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in Suggestions

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

Ok, I just had an epic idea. I hope it’ll be implemented next Halloween.

JELLO ELEMENTAL! It’ll fight with the candy corn elemental and other spooky monsters in the Labyrinth. With the impressive translucent visuals from the Jade Sea pieces in the Fractals, combined with the wiggliness of the silly scimitar I think this can be done!

Just think of a monster:
- that has a permanent retaliation on it, because as you attack it, your blows rebound onto you!
- when it swings, it does so thricefold. first it does a major slam on the ground with one arm. The elemental will then keep its arm touching the ground, because the force of the blow pushes most of the jello in its arm up (think of a water balloon that doesn’t pop. it hits the ground, spreads out wide and then shrinks and bounces off the ground). Since the jello in its arm can’t go anywhere, it then “shrinks” back down with a near equal force into a second slam. The process will repeat a couple more times. So in short: slam and jello spreads out, jello recoils, jello rebounds for a second lighter slam and spreads out, jello recoils, jello rebounds for a final lightest slam.
- and finally, think of a monster that you could eat when you kill it!

I don’t know if many will like this idea, but I just had to share it. Maybe pray a little that the Dev’s add it to the game

What to do with past event items?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

Clockwork Chaos – Oscillating diaphragm, focusing crystal, translocator beacon, positional relay beacon.
Southsun – map fragment, map of southsun cove, mysterious soggy bag
Investigation kit, sample detector, candy-powered matter meter….

Is there any reason I should hold onto these? There’s just so much stuff that was used in the past event releases, I’d like to clear the bank space. But I’d also like to be sure I won’t need them for a specific purpose in the future…

Not to be pushy, but a Dev response would do wonders here…

Normal v Tribulation Mode Crossover?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

Has anyone who’s still doing the SAB noticed any crossover in the different modes? I’m doing W1Z1 for the bauble bubbles for skins, and I walked into a secret room. Inside, the room is filled with harmless lava. (Here’s a screenshot) The lava is typical for tribulation mode, but I am of course in normal mode. I’ve been noticing more and more is changing in the normal modes as the date gets closer to the 30th…

Is this intentional? What is going on?


(edited by The Moose.7532)

Easier Miniature Access

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

Honestly I like both suggestions. I just hate having to click extra every map to put out a mini, and I hate having to pick what I want to take with me every day…


in Suggestions

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

I don’t know about everyone else, but I already carry multiple weapons and gear on my characters, in order to switch between different builds or weapon sets.

It would be FANTASTIC if we could have a quicksave feature for our trait expenditure, to easily switch back ’n forth. Or, to have a Gemstore item (account bound) that allows us to switch easily between two or more builds.

Easier Miniature Access

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

I don’t know about anyone else, but I find it difficult to really get into minis. They take up inventory space, and I find myself commonly wanting to switch between minis a lot. But we don’t have an easy way to access them that doesn’t require going to a major city, or wasting a bank access item.

I think there should be a tab under the hero panel or something that allows us to carry all or a large portion of our minis for easy access. Maybe even a feature that allows us to choose a favorite to instantly be out whenever we zone too? Or maybe a bag we can put in our inventory that holds it all.

Wanted: Healing Class

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

My alt Guardian is specced to heal others. He’s mostly for major fights. Even if Anet wants to get rid of the Holy Trinity, I still have 1 that is helpful.

High Lag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

Same with me in PvE. Fought the Statue of Dwayna, Dc’d twice and didn’t get daily bonus chest for the fight. Only the body loot. It’s 3:22am here and I’m still getting skill delays up to 30s. I mean, this is Yak’s Bend. Not like it’s a super popular server…

Cancel Action

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

Too many times I accidentally start to revive, or go into a channeled ability that I’d like to cancel. But no matter what buttons I push (jump, escape, arrow keys), nothing stops my action. I think there should be a key or option to cancel an action that we may be already doing. Maybe we’d like to stop repairing an object and defend against a monster? Except that at the moment, we usually can’t consistently do so.

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532


The Charr cultural T3 helm clips with my upper jaw. It’s part of the side plate that starts at the ears/horns and leads to the beak-like nose piece. It is minor, but it has been driving me nuts since I got the helm. Lower jaw is fine for me. The clipping is on both sides of my helm.


High Lag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

I’m sitting here in the SAB wondering why I’m even trying. The lag is so bad serverwide that I can’t even get past W1Z1 without dying 4 times (I need the bauble bubbles). For reference, I almost never die there anymore and can usually complete it in 4min or less. Now it takes upwards of 10+min b/c of the lag.

The rubberbanding is absolutely ridiculous. I’ll get hit by a bolt from a snake that misses me, because the server hasn’t caught up to where I really am. The lag is a continuing problem with this game and I’m slowly getting tired of dealing with it. Install more servers or something…

Realistic Animal Behavior

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

I find it weird that if I attack any non-monster animal that the animal will just attack me back. None run away. Realistically, they SHOULD run away. I think this should be changed to add just a bit more realism to the game. Not on every animal of course, just on ones that would be considered skittish…

Using stacks of items

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

I have to second this. It was murder on my poor fingers to use my 1000+ Karma containers a couple weeks ago. Hopefully this’ll be something easy and quickly added.

Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

It’s funny. Since SAB W2 was released I haven’t followed its content after I gave up on it. What was interesting is I didn’t sit here and complain to myself about how unfair the Dev’s made it, or that I hate it and it was their fault for not making it fun. I simply realized that I didn’t have the interest or patience to force myself to suffer more than was necessary over the content. W1 was great and I love it, but W2 made me realized that I didn’t HAVE to complete/enjoy it at all. So I didn’t and I haven’t looked back. Finding out that it was changed slightly after an update, I have interest to complete it, but I still feel it was unnecessary. Lag or bug fixing I think is. But the difficulty was what it was. It wasn’t for me and that was simply it. Granted, as a player immersed in GW2, I’d love to completely experience and finish all content, but I know I won’t always love new content, so I just get over it. I can sit here waiting for awesome, permanent Halloween/Underworld/Mad King content, but I’m much happier with RPing it in my own 2-person guild, which I also have yet to feel obligated to expand. It expands if it wants to, not from me pleading others to join.

Just my two cents. Kudos to the Dev’s and their patience, their hard work on new content, and to the messes they deal with daily. After raging on Z2W2 from assassins, fish ponds and distant checkpoints, I figured they must be masters of serenity to put up with most players…and still keep going strong.

All I see is my...

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

Although most complain, I do love the living story and the content they add every month.

However, this month I got fed up with something that’s been bothering me for a while. Here’s an event, the whole point is to enjoy Dragon Bash, to party, be merry and enjoy the fireworks and treats.

But… when the big boom-time happens, all I can watch is my butt and tail.

Because we have no first person camera viewing. It’s all third person.
Maybe we should get this fixed before this event ends? I’d like to actually see the fireworks…

Severe Lag Spikes, Constant Disconnects

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

Same problem with Yak’s Bend. I’ve noticed it in many different areas. Hrathi Hinterlands, Queensdale and Plains of Ashford. The first two I might be able to attribute to high population for World Bosses. But the latter? Maybe AFK people lfg-ing to go to AC? Worst place was in Cursed Shore. Was the only place I kept on getting DC’d and had very large gaps of rubberbanding (up to ten seconds).

Unable to play after 12-12-12 Update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

Same problems here. Yesterday afternoon played fine. Decided to do something else during the late evening. Today both my GF and I can’t play without huge lag spikes, delay on skill use occasionally for 20s, looting delay, disconnects with error codes 7: … even after opening all ports, restarting, etc. Luckily I fixed my recent sound problems by dropping the quality bar by one step. Only after yesterday afternoon was there any problems with connectivity. Now my GF and I can’t play on my day off.

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

Having this same sound glitch or the “wooo [pause] wooo [pause]” sound on my computer. I’d say recently 90% of the time my game crashes between 5 or 30 seconds of starting that noise. I’ve been getting it the last couple months or so as well. It only occurs on my computer during any of the Dragon fights (never had this problem during any Halloween events, including champion fights or MKT events in Lion’s Arch), and it occurs almost every fight I take part in against the Dragons. It’s pretty frustrating not being able to get credit, loot or take part in killing the Dragons.

I am running the game in windowed fullscreen if this makes a difference in diagnosis?