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[Suggestion] Endless Tonics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trevilocalypse.5627


So I thought that it would be pretty cool to have more tonics in the game. But I think it would be best implemented through the Mystic Forge.

“Hm… smells venomous. Use this item to transform in to… something. You’ll never know what until you try. The bottle seems to be self replenishing.”
20 Bottles of Elonian Wine
50 Piles of Bloodstone Dust
50 Small Venom Sacs
50 Small Scales

“It smells a lot like wet fur… Use this item to transform in to… something. You’ll never know what until you try. The bottle seems to be self replenishing.”
20 Bottles of Elonian Wine
50 Piles of Bloodstone Dust
50 Fangs
50 Claws

“It smells fluffy and feathery. Use this item to transform in to… something. You’ll never know what until you try. The bottle seems to be self replenishing.”
20 Bottles of Elonian Wine
50 Piles of Bloodstone Dust
50 Slabs of Poultry Meat
50 Small Claws

“It smells of gunpowder and flint… Use this item to transform in to… something. You’ll never know what until you try. The bottle seems to be self replenishing.”
20 Bottles of Elonian Wine
50 Piles of Bloodstone Dust
50 Small Supply Bags
50 Hooves

“It smells like the ocean. Use this item to transform in to… something. You’ll never know what until you try. The bottle seems to be self replenishing.”
20 Bottles of Elonian Wine
50 Piles of Bloodstone Dust
50 Scales
50 Fins

“It smells of… musky dirt? Use this item to transform in to… something. You’ll never know what until you try. The bottle seems to be self replenishing.”
20 Bottles of Elonian Wine
50 Piles of Bloodstone Dust
50 Vials of Thin Blood
50 Slabs of Red Meat

I dunno. It seems a fair price to pay for each of them.

Suggestion - Roleplay additions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trevilocalypse.5627


Guild Wars 2 has been focusing a lot on PvE and PvP and I feel that RP has been getting less and less attention from ANet. I feel that the RP environment can be improved greatly by adding basic things to the game. This is a similar post to my Hobbies suggestion I’ve posted four months prior.

Chairs. – Simple. Being able to sit on a chair without floating or having your legs bend in ways that are physically impossible. Simply adding sittable chairs in public places or even a /sitchair emote would be a fantastic start.
More emotes. – Make things a bit more fun and diverse. Being able to do things like cartwheels, handstands, pushups, meditating, praying, etc. I’m sure the RP community would put them to good use. Even adding more types of existing emotes. Such as dancing. You can’t really do the Party Rock dance at a noble’s party… So why not add something like /dance_slow or /dance_twist?
More bundle items. – Being able to buy items such as water buckets, camp fire kits, brooms, nets, etc. I would love to see a barmaid throwing a bucket of water over a drunken norn in the Busted Flagon. Small elements such as sweeping dirt would really liven up the RP in the game.
Fist fights. – A type of dueling system that allows two players to punch and kick each other without actually killing either one. Bar brawls and even military training would be fun to actually watch.
Dueling. – Being able to swing swords, knock back and shed blood would liven up 40% of roleplay. Attacking players with the use of emotes gets very dull, very quickly and is also sometimes unfair.
Macros. – The title says it all. Macros would just make emoting and such a lot easier for players who often use repetitive actions.
Better town clothes. – Original, casual and formal town clothes would be great to see on the game. I often hear people want to have the clothes that NPCs wear. So… maybe place more town clothes for us? It would be nice to see different outfits around the city.

These are just a few of many ideas that could be put into place for those who do not take much part in PvE and PvP. The Roleplayers.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trevilocalypse.5627


Horses for roleplay actually sounds awesome.

I, for one, feel that walking to a faraway destination looks right, but takes too long. And jogging to a location doesn’t take too much time, but it looks wrong. Waypoints ruin the value of roleplaying because it doesn’t feel like a proper journey.

This is a brilliant suggestion. Perhaps give the horses a +15% speed increase. Also, being able to choose your colour horse or being able to dye the saddles would also be nice. Adds a form of uniqueness.

I really hope horses are added.

Suggestion - Hobbies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trevilocalypse.5627


I think there should be hobbies within the game that would not only make Guild Wars 2 feel even more alive, but will allow players to have more intricate roleplaying. Hobbies such as:

Fishing. – Sea and lake fishing for cooking ingredients or even small treasures.
Camping. – Set a camping fire for a limited time for a basic cooking station to use in the wilderness.
Music. – Liven the mood by allowing characters to play and even script their own songs purely for fun.
Art. – Allow players to draw or paint on a canvas purely for enjoyment. Players could also share their artwork with the server.
Journals. – Players who find something interesting in-game or who even wish to make small notes about anything could have a journal in which they can write in.
Smoking. – Players may have a smoking item in which they could roleplay with.
Reading. – Buying books and reading would be fun for those who enjoy literature. Having the player actually pull out a book would make it look very authentic.
Writing. – Should players feel like writing stories, they can do so and share their books to other players for enjoyment. Books should be able to be reported if they deem to be inappropriate.

I hope that these suggestions will be taken into consideration as it would be fantastic to see the world liven up even greater.

(edited by Trevilocalypse.5627)