Gloe Styx – Pistol/Pistol Thief
Glo Stixx – Warrior
sent out friend requests to the people listed, will send a message also.
Title, I don’t like large guilds, or ones where im the only one online.
So if you have a small activeish guild contact me and we can talk
topic title ^……………………………..
So me and my mates are going to make our own, but we don’t really intend to do much recruiting, mainly just people we play other games with. So because of this, alot of content will be very hard for us to do, so looking for a guild who would let us join so we can actually get content done, while also knowing that we could leave if we ever decide to get more into the game. Now while this may sound like a " whats the point in adding you to guild then if you’re gonna leave" and I agree with you on that.
At the same time your guild will have a handful of nice, mature, people to hangout with while were getting our feet wet and learning the game better. So if you’d like to talk about it shoot me a message ill be online like all night.
After all it’s just a 14 lvl char, it can be deleted and make a new 1.
think you commented on the wrong topic nowhere did i say i have a level 14 character, and i have enough tomes to go straight to 80 if i pick a class.
TLDR : I need a class that is not guardian or warrior that is easy to play in Dungeons / fractals. Ready Set Go!
The only turret worth slotting 100% of the time is the healing turret. All the other turrets are useless filler skills to make the engineer look cool from a marketing perspective, but serve no viable function. They’ve been gradually nerfed over the last 4 years and will only handicap you for each one you equip. The only time I use offensive turrets is during some world boss events to tag mobs for loot while I chill-out and wait for the boss to spawn. Other than that, they’re relics of an old game that no longer exists.
Well that sucks, see previous reply to the rest of it so i dont have to type twice xD thank you for your reply! on to look for a different class.
if you want to be useful?
no, it sucks. play 4 kits + healing turret and learn the ins and outs of engi
There’s not really anything about the engineer to make me want to take the time to play it if turrets suck :P so that’s not gonna happen xD thanks for reply anyways though I appreciate it!
Topic title, my main character is a burn guardian that i use for pvp and wvw but it really lacks usefulness in alot of pve aspects. So I would like to try to make a turret based engineer build work for dungeons and such, anyone run this type of build?
Bring this up just in case
I’m looking for a small to medium sized guild to play with.
I’m looking to do:
Dungeons ( i like collecting the armors)
sPvP ( again i like the easy money and armors lol)
Fractals ( I’m only at like level 20 fractal)
Guild missions ( I’ve only done a couple but they seem to always be a good time)
World Bosses ( just fun to do in general imo)
and other things
I also WvW but I have a wvw guild already, i would leave it later if i find a guild i really like, but i would also be fine keeping both if you dont wvw
My main is a burn guardian, but im starting to level / learn a new class starting today as well so i can have a power built character.
If interested shoot me a mail.
(edited by The Bearded Hermit.6824)
Gonna try to keep it simple
Looking for an NA WvW guild
MUST have voice chat
Prefer to talk to said guild people on voice chat before joining to see if I fit.
I do not like having to use “Guild builds”
I won’t let some random person from the internet yell at me because I kittened up, or because I was slow doing something.
A large WvW guild or small havoc group style wvw guilds are both fine with me.
If you think I may fit, or if you have open recruitment contact me and lets talk.
Looking for a small guild to pal around with, i dont play very often as i get bored of gw2 regularly, but then i come back every couple of weeks. Dont want a large guild as im already a member of one,more so looking for one thats newly formed. thanks for reading my topic.
New comer to GW2 I have a level 80 Ele, just looking for a friendly bunch of guys to chat with and join in on the mob slaying =)
I am an ex hardcore gamer FPS, stragedy, MMO and Moba. I am 25 male and real easy going.
- Shame I cant boost another class to 80… I cannot believe I didnt get this game 4 years ago… Looking forward to seeing what this story 3 is, are there still plans on events and added content after 4 years non subs sweet
Level 80 literally takes 10 days as long as you’re not lolligagging around. go level ya another character if youre wanting one.
also looking for a wvw guild, would prefer one on a smaller server so transfer doesnt cost as much.
How strict are ya on the no dragon hunters?
bump 15 characters
Prefer one on a lower tier server, preferably not a giant guild if possible. I also play at night time EST a lot. Would be fine joining a brand new one if there’s like 5+ active people. or a medium sized guild.
Awaiting replies
(edited by The Bearded Hermit.6824)
bring up this post.
bump up this post
It’s a good idea in theory but i think itd end up being very hard to implement for the same reasons skyshroud mentioned.
Hey, while my guild is not large by any means, we’d love to have ya. take a look at my topic and shoot me a message in game if interested.
Bring this post up
bring this to the top!
Need help claiming Lost Precipice, if you’re interested in helping me send me a friend request and we can talk details, looking to do it sometime today.
bring this up to the top!
bring this back to the front!
Just had my 2nd kid so was gone for a few days, now i’m back! bring this to the front.
Bring it back to the top!
Bumping again! I’ll be on for the majority of the evening!
Bump, going to be in AR-YB WvW for most of the evening! pm me!
bring this back tot he top!
Bring this back to the front page
Bring this back to the front.
Rising Against Greater Evils [RAGE]
Anvil Rock [Paired with Jade Quarry]
Guild Member Recruitment Thread
Ever wanted to try out World Vs World but you’ve been put off by people who believe their opinion is worth more than yours? People who treat their guild members like a faceless zerg? Or who won’t compromise with you on builds and try to force you to run what THEY decide is best? Well then this may be the guild for you.
Currently looking for a core group to start this guild off with.
I’m looking to create a world versus world guild on the Anvil Rock server. Anvil rock is bottom tier, meaning that it is one of the “worst” servers in world versus world. I chose this server because I think it will be a great environment to help others who are new to WvW get used to how it is played, without having to deal with gigantic groups roflstomping them over and over. Open to new players, veterans, people from other servers. Anyone with a good attitude pretty much! ( We are paired with Jade Quarry now, so no more small population sadly, but, this means that if you happen to be on Jade Quarry, you can group with us until they remove the pairing[If they do] )
What I’m looking for -
People who are interested in World Versus World and or sPvP – Whether you are a WvW veteran who wants to join me in helping other players enjoy this game mode, or you’re brand new to the game / game mode and just want to give it a try, anyone is welcome to join us that wants the opportunity to play some WvW. Likewise if you enjoy sPvP and want more people to play with, that’s great also! Keep in mind this will not be a hardcore PvP guild where we enforce “meta” builds. Also we will not tolerate people trash talking other guild members because they are not good at sPvP or WvW.
People with an open mind – I want people who are open minded in terms of build, and play style. This will not be a guild where anyone is forced to play a class or a build that they do not want. Yes, I/we would love to help you with your build if you have any questions. No, it is not my, nor anyone’s place to force you to use something you do not want to use.
People who can be mature – This means a few things. It means people who are not going to rage if they die, or if we get wiped by a bigger or better group. It means people who can act like adults while using guild chat or voice chat and who can treat their other guild members with respect.
Content that we are looking to do -
Our main goal is to play World vs World together as a team.
Have no issues with helping people level up / gear up by doing other content, that’s what guilds are for.
Likewise sPvP is a great way to learn your classes especially if you haven’t hit 80 yet, you can try out a lot of builds and get to know the ins and outs of them.
Like i stated before, fine with doing other content to help people level up, get money, and anything they’re wanting to do, we are a guild after all.
Voice chat -
We will be using discord. Now before you stop reading because of this, i understand. Not everyone likes discord, i myself hated it when it first came out, but after using it for a while, it’s grown on me, and it’s free!
Time zone -
I personally play between the times of 10am – 3am EST, off and on throughout the day. I would like to find people in that time zone to begin with while I’m trying to build up a core group of players.
Please contact these people if interested in joining!
The Bearded Hermit.6824 – (Temple Hermit)
-[ This topic is under construction and is likely to change rapidly ]-
(Yes i made this topic a few months ago and then decided I didn’t have the drive to play MMO’s at that time, I’m back and ready to grind)
(edited by The Bearded Hermit.6824)
What does it matter? Why can’t anyone just be happy that we finally have maxed out battlegrounds? We’re pvpers! Our content comes from one another. All these politics and claims people are shouting are ridiculous. I love what anet has done with wvw. I don’t care if my server has its name slapped across some keep or castle. It sounds like all these people are having a bad time and getting kitten because they are annoying. I’d tell someone to shush in chat too if they wanted to whine all day.
some of us spent money to transfer to low tier servers because having smaller focused groups is alot more fun to us than running around in gigantic blobs where what we do literally doesnt matter. Ive already sent in a support ticket as i paid for server transfer a couple weeks before they made this change. I either want my gems back, or my server back. either or
I absolutely hate it, I spent money to transfer to a low tier server becaus ei enjoy the smalls cale warfare. I like the small fights where what you do actually matters. Im sending in a support ticket and expect a full refund.
From anvil rock, got paired with yaks bend. -
(edited by The Bearded Hermit.6824)
you’re right i just tried both ways, looks like attachment is the only way, :/ oh well
Same o.o was looking for someone to create a banner / few little things
You may post images or glifs as long as they don’t break the forum rules, such as language or have a disturbing picture.
A thread like really needs a picture. Here’s one.
thanks for the info
this very well be int he wrong place, but i’ve already checked the forum code of conduct and searched “image” and found nothing about it.
Am I allowed to post images via textile in these forums? if so, all of them? some of them? none of them? let me know.
I’m ont he anvil rock server, if you’re interested in playing WvW let me know, i typically roam around when im online. I’ll add you to friends list and contact you in game.
Bring it back to the front!
Bring it back to the front page.
Topic has been updated with some actual info.
Shoot me a message in game when you are online and if I’m there I’d like to talk.
(edited by The Bearded Hermit.6824)
what timezone do you mainly play? Also for the WvW part, what server?
Anytime from morning – late evening EST, just depends on the day.
and currently on sea or sorrows, but i transferred here for a wvw guild that didnt work out, ill transfer to whatever server i need to go to, not a big deal to me.
(edited by The Bearded Hermit.6824)
bring up this post
bring up this post.
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