Showing Posts For TheNextGuy.4521:
I found them annoying and having to restarted a fight which is frustrating but I wouldn’t have any other way. This is a video game what would you expect. If you want easy sailing just read a book or watch a movie for no effort storytelling.
Hero: We aren’t done yet! Where is that crown?
Rytlock: Look, I’d like to give it back, but I can’t yet.
Hero: When then?
Rytlock: ….. I can’t say.
Hero: Why not?
Rytlock: …. I…. traded it.
Hero: WHAT!?
Rytlock: I had to! The only way for me to get out of the Mists was to pledge my allegiance to Glint and give her something of value. All I had was Sohothin and your crown!
Hero: At least you know where it is draws weapon so when I send your kitten back to the Mists, you’ll know where to find it!
Raid battle begins
Been there with Factions… the skin would be a great addition for next year Halloween
Diseases are known to resurface even magical one can be duplicated. AH! Got it zombie plague hits. We are like what happened, how did this happen, again. We eventually track it to a island off of Cantha. Destroy evil guys lab but he gets away(future villian). Now we are in Cantha and another story arch can start at that point.
I vote for Mursaat army vs elder dragon
Idea for a direction to go. But more importantly we need plague doctor masks. My mesmer would look perfect with it also look cool for a engineer with a flamethrower dressed as a plague doctor.
Support is kinda an odd term? What exactly are you looking to do? Defensive or Offensive Support?
Offensive Support looks something like: Interrupts, blinds, Reflects, slow, quickness, alacrity, Boons (might, fury), etc
Defensive Support looks something like: healing, condi cleanse, Boons (stab, prot, aegis, regen), distortion, projectile destruction, etc.
Without really knowing what your goal/expectation is your question is just too broad to directly answer. Even linking one of those “old support builds” will give us a better idea of what you’re looking for.
Both? Both, lets start with defensive never really did support before I need a good idea where to start from.
I think the mesmer support is kind of giving as much quickness (and alacrity if you are Chronomancer) as possible. Right now i run a build that is mostly sharing Quickness and Alacrity as much as i can to my party members (also damage, tons of damage ).
What specializations do you focus on? Also what stat would be best.
(edited by TheNextGuy.4521)
Support is kinda an odd term? What exactly are you looking to do? Defensive or Offensive Support?
Offensive Support looks something like: Interrupts, blinds, Reflects, slow, quickness, alacrity, Boons (might, fury), etc
Defensive Support looks something like: healing, condi cleanse, Boons (stab, prot, aegis, regen), distortion, projectile destruction, etc.
Without really knowing what your goal/expectation is your question is just too broad to directly answer. Even linking one of those “old support builds” will give us a better idea of what you’re looking for.
Both? Both, lets start with defensive never really did support before I need a good idea where to start from.
From reading it over I don’t know what specializations would be best for support. Mostly dps builds. Anyway to be support without the shield, hate shields in any game.
Anyone know any support builds? The ones I keep finding use the old system. So can anyone provide links to newer builds?
I personally would love that twist. What if big ol’ Mordo goes one step further to mess with the hero and corrupts him then mutates him into a big lieutenant. So not only has he been corrupted but mutated into a monster. The pact is furious sends forces into maguuma recklessly and gets decimated. More problems, more challenges, more story.
I know this is old news but I just noticed why isn’t Fort Trinity guarded by Pact Soldiers. Instead its guarded by individual order members. At the beginning sure it makes sense but after awhile why isn’t the soldiers in the pact wearing Pact Uniform. Just a thought…
Anyone else want more info on the Ancient Norn and Joten races, or am I alone? I would prefer a back in time mist recreation of these ancient supposed empires for a in game explanation. Something that would make sense with lore and not just thrown in there. Did the ancient Jotens ever wore armor at one time or were they always loincloth wearing barbarians. How big were there settlements, big, or small? What about the Norn what were they like before they needed the spirits or have they always relied on them for supernatural support when things got tough.
I remember Ellen Kiel from Southsun Cove and the Dragonbash Event but I never heard or seen Gnashblade until this event. I know she owns Black Lion Company but what actual important role has she played?
Anyone else want to see the living story instead of players succeeding and saving the day we fail. What about as hard as we try the worse scenario happens, what if a evil dictator takes over a country. What if despite our interference masses of innocent die what if we were blamed and made outlaws.
Just a ideas cause the living story so far sounds like a Disney movie. In my opinion should have Grimm’s Fairy Tales moments now and then.
Random idea for this area. What if makes the northern area Transilvanian themed area. Say before the Charr attacked Kryta. Krytan people ran north and survived the centaur controlled area and went further north and built a Transilvanian themed civilization. You can make a giant southern swath of area into the centaur’s true homeland and call it the Wildlands. Once you move north of that you enter the human kingdom that has a totally different culture because of being isolated for so long. All along the way you’ll see Mursaat ruins left behind from when their civilization disappeared.
Nope havn’t got any messages
the password reset message is what im talking about to clarify
I know its the right email because i have messages on my gmail from them. But no password is ever sent. This is my GW2 support account not my normal GW2 account
The masters of adaptation and technology, the former rulers of tyria.
How are they one of the weakest factions technological and number wise, what has happened to them.
Come on really? There asking for real chash btw
1st you should hire someone from bioware or bethesda(or something) to rewrite your story missions and give players to start over story wise or continue on ect.
Order specific abillity you can unlock once you pick a order. The abillity is different for each order, Order of Whispers,Vigil and Drumand Priory.
Have a unlockable abillity that is different for each species you pick during the story.
This is were i beleive the fight should be, because Cantha is based on ancient China and in Guild Wars 1 is was very naturery not counting the giant city(Keinege City). But for all I know Cantha proper could be all city by now.
Say the Dragon wakes up mad because its all city and no more natural land so it wants to take back the land that is now city, BOOM big reason for fighting Mordremoth.
In mythology a Lich is a magician or a king that binds his intellectt to his corpse and uses magic to prevent it from completely rotting away in attempt to gain immortality.
Probably one of my favorite “lesser races” as they call it. But i like playing humans and humans can’t help them.
What if shes secretly Kormir looking out for the humans! You just got your mind blown! Your Welcome :p
(edited by TheNextGuy.4521)
Maybe when we get to fight Primordus(the dragon that drove out the asura and skritt) it will take place in a underground world and the skritt racial capitol could be down there.
^ But if there millions of skritt adventurer then they would be smart, Skritt everywhere!
I was sadden that they cut off the bottom half of ascalon the mountain area were the wizard tower and the fair in GW1 was.
In my opinion Abbaddon is stronger or should be stronger then the dragons hes a god. On top of that if he can corrupt the physical world of tyria while being chained to a wall in the underworld, im betting hes stronger. Maybe banishing them to the mists will be a option for drumond prior, since they deal with magic.
Anyone noticed that Ascalon has alot of similarities to Roman occupied Brittian?
Rome came from the south invaded the Picts land(Brittian) and pushed them northward and built Hadrian’s Wall to help defend Roman occupied territories.
Ascalonian Settlers came from somewhere attacked the char homeland and pushed them northward and then built the Great Northern Wall to help defend against the char.