Showing Posts For TheRiddick.1976:

Will Someone Help Me Please!

in Wintersday

Posted by: TheRiddick.1976


in the top corner of your screen there is two swords crossed. that will take you to the heart of the mists… do the tutorial there if you havent then you will go to the main pvp area which has a portal to lions arch… that should work for you.

It's time to admit FotM has failed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheRiddick.1976


You know what… after re reading the entirety of the posts I realize that I was off base… I Thought from your last post that you were pushing for a group finder. I am against that… I apologize for how i came off there. I do agree that the leveling dungeon does cut off those who get into the game later. I dont think that the scaling would work due Agony… Maybe a rating system would work like it scales to the highest but takes the lowest in consideration.

like if one player has done to 12 and one is just starting, it could go to lvl 10 difficulty. But then would that person get their level to 10 or just leveled to 2? there is a lot to think about when scaling.

If they went to a more easy medium hard scaling…. that would just be the system they have in place now. I think it is harder to fix this than just one thing. Dunno… all i can say is… as it sits now… just get a good group of buds and bust through it. I dont think this is gonna be a simple fix. so that is the best thing you can do .

Once again sorry for my rantness… I just do not want a group finder implemented.

It's time to admit FotM has failed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheRiddick.1976


When SWTOR has a better system in place to help players get caught up in current endgame dungeon content then GW2, you know GW2 is in serious danger. Blaming this on the players and not the system that limits them arbitrarily only makes you look like a zealot.

Sorry bud but I played SWTOR since closed beta and this is not something that was implemented until it had been out a year. so as far as that is concerned…. GW2 has plenty of time. AND dungeons/operations in Swtor group finders are easy to make in Swtor, in GW2 not so much. first off you have the MMO trinity in Swtor, you don’t here, so the group composition would be a factor here.

I hear all these people complaining that they cant get a group, maybe… just maybe.. people don’t want to do what you want to. That is not GW2 fault! Get a guild… or get a group of friends. I found a group in my guild that we run one fractal/dungeon a night. Did we have to catch people up… yes… was it a big deal? no! because we enjoy playing together! Quit blaming this game for your lack of sociality! find groups of people that enjoy doing what you do and you will have no problem finding a group!

I am sorry but it IS your fault… no one to blame but yourself. Quit trying to single play an MMO… cause all you will do by your constant complaining is turn it more single player… get some in game friends man…. that or a guild. This is an MMO… don’t blame the devs for your inability to socialize. callin me a zealot… please.

CoE Bjarl fixed yet?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheRiddick.1976


When is the next patch?

In every thread they post they only say in next patch.

I sadly believe it’s no before than wintersday patch

Hey man just be happy that the Dev team listens and understands whats going on. I have to compliment them on the amount of communication they have with their player base I am glad a fix is in the works.. as for me I am happy running fractals for now. My CoE armor can wait a bit it seems

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheRiddick.1976


Hey robert,

While I appreciate the thought behind giving us better drops magic find is not the way to go about it… Take Me for example: I am a guardian, I run full support, I have stacked healing power to the max. It has made a huge difference in not only the amount of healing I put out, but also our group performance. If i were to take magic find… i would totally lose out on this bonus and my group would suffer. ArenaNet constantly talks about group play… but this change to magic find stinks with the stench of solo play. Do i like the magic find idea in theory… yes… but it should not be on armor… it should be a stat you get by zone completion, Jumping puzzle solving, first time event completion, and rare chest opens. a stat that you get by exploring and completing the game. If a change like that was implemented then I can see your idea working. As is… it doesn’t work. and it will frustrate more people than it will appease.

I like that you keep us informed, I like that you take our opinions into consideration so I am asking you to look at this forum line… everyone, except for a few people, doesn’t like the magic find addition to dungeons. I would hope you would read into this and re think your direction you are taking. It does not fit into group play, which this game is supposed to be based upon.

Dungeon Difficulty - My thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheRiddick.1976


I understand you. I felt the same way. Our guild felt that way . we had such a hard time in dungeons until we discovered that it wasn’t about damage , it was about support . If you have everyone’s builds support focused you will clear these no problems. I run a full heal/support guardian and I can pretty much keep the group up at all times. The dungeons are hard. but once you get the fight mechanics down you will do fine. Give it time, learn the mechanics… go more support focused until you have it down to spec more DPS oriented. I know you will do fine. I have a cousin who is not the best gamer in the world… like… at all… but I have seen him learning these mechanics and he is doing great… so you will get it… just give it time.

Dungeon Difficulty levels: Story, Explore, Heroic.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheRiddick.1976


thanks for the clarification.

Dungeon Difficulty levels: Story, Explore, Heroic.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheRiddick.1976


@Esturk… I like those titles i think they fit into the gw2 feel too. It wont let me edit my post for some reason so I will look into doing that later. great suggestions.

@ nachtnebel Did you mean the armor set that you get from getting the tokens? I would still prefer the tokens be dropped as a reward. I like the progression that comes from that method. However each dungeon having a new set only achieved from the Hard mode version… that would be stud! even if they were just skins.. like the heritage skins you got from playing GW1.

Great suggestions guys keep it comin! lets give Anet a plethora of ideas to dig from!

Dungeon Difficulty levels: Story, Explore, Heroic.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheRiddick.1976


Any suggestions on another name for it… i cant think of any.

Dungeon Difficulty levels: Story, Explore, Heroic.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheRiddick.1976


I have been thinking about this recently after reading the forums with the players who seem upset with the difficulty of the dungeons as is. my solution to this is adding 3 difficulty levels instead of the 2 presently available. Those tiers would be as follows:

Tier oneStory: This would stay just as is and not change in difficulty. maybe a few tweeks to make it a bit easier for those just wanting lore and story info but leave it a bit challenging.

Tier twoChampion: This would be the explorable version of the dungeon. but it would be toned down a bit for those who want the gear but have poor gear themselves. this would be a dungeon for the casual gamer… short paths… as is now. The loot would be level appropriate masterwork until the last boss at which time you get a rare.

Tier three -Legendary: Make the dungeon longer, more boss fights… less junk mobs. Make the difficulty high. These would be dungeons for those who are highly into raid content and have rare to exotic armor. The drops for this dungeon would be level appropriate rares and the last boss would reward an exotic.

This allows all levels of gamers to be satisfied. Both explore and Heroic would still drop their tokens so it doesn’t mean that those who are casual cant get the gear. this would also be a great boon to such things as crafting, legendary weapons, the market, and endgame replayability.

Let me know what you think of the idea… Its far from polished so add things that you think could help and lets get an idea of something to hand to Anet instead of only complaints… thank you all.

(edited by TheRiddick.1976)

November 15th Massive Update: Precursors Addressed?

in Crafting

Posted by: TheRiddick.1976


Personally I dislike the RNG. Luck based endgame is not working. personally i would like to see legendaries crafted and be soulbound… the crafting would only be allowed through mastering all crafts. each craft has an ingredient for the weapon you want to craft. that way it would still take a while to work towards because you would need the mats for each part… but it would not be luck based. there is a huge chance that i can put swords into the forge and never get my precursor. sorry but that is not working towards something solid and its very disheartening. i wouldn’t care if it took lots of mats… i want to do it from start to finish… to me, buying it off the TP is not an option.