Showing Posts For TimoFTW.8017:
Hello guys!
So I’m currently level 80 on my Elementalist and I never really got into the amor thingy.
Simply because I really didn’t play that much.
Now that I’m pretty active again, I want some good looking armor that’s actually useful as well!
I don’t have a build yet either, but I want to play as a supportive elementalist.
I want to heal / attack and stay away from the combat from a distance.
What’s the best armor set I can possibly get? And where can I get it?
Thanks a lot folks!
Hello all,
I know that this topic has been discussed A LOT during the open beta and such.
But as I was inactive for several months after I’ve hit 80, I want to be updated.
Are there still not ANY mounts in this game? And by mounts I’m talking about flying mounts for now.
You know, one thing of mmorpg’s which I love so much: is exploring.
And by flying on a mount over the content which has been created is such a relief.
It’s breathtaking sometimes when you can create a beautiful game like this.
I just want a mount to fly endlessly and just stare at my screen.
So will there be any flying mount in the future? Or is there any?
I would be willing to pay a lot for it, just give me a price
I wish everyone a happy (early) 2014!
Thank you guys!
I can’t find it.
No, it’s a trap, you’ll be foiled by the coin-run temple in W2
don’t let them fool you
lol, it’s definitely possible.
But that part is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay easier if you’re with 2.
Hello guys,
I’m currently stuck at the frozen waterfall and we need an advance torch light.
This will cost 400 baubles.
However, I got a big problem.
I only have 250 baubles in my inventory, and when I pick up a new bauble it will not go up to 251?
How am I supposed to gain 400 baubles?
Thank you in advance!
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: TimoFTW.8017
I’m still stuck at the waterfalls which are coming down from the waterfall itself.
I know that it’s an easy part. But I’m freaking stuck there for 3 hours
Hello everyone,
I’m a casual player, not a hardcore player at all.
I do play alot, but i’m not aiming to be perfect with my gear and controlling the class very well.
Now i’m almost level 80 (currently 75), and i have the level 70 Acolyte Berserker’s gear.
I only have ~15,000 HP and everything is pumped with power, and my traits are a mess.
Can anyone give me an up to date guide (with the current nerf) build?
I like to support and attack at the same time, 50/50.
I love to play with DD and Staff, so i’ll be switching and it will depend on the situation.
Which weapon+armour should i aim for? How should i spend my traits? And which utility’s should i use?
Would like to have a build for : Pve + PvP + WvWvW
Thanks in advance!
Would be nice if someone tells me which armour i should buy, if he could mention where and how i could get it Example : Tier 1/2/3 or something says nothing to me.
I got 120,000 karma
(edited by TimoFTW.8017)
Could someone give me a thief guide that is up to date?
I literally suck at making a own build haha.
Im looking for an PvP & WvWvW & Pve build.
Mostly to deal alot of damage
I work as support engineer for a very large industrial company, which is completely different from customer support. I do not intend any offense but I don’t like people calling me because their internet doesn’t work and they can’t access their favourite 18+ website. When people call me, it’s about problems that have to be solved yesterday and involve 10 000+ euros per hour.
My job sure is a pathway to development, but just as much can be done for decades on end. I learn every day. I’m fluent in 4 languages now because I serve the world, and I’ve learned over a dozen programming languages, multiple communication protocols and several ways to design an interface, all in the course of helping customers. All that in only 1.5 years of experience. Some of those customers are featured in every home, every office, every kitchen. Some of them make sure your PC works. It is very gratifying to drink a beer and say “I helped make this”.
If your interests are in the direction of support + development, you should do electronics which is a blend of hardware and software. Neither stands on its own, working with any form of IT requires experiences with hardware imho. The best university in the Netherlands would be Eindhoven.
Feel free to PM you your linkedin or skype account. I’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. I’m from Flanders so dutch won’t be the problem.
Honestly, if I didn’t have either a killer job or fiancĂ©e right now, would be among the first to receive my resumĂ© (after obligatory interview practice).
Thanks alot,
I did send my information in a PM
I agree with Rising Dusk here, a degree does give you the edge even if other applicants are practically (as in opposite to theoritcally) better. Nowadays theory gets you further up the ladder than the practical know-how.
In response to the OP, you mentioned you want to be in support, a good communication skill is needed and a good knowledge of the product. Not necessarily a technical understanding. You need to know what should work and what not, not why and how. That is for the designer, programmer, engineer etc.
Maybe I am just echoing Leablo here,regarding support being low-level, however you are describing two different types of positions with two totally different sets of subject requirements. But I do wish you all the best as we all need a dream to hang on to.
p.s Not to nit-pick but in English we write I (as in me) as a capital, not like “ik” or “ich” in Dutch and German
Im definetly continueing my study. I would like to follow an English study to begin with. I can notice in my own grammar that I make alot of typo’s here and there. And the build of my sentence’s arent always up to date. Thanks for correcting me on writing I as a capital letter.
Anyways, thanks for all the feedback that i have gotten.
More things are clear to me, I’ll wait for a reply from Jeffrey.
I just want a clear view on how to start, and ofcourse you need a clear view on what i want to be. Which i tried to explain in my post earlier.
Sorry for all those questions, but thanks in advance.
I Really REALLY! appreciate all your help and comments and I read them all very carefully.
What’s your end goal? As stated by others above, Customer Support isn’t often a pathway to development. A more typical path for people interested in development is to start in Quality Assurance (testing) and demonstrate that you have solid technical skill and game knowledge. This can often get you started in basic design—usually doing low level “grunt work” that can lead to more advanced design work.
Speaking for myself, I started 20 years ago at “that other MMO company” in technical support, worked on the web site, started doing technical art and design, and eventually was made an official designer. Since then I’ve worked at multiple companies, and eventually moved to Seattle to do design work for So working your way up DOES work, and I don’t have a college degree, but I have been gaming for 30+ years and I’m always willing to tackle whatever tasks come up.
I dont know if it is possible at all, but what i tried to mention after searching and looking around. The job that will suit me in the future is being a game master over a game.
I would like to test documents and bugs, Run events for players ingame, and keeping the site up to date. Now i dont know if there is any connection between being a game master and updating the web site. Because it would be logical if there is another person to keep the website up to date and make a design for it.
So is there any opportunity being a game master in the future?
Or is it a dream and do i need to stay realistic and whipe it away?
Im not in the designing of content, but i would like to test it and develop it.
The point is, i want to do something with development/ testing bugs and such.
Thanks for your answer,
This really helps me. Because i need to make a decision this end of the summer.
And i dont want to be late, and i would like to know any ’’available’’ option in the gaming industry. And sorry if i sound a little bit dumb here and there. But i just want to know everything, and be sure i dont miss any chances out.
Kind Regards,
(edited by TimoFTW.8017)
I don’t know how far you live from Breda but this might interest you:
When i click it, it says that the link is broken?
Actually (and I keep on speaking English, so others can follow), college and university isn’t different. College-degree is awarded after 3 years of university or 4 years of college (HBO). University or master degree is awarded after the 4th year of university (The year you write your Thesis).
I don’t believe you need to have either though. MBO (apprenticeship) in IT should be ok enough for basic customer support. But depending on what level of high school you followed I would really advise your to talk to a school counselor bout this. The reason is that alsmot all customer support jobs aren’t very romantic, Anet has mostly to deal with angry customers and they are not always friendly. You could ask Gaile Gray for more info as well. she normally stalks account issues section
Thanks alot for the information,
I am currently going to finish the havo and i have plans following the ICT.
I will stalk Gaile and ask her aswell, thanks for your information
Is that the same for people in the Netherlands?
College and University is different here in the Netherlands.
University is the highest level you can get after your high school, and with high i mean the dutch university will teach you the very very advanced parts of Science and Maths and Economics and such. So i highly doubt that you will need to follow that in Holland?
Dear Guild Wars 2 community,
First i would like to say, Sorry if i posted this in the wrong section. But there wasnt really a place to post this except for the help section.
I am struggling with a few questions, and i dont know if this is very helpfull.
But i will give it a shot!
Next year i will finish my school, and i am interested in a job at a gaming company.
Now i dont know if it is allowed to talk about other company’s, so i am not doing so.
But i have a few questions, and i hope that they could be answerd by either Arenanet or the players from the community. Thanks in advance.
I am interested in working at the customer support from a company which will suit me in the future. There are different kind of requirements. Like having a advanced level of English and being experienced in online gaming before.
When i am done with school, i want to follow a course so i can get a diploma of advanced English. Currently i am going to succeed my school with 89% of the basic English language. What else is required to work for a gaming company?
I live in Europe, the USA offers way more then Europe does. But moving to USA will cost me alot.
I know that many people out there dream to be a part of a gaming society.
But this is really a big dream of mine, and i’d like to ask around and see what the options are.
Thank you in advance.
Your Sincerly,
But how do i get 50 Baubles if this is the end, repeating the other?
Hello guys,
We just finished door 2 stage 1.
And there is only a home button left.
But there isnt a 3rd door or something, so we can only do the door 2.
Is this the end?
Thanks in advance
Hello players!,
Currently i am a level 40 norn warrior (female).
And i really get bored from the normal equips i gather from my personal story.
They look the same as the beginner equips.
Can someone give me a list of armour which i could buy?
I have no idea what the names are from the armour which is available from any X level.
(Armour + Weapons)
Thanks in advance!
that really sounds like your system isn’t optimized and cleaned.
- try to keep your operating system’s drive usage to 60-70%
- uninstall all unnecessary programs/tools/games you don’t use
- delete temporary files and clean your registry. (make sure that the reg-cleaner of your choice has a backup feature!)
- after all that, defrag your HDD/s.
also, try to check if any background program/s are slowing down loadtimes by either performing a clean startup or using gamebooster.
if you’re getting noticeable faster loadtimes after doing one of those two methods, than some program/s is/are the culprit/s.other things you can try or check:
- there might be something wrong with the game’s archive. launch the game with the " -repair" command line argument.
- delete the “local.dat” file at “C:\Users\”yournamehere"\My Documents\Guild Wars 2\"
- (rare and very unlikely) bad memory – download and run “memtest86”
- (very unlikely) bad HDD – check your drive with windows’ “chkdsk” (checkdisk) feature.
of course, buying a SSD is the easiest and most effective way to reduce your loadtimes.
but also the most expensive one.well, that’s it with my knowledge.
Sorry for my late response, but it did the job!
I cleaned up my whole computer, and using game booster really speeds it up.
Loading a map takes now between 5 to 15 seconds
Hey all,
Whenever i login to the game, and select my character.
Or i visit another location in the game. It takes forever to load.
It will take between 20 seconds to 2 minutes, its horrible.
How can i make it load faster?
Seriously, for a HDD 2 minutes isnt healthy.
I might get a SSD for GW2, but 2 minutes isnt alright for a map to load.
Specs ;
CPU : i3 2120
GPU : Radeon 6850 1gb
Ram : 8gb
HDD : 500GB / 280GB left
Thanks in advance