equal or semi outmanned numbers. He then explains that us winning doesn’t require skill. I have it all SS’d but it’d be easier for me to just type his reasoning he pm’d me out.

“Sure. FA is terrible. Open field fights take very little talent or skill. GvG requires an equally miniscule amount.”
“So when a 40 man FA team wiped 60+ TC a night or two ago in open field, its because we have no skill?”
“First, your numbers are not doubt laughable incorrect lol a screenshot proving the numbers was posted a little bit ago, second, yes. It’s all about builds and stat levels. If you run a guild group of 30 talentless hammer users and wipe out a random blob of 50 people, that’s to be expected.”
“And when our builds are coordinated and mesh better than the enemies that outnumber us and we wipe them, that’s not because we are better?”
“Nothing skillful or impressive about it.”

I learned a lot about the dynamic of how TC thinks and plays WvW today. If the majority of TC feels the same way this guy did, I finally understand why they run away when they don’t have seriously superior numbers. However, I completely disagree with is reasoning in every way, which most experienced WvW’rs probably would. This conversation has provided deep insight into the dynamic of hate between TC and FA. Unless of course, he was just trolling me the whole time. Then I’ve absolutely been had by this guy.

Mandalore – Elementalist
Fort Aspenhood – [HOPE]