Showing Posts For Thomas.5078:
They sent it cause they mistakenly made elonian wine 50 silver instead of 25 silver. So people bought it for mystic forge recipes and were overcharged. I got 19 gold myself cause i converted alot of cores. It was very nice of them to fix their mistake enjoy it
Usually higher levels fractals you wanna put full damage on armor and then trait utility and damage. Bunker is alright for learning guardian and lower level fractals. Ex dealing with agony and taking hits. However once you learn to dodge the agony outright, and any major hits that would kill you, dps is the way to go. Higher level fractals thinks will start one shoting or two shoting you no matter how much toughness you have.
Basically all these are good.
Note strife’s build has not been updated and is usually only good to learn the ropes of the guardian then after learning to dodge and negate damage through blocks and blinds, it is dropped for one of the dps builds.
You can just run world 1 zone 1 for continue coins to use for the harder tribulation and world 2. You do not have to beat and get every achievement in the game. Some people will pay for the “convenience item” while others will just play the game get continue coins naturally and still beat it……
Like i said some things you do not have to beat on the first day…
Whenever in a unique form such as the charr in the Ascalonian fractal, or the ghosts in the Ascalonian catacombs path 3 you are not able to change your utility skills or elite skills.
@Konig Des Todes
Obviously from your posts you seem to be highly defensive and saying things that are speculation are fact. I never said orr or scepter caused undead just that it had influence, i never said that zhaitan caused the cataclysm just that his magic might of amplified it. you take things people say and twist them then beat them over instead of having healthy discussion. And primordius i was pretaining to he doesnt corrupt races, since that was the post i was replying to. the post had no direction towards you. All of it was just speculation. Please stop acting like you know every single thing about the lore as fact.
@hjorje even the gw1 official wiki says primordious radiated magic, also Destroyers aren’t corruption he shapes his minions that’s why. Jormags lieutenant was able to corrupt joras brother and he wasn’t even awake yet. again semantics and we have no idea if in gw1 zhaitan may have played a role in the undead rising after Orr was sundered during the cataclysm… It could be a coincidence or in his sleep his influence helped create even more undead. But when an entire city was plunged into the sea by the Vizer who was influenced by abbadons the god of secrets and undead began rising. Seeing how it was built on a undead dragon it may or may not be a coincendence, or it could of just been the scepter orrs power.. Who knows just speculation.
Sorry to to tell you this, but in guildwars 1 vekk clearly states the reason their central transfer chamber is where it is, if for the mere fact that what they believed was a statue was bleeding raw magic. This statue is confirmed to be primordious. In Arah exploitable it is learned the gods unknownly infused the blood stones with some of zhaitans power since Arah was build Ontop of him. Don’t bold something before confirming it lol.
My idea is the fact that the six gods have their own issues in their respective realms of the mists. Furthermore they have learned what their power can do to Tyria. I mean just their fight with abbadon caused catastrophic damage. If the six gods were to fight the elder dragons tyria would probably rip in half due to their powers clashing. I see the gods as powerful beings who sought to make Tyria better, and they did what they could and we are now on our own.
On another hand i believe the elder dragons are a necessary cycle, the dragons radiate magic and civilizations build around that power. However these civilizations continue to fight with one another and to protect the world the elder dragons rise. They corrupt those around them turning their very magic against them. They destroy these civilizations allowing new ones to continue the cycle and grow after they have gone to sleep.
Minor Spoiler
The difference this time is we had warning, races survived due to the forgotten intervening since their power was immune to corruption. My theory is that because they came from the mists they were unique. The dwarves and guildwars 1 character bought us time and we advanced much further then previous races. We are becoming united and due to the use of bloodstones magic is much more controlled then in the past.