(edited by Twelfth Knight.5698)
Showing Posts For Twelfth Knight.5698:
Personally am finding the low-level zones a lot more fun now with multiple groups of randoms running around instead of an empty landscape punctuated by the occasional appearance of a zerg-train.
Now if they could just sort out trait acquisition and spread (plus pre-80 transmutation costs), levelling alts might actually be an appealing experience again.
Love the fact that I no longer have to fill my inventory/bank with useless gear just to keep the skins I want available. For me, this has actually made collecting skins a viable activity (wasn’t before due to inventory restrictions). So imo the new wardrobe system is a vast improvement in this area.
However, was never happy with GW2’s nickel-and-dime approach to monetizing every cosmetic change, and this hasn’t changed for me. In fact, as others have pointed out, things seem to have got worse for leveling characters due to only one charge for map completion instead of 3 stones under the old system. After experiencing the wardrobe systems in DCUO (once a skin is unlocked, you can swap skins any time you like for free) and LOTRO, this still feels archaic and restrictive to me.
(edited by Twelfth Knight.5698)
Would’ve been better if they cut the level cap to 40, refunded skill points for every level players had above that and then scaled all of the content to match.
Really appreciate the ability to swap traits on demand, but the old level 80 cap doesn’t match the new condensed trait system imo. No point in having so many levels if most of them offer no feeling of progression (only the need to upgrade your gear). As others have pointed out, the old system did mitigate the level grind by offering build choices at lower levels.
I’m lucky enough to have only 2 sub-70 characters (one in the 50s and one in the 30s), but not sure I would fancy leveling a new character now (even with the consumable that instantly raises you to 20).
People doing silly stuff like this:
Lots of other stuff ofc: the quaintness of pre-Searing Ascalon, the eerie beauty of the Jade Sea, the storylines, the theme music from Nightfall (still unequalled imo) etc
(edited by Twelfth Knight.5698)
Champ trains have destroyed map chat. Piken Square used to be the most social server going. Well, it probably still is, but the train has ruined friendly play, mostly when the train goes out of sync, and people start swearing and shouting at people. Calling people an R-Word or an F-Word, naming names in full caps just because a by-stander, who is fairly new to the game, picked up the troll runestone.
Have only been back a short while and noticed something similar on my server. Some poor newbie getting put down in zone chat because they unintentionally ‘broke the train’. (Yes this was Queensdale).
I thought that ANet specifically designed GW2’s open-world PvE to avoid this kind of bs, but incredibly it looks like certain people have still managed to impose their particular brand of oppression on newbie areas.
(edited by Twelfth Knight.5698)
Thanks. I’d better start relearning how to play now!
Have been away from GW2 for a while, but am really looking forward to being able to respec traits on the fly with no cost. Being able to easily switch builds was one of the many things I loved in GW1 and am only surprised that they didn’t implement this sooner in GW2.
Btw when do these changes actually take place? Can’t wait!
Thanks for that info.
Strange that the text description on the enforcer’s shotgun (‘If a shot misses, you stab’) matches the removed skin (which was bladed) but not the ‘intended’ one.
As for the other skins, would have been nice to have some warning that they were due to be changed before spending transmute stones on them. Wonder if there are any other skins still in the game that are ‘not intended’.
Noticed that after the last patch a number of my items, transmuted and non-transmuted, had lost their unique skins. These were all skins obtained from the karma vendors in the Fields of Ruin, specifically: quickshot shortbow (2 unique skins) both reverted to the standard steambow skin; gear assisted longbow, reverted to standard steambow skin; enforcer’s shotgun, reverted to standard steam rifle – this one was not even transmuted.
The text description of the enforcer’s shotgun matches the original skin, so I’m guessing that this is not intentional and a bug.
It’s annoying for 2 reasons: 1. these were nice skins in a game which is already short of decent grind-free skins; 2. many people (myself included) will have already spent multiple transmutation stones on keeping some of these skins only to have them taken away for no apparent reason.
If skins can just be arbitrarily removed by any patch, it does make me wonder if transmutation stones aren’t ultimately just a waste of money.
Some official feedback on this would be welcome.
(edited by Twelfth Knight.5698)