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Jumping Puzzle Feedback [Merged]

in Wintersday

Posted by: Thrace.2036


Here is the break down of my experience:

Enter “puzzle” area > Very long wait> Begin 1st attempt but immediately fail due to slight hesitation while wondering what I was holding and why I was walking funny> Very long wait > 2nd attempt, immediately fail because awful jump mechanics and lag> said "no Thanks, I’d rather do anything but deal with another one of these things right now. quit>

Maybe I’ll try again when I have more patience or stop having fun actually playing a game and feel like just standing around in a queue .

So Do Existing customers get a free upgrade?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thrace.2036


That is how purchasing works in real life, you pay what you pay to get what they offer when you buy it.

Money typically doesn’t come back to you when shops drop prices or movies go to the dollar theatre etc.

^This. Enough said. Most things get cheaper as time goes on. I don’t feel cheated in any way.

WvW Vistas: how not to do them

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thrace.2036


That may have been the most irritating song I have ever heard…

I know how you feel though, I miss a lot of jumps too.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Thrace.2036


Was this on the main server or an overflow? I am on Dragonbrand and we finished the event around 3pm PST. It was a heck of a drawn out lag fest, but it didn’t seem to get stuck at all.

Clocktower is pure awesomeness!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Thrace.2036


I agree that Clock tower is awesome in theory, but the execution is anything but perfect. There is no fluidity to it, players are constantly getting snagged on edges and poorly placed objects. I like where ANet is going with adding unique content to mmo’s, but they are still quite rusty with the platforming, there is more to it than simply having a jump button.

9 out of 10 runs, I can’t see my character OR the platforms. I can’t understand why so many people fail to recognize this as a flaw, just because they were able to complete the puzzle. We’ll just have to wait until next time to see if ANet learns anything this time around.

Mad King Dungeon is Repeatable

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Thrace.2036


Yeah, I almost missed the chest.

I'm disappointed by this five second cutscene

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Thrace.2036


All they needed was an NPC near the hole. You could talk to him say
“What happened?”
Then he could say “This” and it would show the cut scene for those who missed it.

Cities other then Lions Arch?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Thrace.2036


This time around it is Lion’s Arch. I have a suspicion we’ll be spending Christmas in Hoelbrack though.

I'm excited. Here's why.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thrace.2036


This post could have been summed up by saying:

" We have people working on the game still".

Not much substance there, but I am still looking forward to seeing what their live teams come up with

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thrace.2036


When I was kiting a Jotun, he lobs a huge bolder at me, but it was just as I past behind an Ice Worm. The boulder smacks the worm and the two of them start going at it. Then their friends and spawns joined in the fight. I laughed for a minute, then swooped in and mopped up what was left.

I Wish Vistas Were Not Needed for Zone Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thrace.2036


yep agree vistas should be optional not required

Good news- They ARE optional

Map completion is in no way a requirement, it is simply another goal for people who choose to do it.

Exploration is a big part of this game, and map COMPLETION should mean that you have done everything a map has to offer, which includes exploring. I really like vistas nd I look forward to completing them all.