Showing Posts For Tigera.2916:
Somehow it’s managed to gain an impressive amount of health for a solo event mob… to the point that a half dozen people spent 16 minutes beating it down before it finally died. Not the first time it’s happened today, and likely not the last.
Most there were level 80’s and it appears to happen all by itself (seen it 3 times today)
Attachment is screenshot 15 minutes into fight.
This is why I ask… Precision doesn’t add anything to the amount of crit damage you do… so unless you’ve got figures for Precision being changed, the crit chance is gonna stay the same. That means you don’t need the crit chance formula in there… all you need is a straight max crit damage comparison to show very simply what the difference is. (especially since the base crit damage stat is 50% right now, so where the heck are you getting that Perception crit damage bonus% from?)
Precision doesn’t change critical damage, but it does increase your average damage (if you had 0% critical chance your critical damage wouldn’t do anything at all). This average damage was used in my formula and doesn’t skew the end result, which is the reason I included it.
So, you included a formula to show how a stat won’t be affected by the changes (Precision and the % Crit hit chance) and how non-Crit hits won’t change… which just makes the whole thing more complicated.
Never make things more complicated than they need to be, it’ll just make it easy to miss a mistake AND easier to slip in an intentional fudge. (I’m still assuming you’ve done this by accident… but unless you failed to spot the sliding scale effect and the use of a level 60 item to determine the ratio for level 80 equipment, I’m having trouble seeing how)
No, I take that back… you’ve worked this out on the assumption that Ferocity is replacing Precision… It isn’t. It’s replacing Bonus Critical Damage %. This isn’t a wording issue, it’s a fundamental error in the starting figures.
For an example, the ruby orbs should have 84 Precision AND 180 Ferocity. Why so much Ferocity?
I’m perfectly aware what ferocity is replacing; critical damage.
And if they are using a system where current equipment is given 15 ferocity for every 1% critical damage it used to have, what about the superior rune of the eagle in the blog? The amount of ferocity in comparison to precision should be much higher if they were converting it like you say.
Oh good… you’re running on the assumption that it is a straight across the board change… that a level 60 item will be changed in the exact same way level 80 items will.
It’s not like Anet said that runes, sigils, traits and that will be balanced SEPARATELY from equipment… no, they never said that so you must be right in your assumptions.
The way Ferocity works is scaling… that 15=1% isn’t valid for all levels, it’s only valid for level 80. Using anything that isn’t level 80 to show what level 80 figures will be is going to be lowballing the result. By design the maths will be wrong.
Should I continue?
Furthermore, why would they need to change celestial? Wouldn’t it get 15 ferocity for every point of critical damage it had currently? Apparently not, so they are buffing the stats of it by 6%.
Celestial doesn’t have major stats, so any stat changes will hit it harder than any other type… AS IT SAYS IN THE POST!
These things point at ferocity becoming numerically equal to all other stat choices of the same tier (in the case of berserker, the minor stat). So for instance, a ruby orb would have 20 power, 14 precision, and 14 ferocity, not 20 power, 14 precision, and 30 ferocity.
And one last repeat of the “Ferocity is going to be equal to Precision because a single level 60 item that isn’t indicative of anything except the figures for level 60 items shows that level 80 items will be a direct comparison instead of using a sliding scale”…
Go back, find a level 80 item to use as a basis for your assumptions, THEN come back and do the math. Until then you are guaranteed to put in figures that are lower than they will be, ensuring you get a lower result for the damage a level 80 will do.
Go on… get to it.
Here’s how I got to these results:
I took the stats from:
- Base character stats (916 precision, 50% critical damage)
- Full ascended equipment (745 precision, 71% critical damage)
- Ruby orbs (84 precision, 12% critical damage)
- Trait selection (300 precision and 30% critical damage)
Then added them up to get the base critical chance and damage someone would have in the current system.
Next I covered the critical damage to ferocity. Basically ferosity will take the minor stat in berserker equipment and will become 300 from traits, and follow the same numbers as precision would, with the exception of instead of having 916 from base stats you would have a base 50% critical damage stat.
This is why I ask… Precision doesn’t add anything to the amount of crit damage you do… so unless you’ve got figures for Precision being changed, the crit chance is gonna stay the same. That means you don’t need the crit chance formula in there… all you need is a straight max crit damage comparison to show very simply what the difference is. (especially since the base crit damage stat is 50% right now, so where the heck are you getting that Perception crit damage bonus% from?)
I’m also a little confused as to what you mean by ferocity taking the minor stat on Berserkers… but that’s just a wording issue.
This comes out to:
*50% critical damage from the characters base stats.
*745 ferocity from full ascended.
*84 ferocity from ruby orbs.
*300 ferocity from trait selection.
No, I take that back… you’ve worked this out on the assumption that Ferocity is replacing Precision… It isn’t. It’s replacing Bonus Critical Damage %. This isn’t a wording issue, it’s a fundamental error in the starting figures.
For an example, the ruby orbs should have 84 Precision AND 180 Ferocity. Why so much Ferocity?
All armors and weapons that currently provide a critical damage bonus will be updated to provide an equivalent amount of ferocity.
That would be 12% x (15=1%) = 180.
So, it should be…
*Equipment = 1065 Ferocity
*Ruby Orbs = 180 Ferocity
*Traits = 300 Ferocity
Or, 1545 Ferocity without buffs and stuff. Or, 103% bonus crit damage on top of the 50% base crit damage… for 153% damage added to a normal hit if it’s a crit. Which is interesting because that is just 10% less than you get now…. and because the crit chance isn’t being changed, non-crit damage can be discounted for the comparison.
Your formulas are fine… you’re just plugging in figures that are wrong. (and using a formula you don’t need, which just fouls things up more)
- With ferocity: 1,129 (75% critical damage + 50% base critical damage, 125% total)
I’d like to know where that figure for ferocity comes from… not saying it’s wrong, but there’s nothing in what you’ve said here that indicates where it came from.
- With ferocity: 1370 (91% critical damage + 50% base critical damage, 141% total)
Same with this one… it’s all well and good telling us to check the math, but if the figures we plug in aren’t right we’ll certainly not get the right output. (and I’d like to be sure the figures I use are correct)
So, to help with the math checking, where are these figures coming from? (and I’m not gonna go hunting madly through the forums to find where they might be mentioned in a single post in a thread that has a good chance of not even mentioning this subject…)
Seriously… it doesn’t matter how many citizens get saved, the only reward is the tier 2 bags.
Sure, you can fiddle about changing the number saved to get the bags, but if the bags are all the same, why bother?
I would just like to ask a question here.
can you name an MMO that doesn’t rely on time gating?
Time Gating exists because there is a type of player, commonly called a “content locust”, who will burn though content at the fastest possible speed and then call (loudly) for more.
This isn’t necessarily a defense of a-net, more-so an explanation as t why I think Time Gating was Implemented.
If you think time-gating is content, you’re exactly the kind of player that ANet thinks we all are.
How does time-gated grinding constitute “content?”
Time-gating isn’t content… it’s a way to stop the locusts from burning through the new content incredibly quickly and demanding more, just as Kitanas said. (and very vocally more, at that…)
The bonus chest is one per day per event per account… doesn’t matter how many times you kill the same “boss” in a day, you’ll only get one bonus chest from it that day.
The big chest though, that’s one per day per event per character… you could run through however many characters you have capable of doing the event to get it multiple times. If you have guildmates who are getting it multiple times on the same character, then they are taking advantage of a bug in some way… that would be using an exploit and very very forbidden.
rabble rabble
Am I too early?
Very quick question… is the amount spent prior to this update on discovering all the recipes going to be more, less, or the same as it would cost to level each of the crafting skill to 500 without the discovery bonus?
I mean, we’re talking about 300% extra xp with a discovery, so that’s 4 times as many to grind out without that bonus… so just how much more would it cost to grind up without the bonus, and would those complaining about how much they spent already have complained about the massive amount extra they would have had to spend if they weren’t getting the bonus?
I know very well that I would… losing my list is small potatoes to the amount it would cost in extra grinding…
I just did an invasion on an overflow @ Gendaran fields… as Scarlet “died”, but before the event truly concluded and awarded the rewards, the game crashed.
Logging in, in the hopes that the rewards were queued and waiting for me, I found that a lot of the items I’d looted were missing from my inventory. mostly the drops from normal mobs, as the champ box drops are there.
:edit: A closer look shows it’s anything that was of green or blue rarity that has vanished… rares and whites are still there.
Oh, Anet could win… just by making it so you could do it either solo OR in a group. Going from one extreme to the other is quite silly, and Anet needs a kick in the pants for that particular bit of idiocy.
Just don’t… the mobs in there do a lot of damage and even if you’re scaled up to 80 you will find it incredibly difficult to handle them.
Why did Anet not just make it so the instance scales to the players level…?
Oh, and those saying/thinking “just level more then do it” or “learn2play noob” enjoy trying to defend a bad decision on Anet’s part.
I love profanity filters…
Ok, you need to “disarm” the bomb mines (turn them green) and lure Canach next to them… they’ll explode and damage him, not you.
Conditions do not work on him anymore… they got patched out.
To kill him with the mines, use the 1 skill on the detector to reveal the mines, and look for the ones with a bomb symbol at the top, then use your #2 skill(or whichever skill has the bomb sign) on it, and go stand right next to it once it turns green, when Canach comes over it will explode and damage him.
And that is how to do it… quite different to how people have been saying you have to do it. (use the wrong skill to trigger the mine when Canach is next to it) Something tells me that Anet didn’t make it clear enough.
It’s still a crap dungeon though.
A video of how to do the MP dungeon will help everyone to finish the SOLO dungeon…
No one is going to use the stupid mine gun the second they realize conditions will melt Canach.
If I’m right, the patch took that little ability out… I can’t get any conditions to apply to him at all… And with the mines not doing anything to him even when he’s on top of them when I trigger them, I’m left with a completely uncompletable “dungeon”
Well done Anet… well done.
Welp, screw it… when you can set of the mines right under the guy and it does nothing, when he delights in chain-smacking you off your feet (or off your back in some cases) and where there is NOTHING else that will do any damage…
Well, that’s the time to say screw the kitten ed thing.
(edited by Moderator)
It would be very unwise for them to just say “Sure, we’ll pay the taxes!” In your eyes, they’re not losing anything. But, your eyes are wrong.
But they ARE NOT losing anything.
We do pay the gems value, taxes and even a tip (the 50 cents).
Um, if they take the tax hit then you wouldn’t be paying it… that means they suddenly lose ~20% of their income.
Please explain how on earth losing ~20% of income is “not losing anything”? (this explanation will be interesting… especially since it means you complaining about a 5% “tip” must be less than nothing)
The simple fact is that if I even get a whiff of MF gear, I will kick and block that person without a moment’s hesitation. It’s only self-serving and I refuse to have any of it in a team-based environment. The only exceptions are farming runs like CoF path 1. Anything else, zero tolerance.
The simple fact is that if I even get a whiff of non-optimised gear/stats, I will kick and block that person without a moment’s hesitation. It’s just gimping the team and I refuse to have any of it in a team-based environment. The only exceptions are newbs. Anything else, zero tolerance.
Isn’t it funny that the very same argument is acceptable in one case but not the other? Elitism once more lets people dismiss you as an arrogant kitten so any point you might make is ignored… along with you seeming like the bad guy. Perhaps a different way to argue this might be a good idea? (you know, like how anyone using MF in a dungeon is making it harder for themselves for no gain at all? Only a bloody fool would try to argue in favour of that)
Three Krytan seraph are manning an outpost in Queensdale, tasked with guarding a tower against centaur attacks. Each has brought three optional pieces of equipment with them.
Soldier A: “So, what did you guys bring? I brought some binoculars, my trusty longbow, and a sword.”
Soldier B: “I brought a throwing axe, and a sword & shield in case the centaurs get close.”
Soldier C: Great! Sounds like we’re well prepared, then! As for me, I brought a shortbow, a greatsword, and of course I never leave home without my VIP badge!"
Soldier A: “Ha ha ha, good one. No, really, what else did you bring?”
Soldier C: “I just told you. Shortbow, greatsword, and VIP badge.”
Soldier B: “You idiot, how is a VIP badge going to help you do your duty? The centaurs aren’t coming to check our IDs! You intend to block an arrow with a piece of laminated card?”
Of course, Soldier A is going to do great blocking arrows with those binoculars that he can’t use with his longbow and that stop him using a bigger/better/kitten/second weapon/shield when up close and personal. Makes Soldier A a bit useless in Melee…
Meanwhile, Soldier B is fine for Melee, but a throwing axe is a bit naff at range… where he would be of much more use because A is busy trying to juggle his binoculars with his longbow, dropping both and making the Centaurs laugh themselves silly. Really not that optimal…
Soldier C however, they’ve brought a good ranged weapon along with a good melee weapon… covering the holes that his colleagues have left. Smart thinking that… he deserves more money for putting up with such inept colleagues.
In other words, it’s a pretty bad example…. But try giving A the throwing axe (which could double as a reasonable weapon for Melee) while B has the binoculars. Now B can spot for A at range, A has better Melee ability, and C has no holes to cover and he’s now the least useful soldier.
And yet you are doing less damage than if you have taken a berserker set.
And another one for the “If you’re not wearing X set, then you’re not doing good enough” list. It’s a bloody stupid argument to use… it lets people dismiss you as a “Gear Elitist”.
You have willingly gimped yourself for a better loot chance – thus, you have willingly decided to screw other players in the group over for personal gain.
And there’s the rest of it… if you’re not using X set, you’re gimped. Nothing else you’ve said, no matter how much it is valid, means a kitten now. Can we avoid this kind of argument?
It’s a very simple point to make… if you use MF in a dungeon, you are making it harder on yourself for nothing. That’s it. No “this gear is better” arguments, no “you’re screwing over others” arguments, (no matter how true or not, that kind of argument won’t work… if it did, there would be no MF in dungeons to complain about) and no “gonna kick you if I see a luck sigil stack” arguments. (which is pretty kitten elitist anyway… and since I run with a luck sigil only until it’s maxed then onto a Air sigil, it’d get me kicked before entering the dungeon. That’ll teach me for being smart about it, right?)
So a MF holding aggro in an instance only leads me to the conclusion that he either ran with very bad players, or just had a much higher traited toughness than the rest, one of the stats that pull most aggro.
He would still be much more of a benefit to the group if he was in tanky gear or dps gear.
You do realise that sounds like you are saying that even if someone is doing the best in a group that they need to be in the “perfect” armour set to be acceptable? No matter what you point is, no matter how valid it is, you just demolished any chance of being taken seriously in that regard.
You might as well have just said “If you’re not wearing the perfect gear then you’re a leeching gimp”… which is my major problem with some who are arguing against MF in Dungeons.
On that point, I will be blunt… never mind how it’s screwing over the rest of the group, it’s making it harder on yourself for no reward. Only a fool would insist on using MF in a Dungeon.
Like I said, the things I got (thanks to the way arguments were made) is that some people (not all, so if it doesn’t apply to you, don’t go taking umbrage) hate MF and that you’re only acceptable in a group if you are wearing full berserkers.
That, and that some (again, not all… so if it doesn’t apply to you, don’t bother arguing “But I don’t…” it’s a waste of time) think it should be removed completely since some use it in dungeons.
That’s what jumped out at me in this thread… not any arguments/counter-arguments, just the way some have an attitude that only their opinion/playstyle matters.
Now, that said… anyone who says that only certain armours are acceptable doing a certain dungeon that everyone must do in a group if they want to finish the story (yes Anet, I hate you for that little surprise) can go kindly kitten off. Other dungeons where MF basically does nothing? Take that flipping stuff off! (and if you don’t have anything to replace it, get something… less than 2G to fully outfit in lvl80 rares, it’s not hard)
I wonder how many people will assume I’m pro-MF and how many will assume I’m anti-MF?
The only thing I’ve managed to get from this thread is that some people hate MF and that if you’re not using berserkers then you’re not worth playing with.
Well, that and the whole “Some people use it in a dungeon so REMOVE IT FROM THE GAME NOW!!!1!” that some have screamed.
Seriously, why is it you can’t buy gems by the number you want? Say, if you want to buy 400 gems, you can’t just type in the number you want, you have to muck about with the amount you want to spend to get close to the number of gems… and the kitten market moves so you’ll think you’re about right and it’ll suddenly be different.
An option to BUY gems in the same way you sell them would be great.
:edit: That’s buying with Gold, rather than real money… I should’ve made that clear
(edited by Tigera.2916)
And it seems any character I take into HH also hangs on loading… unless I use a different client. Guess the crash damaged the files somehow.
Repair attempt failed too…
Tried to take a character into HH earlier today, spent 30 secs or so looking around to see if anything was happening before the game crashed… any attempt to log that character in now results in the game hanging on loading until it finally just closes by itself.
It’s not the first time this kind of thing has happened, so I’m guessing it;s the same bug rearing it’s ugly head again.