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Scoring Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: The Mas.4379

The Mas.4379

Two suggestions:

- Break the 7-day match into 4 separate matches. First match is 60 hours which covers the weekend, next 3 are 36 hours. Reset will occur twice during NA primetime and twice during OCX/SEA. The winner of the most matches wins the week. In the event of a tie, the first 60 hour match is the tiebreaker. Balances coverage issues somewhat and prevents scores from snowballing beyond recovery since there’s additional matches to allow a come-back.

- Award killstreak-like points beyond the current point-per-stomp. Some formula of bonus points awarded for each bad guy you stomp. Resets when you’re downed. Alternatively, change the points awarded for stomps to simply points awarded on kill (many bad guys die in large fights that are ground out instead of stomped).

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Mas.4379

The Mas.4379

As a casual player who runs around dying more often than not, here’s what I listen to to prepare to WvW:

Idea for WvW structures.

in WvW

Posted by: The Mas.4379

The Mas.4379

I like the idea of giving servers more reason to defend or attack certain structures throughout the week. This might do some of that.

An idea along a similar line – put in Upgrade Paths that will take a structure beyond the current upgrades. Could have 2 or 3 different paths (Offensive, Defensive, and maybe a Utility path). Once a path is chosen, upgrades become available that reflect that path … maybe an extra set of walls on the Defensive path, more mortars/cannons on the Offensive path, etc.

The additional Path upgrades would be linear, you’d have to take them in order. And they’d become increasingly powerful as you go. Also, they would take a long time to upgrade – a fully upgraded Offensive path could take 5 or 6 days, with the final upgrades turning a keep into something massively difficult to take down. Like “you just got a World Boss for a pet” massive. (If a server can hold a keep for 5 days running, the reward can and should be huge, and wouldn’t really affect the outcome of the match since it’ll be Wed/Thurs by the time the full upgrades kick in).

The extra upgrade paths could require badges instead of gold. A Collector NPC can be spawned, everyone contribute their badges and off it goes.

This might give servers that are getting beat badly something to continue to play for. It could also give other servers high-value targets to take down. And, of course, give us a use for all those badges…..

3/29 DB - YB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: The Mas.4379

The Mas.4379

This has been a fun series of matches. I think that both Yaks and DB have improved quite a bit the past month – thanks in large part to SOS. They brought a lot of interesting tactics, showed good guild discipline, and I’ve seen that rubbing off on the other two servers.

So SOS, good luck going forward with those of you who have stuck it out. Looking forward to meeting you again down the road.

DB, hide the silverware and lock up your jewelry – this neighborhood’s about to take a turn for the worse.

2/8 - CD | YB | SBI

in WvW

Posted by: The Mas.4379

The Mas.4379

Don’t worry too much Bannok – we’ve fought a bunch of servers on their way down the ladder (read: after the gutless fair-weather traitors abandoned them). SBI is far better than most we faced. So you won’t have to wait until T8 to get some momentum back.

11/9 Tarnished Coast/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: The Mas.4379

The Mas.4379

There just aren’t enough superlatives to describe how great this match has been so far.

Yes there’s been some shenanagins, as there is in every match. But overall it’s been a whole lot of fun … so much so that I don’t think I’ve checked the scoreboard once!