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64 bit client

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tkosh.1923


I cannot believe the kicking and screaming about 64bit and DX12. First 64bit is OLD now XP even had a 64bit version. If you are running a 32bit OS on a laptop that is your problem, upgrade!! Second DX12 would be an option do you ever look at your video settings in any games?? The majority have the option to choose which DX you want to use. I have seen newer ones that only allow dx11 but they are new and never used DX9.
And I still don’t buy the memory speed increase, BS your old memory could not have been that old to be used in the same MOBO. You changed something else and don’t realize it!!

64 bit client

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tkosh.1923


It may be an issue of money, no monthly fee. Maybe we could crowd-source it?

64 bit client

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tkosh.1923


“I’m not an IT expert, but maybe it is because of the age.
Remember Guild Wars 2 is running an over 10 years old engine that as only been modyfied…maybe it is simply incapable to do this? (Pls correct me if I’m talking bs ^^”)"

Order date: 10/5/2012
That is my PREORDER 79$ purchase date so this game is only 3 years old not ten. So WOW is much much older and was updated so many times in so many ways. And WOW will run on a toaster this game needs an I3 Duo core and I bet that cpu is under tremendous strain to run it.

64 bit client

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tkosh.1923


Hey Sir Squishy How is your ram increasing your FPS so much? Video is the hog, are you using onboard graphics?
I can see memory decreasing load times like an SSD drive but not video performance.

64 bit client

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tkosh.1923


Well I don’t buy the age excuse WOW is old too and has a 64 bit option and WOW is Fisher Price graphics, this game needs updating far worse than WOW did.

64 bit client

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tkosh.1923


Because a proper 64bit client will run much better on a 64bit machine and why are you even arguing this when this is standard for almost all games now.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tkosh.1923


Looks like backwards marketing to me. The usual practice is always charge for the base (cheaper as time goes on) but NEVER charge 99$ for an EXP!! what a ripoff! I used the 99$ example because that’s what you have to pay for one, that’s right one character slot.

64 bit client

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tkosh.1923


Nowadays most PC’s are 64 bit why are you ignoring this?
I will never buy the Expansion without the 64 bit client!!

Stuck in the map or seeing map art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tkosh.1923


I was getting the graphic issues in the light in the darkness instance. It seems this old game has poor video programming because it looks like a heat issue lol. I turn the settings down in video and ok now. This is ridiculous I run DA Inquistion at 1920X1080 without these problems in high quality mode. Need to work on the graphics programming folks.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tkosh.1923


So Laserous they can do all the halloween crap do reserved names but actual content that matters doesn’t matter? Another MMO getting close to being flushed down the toilet.

The hatchery bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tkosh.1923


Thank you for your hard work Jeffrey Vaughn. Hotfixes can work depending on server setup right? STO does em all the time and wow does now too but you know wow sometimes never fixes some things lol. Anyway love the game mostly and can’t wait for the fix. I cancelled Wow thanks to GW2 :-)

Minion control

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tkosh.1923


Please at least let us have the same option as hunters!! I can’t count how many times I’ve died because of no control over minions.