Showing Posts For Tsuroyu.7956:
How do I always end up playing the weakest class in every game? And why on earth is Anet so resolved to nerfing Ele into the ground?
It’s shaping up into a fierce battle, guys. GG so far, from EBay to Gates and SF!
Late last night was really interesting. Actually, I’m curious about the comment(s) above about Ebay having the largest WvW population. That can’t possibly be true?! I mean, maybe it is; do you have a source for it? It certainly doesn’t feel that way, on our end. My guild was in GoM border last night, and there was no queue for it at all, all night long. We did our best, and held our corner of the map for a good long time, before getting sort of pincered between green on the left, and red on the right, basically exterminating us from the map before resuming their own fight. We put up a few valiant stands at the two supply camps near our entrance, though Just wasn’t enough to stand up to two teams who wanted us gone from the map.
Really good match so far, guys!
The Blind Man, you’re a class act. So from Ehmry Bay: respect. For what it’s worth, you shouldn’t feel it’s your responsibility to apologize on behalf of your server, just because a small group of jerks are ruining things. But thanks. It’s good to hear from someone that YB is a server full of cool players and good sports.
And I just want to respond to people who think EB is full of whiners and complainers. Try to see our situation from the point of view of serious EB players who just want to have a good, fair fight in WvW, and hopefully some fun doing it. Regardless of whether the things people are screaming about are actually happening (2-server alliances, hacking, night capping, etc etc), people are hearing that they’re happening, seeing that we’re losing, and leaving our server in droves. And morale is brutally hard to keep up, when at least some of things almost certainly are going on, at least occasionally. A lot of us are staying—we don’t care if we’re losing, and even like the idea of putting up a valiant effort as the underdogs. So please recognize that, while there always will be whiners, there are plenty of good gamers on EB who are getting kinda crapped on by circumstances, but are doing their best to keep their chins up. It is frankly becoming more and more of a bummer to play WvW on EB, so I mean… We don’t particularly want sympathy, but maybe a little respect for EB, instead of constant accusations that we’re a server full of babies, which is not an especially fun thing to hear when you’re already kinda getting squashed. There are a lot of us here fighting the good fight and doing our best.
I think The Blind Man’s got the right idea, and guys like him create the kind of friendly competitive atmosphere that we’d all like to play in. So again, a /salute to the OP, and I hope to meet you out there in WvW.
“Absolutely NOT. There was no “teaming” up with anyone. "
Clearly, there’s no evidence that there was ever a team-up. Never mind the fact that someone posted a thread saying, “let’s team up.” Nope, TC did it all by themselves.
Gehenna would be happy to have you. Check us out, see if it seems like a good fit
Check out Gehenna. We communicate quite well when people are on, and we have a lot of fun, but of course we’re mostly busy, working adults, so there are dead hours too.
I’m a bit confused by the continued attempts to justify these two servers working together against Ehmry Bay. First of all, the collusion between TC and Mag began before the match reset, meaning EB wasn’t winning at the time… we weren’t even fighting yet. The comment just above about TC fighting Mag last night is just untrue. At reset, my guild was in Eternal, and our server was fighting against 1 massive TC zerg on the west side and 1 massive Mag zerg on the east side. There was virtually no combat on the south side of the map, at all. Occasionally Golanta or Danelon supply camps would change hands, but that can result from 2 or 3 people running around. The north side (EB’s starting side), on the other hand, was under heavy siege all night, often getting whittled down to just our keep, before we could push back out to even recover perhaps a supply camp and a tower, before getting pushed back again. In other words, EB was getting attacked by 2 full sized zergs on 2 fronts, and could only defend against each of them with, at most, a 1/2 zerg.
I mean, I don’t want to get hostile about it, that’s not going to help anything. But I do feel it’s kind of a bummer to have two servers allying against one. While it’s true that two servers will temporarily cease fighting each other if another one is overwhelmingly leading, that is quite different from an explicit agreement, before the start of the match, to ignore each other in favor of squashing the other team. It doesn’t even give EB a chance to compete: if we assume players are roughly of equal skill on all 3 servers, and of roughly equal smarts, then there’s just no way we can hope to win against the two.
As I check the scoreboard right now, EB is in a solid last place. So I’m just going to hope that this alliance falls apart before we fall too far behind to possibly recover. Either way, I’m going to feel proud that it takes two other servers working together to beat my server. So I guess all’s fair in love and war, but I know that if I had to ally with another server and essentially barter away first place by agreeing to fight for second, I wouldn’t feel too good about myself.
If your definition of mature includes adults who may often speak crudely, but are laid back about it, come and check out Gehenna.
Hope to hear from you!
Take a look at Gehenna. We’re a pretty well established guild on Ehmry Bay. We do not have an age policy, but the vast majority of our membership is 21+ (a few younger guys). We have both casual and hardcore types, and no attendance or playtime requirements.
I hope you’ll check us out!
Consider checking out Gehenna, on Ehmry Bay. We may fit the description of what you’re looking for, if your definition of mature allows for grownups who are often crude in speech, but laid back.
Hope to hear from you!
Gehenna is an established PvX guild on the Ehmry Bay server, and is active in every aspect of the game. Our goal is to become one of the server’s premier guilds, a name that everyone knows, and the first guild you expect to see whenever our server scores a great victory in PvP or PvE. We are playing mostly in US timezones, but we are split pretty evenly between the east coast, west coast, and in between; we certainly aren’t limited to US players, and invite members from anywhere. We play virtually all hours of the day and night, between us, so most players probably won’t be lonely. And we invite players from all over the spectrum, from casual to hardcore and PvE to PvP (we’re not very big on RP). We are also a member guild of an alliance for our server (The United Guilds of Ehmry Bay) for WvW. We have a place for just about everyone. Most of our players are semi-hardcore or hardcore, which is the dominant playstyle of our guild, but we offer multiple levels of membership, including a casual option for members who just want a cool group to socialize with. Information about this is included on our website’s application form. Our mentality is one of quality over quantity, but at the same time we are trying to increase our numbers as much as possible with great players. We only have a couple requirements.
-Members should be mature. We don’t strictly have an 18+ requirement, but especially immature players, or loud and obnoxious kids will find themselves kicked out pretty quick. We expect that, in public chats, people will represent the guild well.
-On the other hand, you should be fairly laid back. We do not like to have a lot of draconian policies. For example, we don’t limit cursing in guild chat (although it gets old if it’s over the top), so people who are offended way too easily might not fit.
-Players should have a good sense of humor, but take the game seriously to a certain degree, too. Joking around in-game is great, but if we’re fighting bosses or something we do want to make sure they get done right.
-Just be friendly and we’ll all get along fine!
-Potential applicants should at least take a look at our guild’s policies, and agree to them before applying (link below).
Gehenna’s old-timers are mostly hardcore gamer types who have been gaming together in various venues for over 13 years. We have had a strong endgame presence in a couple different MMOs, especially FFXI and WoW, and several of us have now moved full-time to GW2. So there is definitely a place in Gehenna for hardcore gamers, the types who like to take on the toughest challenges a game has to offer. Our plan right now is to have regular guild events (hopefully the game will allow for us to do this on a regular schedule), where we tackle the most difficult PvE content available as a coordinated guild. We also want to have a strong presence in WvW and competitive PvP, so gamers with these interests will definitely be in good company.
At the same time, we want to encourage casual gamers to join up, as well. We don’t have attendance requirements, so players with busy lives can feel at home; most of us are pretty busy, ourselves, so we can definitely sympathize when real life has to take priority, and that’s just fine! We are really excited to bring in casual gamers who 1) want to get into the more hardcore aspects (we love to teach!) or 2) just want to stay casual. We’re always down to help out our guildies, so don’t be intimidated if you’re on the casual side; we want you, too! And our casual membership option allows members to join multiple guilds, if they wish.
Please come check us out! Our website:
Also, please take a quick look at our guild policies on the public section of our forum before applying. You don’t need to memorize them, just give them a once over to make sure everything sounds good.
We use Ventrilo. A mic is not required, but use of Ventrilo will be required for guild events, at least just to listen.
Any questions about our guild can be posted in our public forum, on the website, so don’t hesitate to drop in, say hello, and ask any questions you might have. Our forum is very active, and our community has been busy talking about various aspects of the game, discussing builds from the beta, mulling over WvW strategy, and contributing to the cementing of our guild’s policies and collective personality, since before the game’s launch. Even as a larger guild that is still growing, we have developed a good sense of community and friendship. We would love for you to come over and be a part of it. So if you like what you see, please fill out an application!
Thanks for reading, we hope to hear from you soon!