Showing Posts For ToxicDerpsAlot.6428:

How to I beat a D/P wvw thief

in Thief

Posted by: ToxicDerpsAlot.6428


What I usually do is, I run a D/P build when ever i encounter a D/P whatever I do I DO NOT MAKE THEM STEALTH no matter what do no let them get into their combo. What I do is if I see the black powder go down I instantly head shot them to daze. I dont use combos because I wont be able to bs him since he is stealth to so I just auto attack. Just keep on dazing him if you run out of inti then if you have a pull ability (scorpion wire) pull them out before they hs. If you keep dazing them and auto attacking. They will soon get bored and leave. I have had a 10 minute battle with a D/P and he just got bored and left. lol

Venon Runeblade-Thief-[RE]-Rethesis-Kaineng

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: ToxicDerpsAlot.6428


My ranger Alyss Oakblade! (rangers apprentice reference) Anywho shes only level 17 but she has all this armor HOW? Transmute stones from my level 80 thats how. Enjoy.


Venon Runeblade-Thief-[RE]-Rethesis-Kaineng

(edited by ToxicDerpsAlot.6428)

Ranger Only Guild! The Ranger Corps [RC] KAIN

in Guilds

Posted by: ToxicDerpsAlot.6428


Bonjour! We are a brand new guild on Kaineng named The Ranger Corps (based on rangers apprentice) We are an all ranger guild. Focusing mainly on PvE with sPvP and WvW. All level rangers are aloud. We are NOT a hardcore guild, we prefere to be casual. As long as you have a ranger you can join the guild!. Since this is NOT my main guild, I will be needing leaders to run the guild when I am absent. Send me a mail! ToxicDerpsAlot.6428 , Venon Runeblade or Alyss Oakblade!
See you all !

Venon Runeblade-Thief-[RE]-Rethesis-Kaineng

Ranger Guild

in Ranger

Posted by: ToxicDerpsAlot.6428


Hey! I have a NEW guild I JUST made 2 days ago. I am currently the only one in it. . lol. It is my PERSONAL guild not my main. My guild is called The Ranger Corps [RC] (From the rangers apprentice series) I am in kaineng so send me a tell! ToxicDerpsAlot.6428 or at Venon Runeblade or Alyss Oakblade lol

Venon Runeblade-Thief-[RE]-Rethesis-Kaineng

HUGE GW2 Redesign Concept Collection

in Suggestions

Posted by: ToxicDerpsAlot.6428


I just want to say that when a thief uses stealth YOU ARE ABLE TO HIT HIM WITH EVERYTHING. you just cant see him! but he does take damage!!

Venon Runeblade-Thief-[RE]-Rethesis-Kaineng

Thief theme song

in Thief

Posted by: ToxicDerpsAlot.6428


I just like something that gets me pumped up, not really a thief theme but yenno.

Venon Runeblade-Thief-[RE]-Rethesis-Kaineng

Thieves Are Ruining WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: ToxicDerpsAlot.6428


Soo are you preposing to remove the thief class?

Venon Runeblade-Thief-[RE]-Rethesis-Kaineng

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: ToxicDerpsAlot.6428


Honestly since my computer cant handle zerg fights. I just want to roam and kill small groups of people being on Kaineng doesnt allow that. lol. I still love kaineng but im not leaving cause I love my guild. Maguuma has a lot of roamers so that good kitten

Venon Runeblade-Thief-[RE]-Rethesis-Kaineng


in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ToxicDerpsAlot.6428


Why cant we preview stuff in the TP ? like weapons and armor. I dont understand.

Venon Runeblade-Thief-[RE]-Rethesis-Kaineng

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: ToxicDerpsAlot.6428


weird ,I haven’t seen WM team (or a single member of theirs) for 2 days , usually they are assigned to EB or KN BL , what happened to them .

They took a break (a deserved break) They just got back today >:D

Venon Runeblade-Thief-[RE]-Rethesis-Kaineng

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: ToxicDerpsAlot.6428


Dis ma thief Venon Runeblade I spent a lot of time trying to find an outfit that I like. I spent over 50 gold with this Anyways the first 2 pictures is the outfit that I like wearing right now. The second outfit is my shady thief look xD Once they add cloaks or capes my thief will look so cool omg. Enjoy.
First Set Armor: Assassin Second Set: Shady Thief
Helm: Order Of Whispers Same as “Assassin” look but
Shoulders: Conquest (idk what it is in PvE) the chest is Order Of Whispers
Chest: Human cultural t3
Gloves: Duelist
Pants: I forgot got it from some vendor in Orr
Boots: Human Cultural t3


Venon Runeblade-Thief-[RE]-Rethesis-Kaineng

Daily Achievements = No laurels

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ToxicDerpsAlot.6428


I have completed 2 dailies. Daily Dodger and Daily Event (or something like that) I completed them and got NO LAURELS for completing them I asked my guildees if this is normal they said no, they already have 2 laurels. Bug ?

Venon Runeblade-Thief-[RE]-Rethesis-Kaineng

Thief overpowered?

in Thief

Posted by: ToxicDerpsAlot.6428


Honestly, you need to learn how to counter a thief. Not to debuff thief. Good players know how to counter thieves. I play a thief and when im up against a good player that knows how to counter, I have a hard time bringing him down and it usaully ends with him winning. DONT debuff thief LEARN to counter. Good day.

Venon Runeblade-Thief-[RE]-Rethesis-Kaineng