Showing Highly Rated Posts By Tibicia.8315:

Obsidian Sanctum for achievement, really? [merged]

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Tibicia.8315


I’m pretty sure the only people who love this current situation are on over-populated servers where marginal players have figured out they can get easy daily points by joining a zerg and camping where the PVE players are forced to go. Boring but easy kills.

Message to Zergers bragging in over-flow: Do you guys not even realize what you’re bragging about? You were in a mob of 20-50 people that just mugged a lone PVE player! FYI – This is about as impressive as killing an ambient.

Sadly, with the new match-ups on servers people on the lowest-population servers may not ever manage to meet the deadline to get this acheivement. The only option may be to join a high-population server and abandon friends.

super adventure mmo

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Tibicia.8315


LOL, the gateway drug to GW2. You should distribute it free, as an app. :-)

[Survey] How do you feel about Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Tibicia.8315


Small server. We rallied and planned on a big organized kill, only I ended up in over-flow. People all fighting with each other rather than organizing. Bunch of guest players took my place on my own server (PLEASE make guesting secondary in events, allowing server players first access), because they were trying to show our sad little server how it all works, which means I never had a chance to fight with my friends. I loved dragon fights. Now I hate them. Never again. I’m done. Feeling depressed. Not sure I’ll login for a few days. We’ll see…

Feeling punished for buying character slots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tibicia.8315


Not all gear works on all character builds, and it takes time to move gear around when all I really want to do is get in and play the game. I also have certain looks for each of my characters, so to move gear around means not only time, but my characters all look terrible. Part of the joy of the game is visual for me. Plus if I change the look on say my Silvari guardian to the cultural armor, I can no longer swap that armor to my Asura warrior.
My point isn’t that I want to do things faster than normal. My point is that I want to get the same results out of my time and effort as everyone else. Obviously, yes it should take longer to outfit multiple characters. However, in every other game I’ve played, if I have two characters it takes twice as much in game time playing, three characters takes three times my time, and four…. But, in GW2, if I have two characters, it doesn’t matter if I spend twice the time in game farming and crafting as someone with one character, I can’t reap the same benefits of that time spent. For each extra character that I have in game, I get less out of my time exponentially.

Feeling punished for buying character slots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tibicia.8315


I like playing multiple characters in games, like building multiple play styles and creating a little hoard of totally different personalities. The better the art in a game, usually the more character slots I want. GW2 art is awesome, and the game play is great, so I may possibly have gone a little over-board in purchasing character slots.

When I crate multiple characters in games, i also expect to spend time developing skills for each character, indpendently. This game is no different in that, and I have no complaints when I have to acquire the same skills twice for two different characters. To me they are separate, and if I have two of them, then I should spend twice the time to get them both to a top level as opposed to someone else only leveling one character.

My issue is then with making certain aquisition of materials and items account bound.

I have never felt punished in a game for buying extra character slots, except here. Once daily completion of a crafting ascended crafting materials… Time-wise, a person with multiple character has to put exponentially more time into outfitting each character at a high gear level because of account-wide time-gating. I understand not wanting to flood the market with a craft item when the item first comes out, but by now, would it hurt to increase the amount we can make per day? Maybe make the limit by each character that has the crafting skill to pull it off, as opposed to limiting by account? I put the time into getting those characters to level 500 crafting, so why can only one use it’s skills? All of them need armor and weapons!

Laurels are also limited by account and those are also needed for high level gear. There really aren’t many opportunities to earn laurels. You log in…you get them. If someone else has one character and I have two, why don’t both my characters get laurels when they log in? I have a greater need for laurels than someone with only one character because I have more gear to build. If I’m willing to take a few minutes to log into each character each day, then why should I not be as well rewarded as the person with only one character. If you are worried about cheaters, make it one laurel per day on account, and then an extra laurel for each level 80 character that actively logs in.

Finally, to add insult to injury, there is now briefly one way to actually earn laurels in the game (again, only one per day), but…seriously…Dragon Ball? This was the last straw. I had to say something. I feel like I’m being punished.

In mourning

in Living World

Posted by: Tibicia.8315


I think Anet did an incredible job evoking deep emotions. I spent a couple of hours on one of my main chars, today, just wandering around L.A. I feel kind of….sad…I mean, really sad. Reading the note from the child who is missing parents… Ugh, it’s just a game! What is wrong with me?! I don’t think it’s just me feeling this way, either. I saw a lot of other people wandering around LA, and in the whole time, nobody typed a word. Two hours of complete and utter silence, and there were plenty of us on the map. LA, the center of social interaction is now completely silent. To speak would be like shouting at a funeral. I have never felt this way in a game.

Feedback: Pip Acquisition [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Tibicia.8315


I think the current reward system is a reasonable middle ground.

If you want to talk fair… What’s not fair is by the time a currently low level player reaches the rank I am at, that player will have accrued all of the rewards this new system offers.

Perspective from a high ranking player is what would really be fair is to figure out the average amount of pips and tickets one would earn per rank over time. Multiply that value by each rank earned, and give that amount of tickets and rewards to each account. That means some of us would have everything the award system has to offer, instantly, the first day the reward system went into place. How much would low ranked players rage then?

Before anyone thinks I’m complaining, I am not (actually don’t want the insta-reward), I am simply making the point there is no way to change a reward system and not have someone feel like they lost out. Also, if you weren’t playing when there were zero pips, then maybe you don’t like this mode of game play, and that is the real issue. (Hey, I get that. There is a reason you’ll never see me in legendary armor. )

If nothing else, consider the extra pips to the high ranked players as a little bribe. When I’m happily looking at my extra pips, then I’m more willing to tolerate the massive influx of PvE invaders on my server who are otherwise reducing my pips by increasing queues and decreasing our war score. (Throwing inappropriate siege, randomly pulling tactivators, and constantly dying because of bad builds and poor strategy, refusing to join in voice chat, etc) In reality, my server pride is bruised at seeing people represent us who don’t care, and I can’t spend as much time doing something I enjoy because of the massive queues. The least you can do is let me have a few pips to make up for the annoyance.

Options reset every time I log in

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tibicia.8315


Ditto on the options reset. Problem started immediately after the first Wintersday update.

All the plants on Tyria screaming at once?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tibicia.8315


The everyone’s sound was turned off, did the plants scream?

Love the Phoenix Skins!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tibicia.8315


Big kudos! Love, love, love, love, love the phoenix skins. My husband is still laughing at the noises I made when discovering them. Bought one as soon as I found the vendor, and spotted those beauties. :-)

Can't Enter Edge of the Mists

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tibicia.8315


Ditto. Got the error once, and locked up the game several times.
What’s worse is when I try to re-log with the same character that attempted EOTM (even after re-starting the game), instead of taking me to the original PvE map, the game immediately attempts to go back into EOTM again and keeps spinning. Truly, if I attempt EOTM with any character, it ends up stuck.

Good news though, I found the way out of the eternal spin cycle was to log in with a different character who had never attempted to go into EOTM, then I log of the good character and re-log with the messed up character. At that point, the game flips back and forth with back-ground screens of both EOTM and the original map, eventually landing on the original map screen, after waiting a few more long seconds, the character is finally on a PvE map.