Showing Posts For TrueHonor.4953:

No Players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TrueHonor.4953


Yeah, I think it’s mostly just because you’re in starter zones. With that said, Queensdale is usually jumping with players on our server doing a champ train, and a lot of people ‘standing around’ do so in the NE part of Gendarran Fields, where the remnants of Lion’s Arch populace can be found. With the April 15th update as well, you should start finding people to play with. Happy hunting =)

Junric – 80 Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

Purchasable Guild Halls via Gemstore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TrueHonor.4953


Yes please. What made the original Guild Wars unique, besides the extreme amount of skill bar customization, was it’s Guild central theme. Guild halls could sooo easily be added as an instance, just like in the original, and allow guilds large or small to have a rally/meeting point basically. Launch dungeons from there, GvG matches, WvW raids, etc. My entire guild of friends and family, while only 22 strong, have been patiently waiting for it.

Junric – 80 Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

The beautiful toons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TrueHonor.4953


Human Guardian
Hero of the Innocent
Vanguard for Peace
Protector of Pretty Ladies
etc etc etc


Junric – 80 Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

Should we add another weapon to each class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TrueHonor.4953


Just curious what the feedback would be for adding another weapon for each class. I personally would like one-handed spears added to the game overall, not the throwing Paragon kind, but the poke poke kind. But, with current weapons, would it be accepted?

Warrior – Dagger offhand
Guardian – Ax main hand
Ranger – Hammer (for all of the hammer rangers in GW1)
Thief – Not sure about this one. Could we make a melee staff? =)
Engineer – Mace main hand
Mesmer – Dagger main hand and/or offhand
Necromancer – Sword main hand
Elementalist – Shortbow

Let the discussion commence!

Junric – 80 Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

Can't salvage my gear?? Because?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TrueHonor.4953


You know, it’s possible that one of the sets were an old Karma set. Thank you for that reminder. But the other is definitely WvW badges+gold armor. That have the same restrictions maybe?

Junric – 80 Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

Can't salvage my gear?? Because?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TrueHonor.4953


Clearing out some old gear. Salvage my weapons no problem. Go to salvage my armor, and it won’t let me? It’s transmuted and soulbound, but so were the weapons. Glitch? Something they added? Please let me know something if you can, thanks.

Junric – 80 Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

Limit effect of group speed buffs in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: TrueHonor.4953


The advantage of running in big groups is the ability to use the advantages of everyone in the group. I would think lessening the speed of big groups would defeat that advantage. As for you personally, if the warrior you sign with is the character you’re referring to, Signet of Rage is a life saver if you see the zerg first, or at least soon enough.

Junric – 80 Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

Name changes with gender changes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TrueHonor.4953


+1 Name change option. I don’t want my new huge male norn to be named Jylial… Please?

Junric – 80 Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks