Showing Posts For Therane.3846:

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Therane.3846


So that’s four ballistas, three trebs, two cannons, two arrow carts, and one catapult… all for 8 dudes. DB so strong.

Therane is a DUCK

I am a [DUCK]

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: Therane.3846


So much for a fresh thread lol

Do what I do, ignore negative comments and scroll to the next message. Let me create one for you! I like Chips Ahoy for snacking! What about you?

I have Zero opinions about those….

Tri caring

5/10 T3 Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: Therane.3846


I think everyone needs to come together for a nice long cuddle session before reset.

I will be lounging with minimal clothing by the windmill an hour before reset

5/10 T3 Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: Therane.3846


oh ps…guess you don’t get east keep. come try again? SWELL idea

It is time to log off of the forums son

5/10 T3 Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: Therane.3846


I wonder why they chose kitten. Does anyone ever think about that?

5/10 T3 Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: Therane.3846


I frequently see people boasting about wiping Maguuma in Eternal, which is fine, because nobody really goes into eternal for organized guild raids. Most of the people in eternal are goofing around or karma training (at least on mag.)

But IF you want to anger Maguuma/ actually boast about wiping Maguuma, you’ll have to do it in a borderland. Otherwise it’s easy for us to shrug off the fact that you were in EB, where we have very little coordination.

We have little to no coordination in EB because your guild (and many others) run from it as if it was the plague. Who do you think is going to pick up the slack in EB now that Zero is gone?

My guess is no one.

That is a problem the whole server needs to work towards fixing.

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Therane.3846


Than you want to be in EB, Boonprot. That’s where RE usually goes. Our “official” WvW time is coming up in the next hour.

Most of the good players and guilds on Maguuma avoid EB like the plague. That’s where our pubbies go.


You talk about leaving EB to the “pubbies” as if its menial work, as if it is a lost cause or unimportant. If it is a lost cause, it is because of people such as yourself. Our section in EB is as important as our land in our own BL.

How do ever expect our server to grow if you ignore the “pubbies”?

You are making your guild look bad.

Mag has a different perspective to this than you i guess. Our borderland is our number 1 priority.

Eternal is filled with people who are not on our community mumble for different reasons and usually dont read chat. all they do is follow the icon and provide bodies.
when u are incapable to fill a map with a coordinated group because of queue, you leave it to its own fate and put your effort elsewhere.

We dont simply give it up but instead of concentrating enough force to hold SM, we would send more ppl to opposing BL instead.

The EB channel in the community mumble nearly always has the largest amount of users in the channel.

The rest of your arguments are not solid enough to argue against.

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Therane.3846


Than you want to be in EB, Boonprot. That’s where RE usually goes. Our “official” WvW time is coming up in the next hour.

Most of the good players and guilds on Maguuma avoid EB like the plague. That’s where our pubbies go.


You talk about leaving EB to the “pubbies” as if its menial work, as if it is a lost cause or unimportant. If it is a lost cause, it is because of people such as yourself. Our section in EB is as important as our land in our own BL.

How do ever expect our server to grow if you ignore the “pubbies”?

You are making your guild look bad.

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Therane.3846


As a Magummybear I wish Kain good luck on their journey for the next few weeks. I hope you guys stay on your feet and keep giving us great fights in this tier.


4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Therane.3846


I don’t know why iLL didn’t even move/stealth.. but nice work.

I’ll tell you exactly why. Because both times the fighting was not scheduled to start for at least another minute or two.

The agreed format was 25v25 , we had a start time that was agreed by both sides setup via intermediary ( and we were using the servertime as the guide here….. since everyone’s synched to it).

When you setup a contest like this, the rules apply to everyone. It wouldn’t be a fair fight if you’re hitting people ( with superior numbers) while they’re prepping… and that’s exactly what the [bp] people did twice.

Now they’re trying to spin it like we’re bad losers? that we’re forum_warring this like "the mag mewmews that we are " ? I’m man enough to admit when i get defeated, and frankly if it was a case of superior fighting we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. But because you did not follow the rules of the format agreed on, on top of the general disrespect you showed us ( & the assistance) that match is null & void.

That’s why [bp] is just a punk guild that deserves no respect. Keep trying to spin it any way you like… You acted like punks, and now you gotta deal with it.

I heard you declined a rematch, and admitted in private that you lost fair and square. Stop with your slander and forum PR, and move on. Nobody cares.

“I heard”

Cool story bro

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Therane.3846


I am very saddened by the lack of effort shown by Magumma today/tonight. I really hope that tonight was a fluke and that things will get back to “normal” tomorrow.

Our BL was queued all night(NA prime time) and it was painted green.. But of course.. it was DB SEA right?

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Therane.3846


Rifle/GS Warrior from WE in DB BL at NN just now. Good duels, I am glad you finally left the safety of your guards the second time

Also; Yaks.. you can keep fighting for second all you guys want. You will still end up in T4 within a month. But by all means, keep trying to side swipe mag

Maybe we don’t have Mag’s numbers and coverage, but who cares?, Yak’s Bend has demonstrated his skill level at every reset night. that’s enough for us, the score during the first 6~7 hours of reset night when even DB’s SEA guilds like TFV and NNK are present is at least a semi-accurate sign of skill, the rest of the week is just a coverage game.

Good night.

This is what Mag has been saying for months. Total score doesn’t really show anything, which is why we usually look for even fights or GvG instead. I don’t know why t3 suddenly cares so much about the total score so much.

I was thinking about it the opposite way. There is a reason why the matches are a week long, and not a day long.

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Therane.3846


Rifle/GS Warrior from WE in DB BL at NN just now. Good duels, I am glad you finally left the safety of your guards the second time

Also; Yaks.. you can keep fighting for second all you guys want. You will still end up in T4 within a month. But by all means, keep trying to side swipe mag

4/12 Dragonbrand - Maguuma - Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Therane.3846


Score Update…. lol

I guess you guys are just too good for us :/

4/12 Dragonbrand - Maguuma - Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Therane.3846


Whatever helps you rationalize. But better question, whose idea was it, esp if you thought you were outnumbered 3 to 1 (you weren’t), was it to go back and get wiped like 5 times….

We did it for he challenge of course, nothing like 35+ players shaming into a zerg with superior numbers to improve our skill with coordination in large scale fights.

Problem was yaks kept using seige weapons which made us sad, still was fun though.
Far better, then trying to take a tower with the enemy abusing 50 player immobilize with arrow carts, with a broken mechanic with warriors.

There is nothing “broken” with the mechanic.

It is working as intended.

4/12 Dragonbrand - Maguuma - Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Therane.3846


Congratulations Maguma. You finally took Hills from us with a 10 golem rush with 6 defenders. ;D How much gold you waste trying to get it back since reset? I’m just curious.

“from us”

I find it funny that NA guilds such as yourselves take/share credit for your SEA prime times accomplishments.

Besides, the money I make off of EA loot bags is enough to keep the golems rolling in.