Showing Posts For Tizzy.7826:

Can we get a collectibles tab for RARE crafting materials? What about dungeon tokens?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tizzy.7826


Signing this one. In all honesty, it looks like the devs purposefully left rares out to force gamers to buy more bank space.

Deleveling---Make it a toggle.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tizzy.7826


Though I agree the downscaling system is an integral feature, anet should make it so that repair bills and travel costs do scale with your zone also. It’s silly to have you pay repair costs on a lvl 80 armor because you got killed by a group of lvl 5 mobs after being nerfed by the game down to level 5.

Disable Mini Pets getting deposited into bank when select deposit all collectibles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tizzy.7826


Get an invisible bag and put your minipet there

Necromancer suggestions (and requests)!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tizzy.7826


Necromancers do need a lot of work. As it is, I’ve found playing as a Minion Master to be very hard – as soon as your minions start to fall, you’re good as dead and there’s no sure way to keep them up except for the elite golem. I myself have ended up playing with wells and a staff, and I find the game to be a lot easier and have a lot less downtime than it did when having to deal with minions I couldn’t heal and that had very long cooldowns after they died.

Also, and this one is even more important – can we have it so our minions get despawned but the cooldowns aren’t triggered when we get into water? Losing my golem and having to wait minutes to be able to cast it again because I had to cross a lake is ridiculous.

WvW: Underdog personal rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tizzy.7826


You just stop allowing new players from Yak and Darkhaven while the third server has a very low population. Population imbalances are impossible to code around and still making game fun – Blizzard tried it a few years ago with Wintergrasp in WotLK and they ended up making the match a closed one precisely because no matter how much they buffed the side with few players the match was always won by the group with the most population. It just isn’t practical to have a battleground zone where population isn’t at all controlled.

WvW: Underdog personal rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tizzy.7826


Just adding population caps to the battlegrounds would fix that without any need for odd rewards and incentive population to spread through servers to boot, since the servers with awful amounts of PvPers would have much longer queues than the servers with either less people or less PvPers.