Showing Highly Rated Posts By Tobias Trueflight.8350:
But GW2 is working, so your premise is inherently flawed.
Is it, though? Is it really?
Wait, there’s a trait locked behind the Overgrown Grub? The one most servers don’t want to touch since it invites an enemy zerg to come crash the party or just roll over other places while the fight is on?
. . . who thought that was a good idea? Raise your hand and I promise I will not hurt you.
Can we please stop throwing money into the RNG boxes and expecting amazing results? Lottery tickets, or grab bags, or sealed booster packs, or whatever . . . simply aren’t an economical way of getting what you want. Be it money, a specific item, or that rare card/miniature/item you’re looking for to complete your collection.
I’d like to say you have my sympathies, however my cynical side is starting to choke that part to death when I see topics like this. Because every time I do, I start to wonder how often people need to touch the paint before they realize it’s wet. It’s been well established the results are (usually) not worth the money put into it.
The Black Lion Chests have always been (nearly) pointless from a game mechanics standpoint. The skins which float in and out of their drop tables (including the Mystic Conduit parts), and related “Special Boxes” are simply not a good use of your (real) money. If you must play at them, go for Gold conversions to Keys. Or do the new character turnover for keys (pick some personal storyline you want to check out, do it past the first chapter, and move on).
But please stop spending real money on the keys and expecting your mind to be blown by the drops?
On a positive note, you got enough ticket scraps AND a ticket to trade for skins. Congratulations. Pick something you like, or hang onto them for a later event if you don’t like any of them.