Showing Posts For Twystyd.8453:

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Twystyd.8453


Actually, alot of guilds decided if we got a good lead (20-30k) alot of us would PvE. We’re taking it easy till FA starts to catch up then alot of us (RISE), WM, CO, and KO will come in and take care of the situation. xD

FA and K-Town couldn’t be two worlds more apart.
No offense but I’ve been here 2 months since the IoJ implosion and the community on this server can’t get enough pvp. They never need a break, you see the same people out every night for hours on end. They care only for points to stay in a high enough tier to have fun battles. They crave to be out numbered or at least only even numbers when going head to head. This seems to be the attitude of 85% of w3’ers on the server.

When my old guild went to K-Town and my long term mmo buddies (now living in a different region) went to FA I had the choice of moving to the bandwagon server or the hardcore but under populated pvp server.

Boy did I make the right decision. The PvP server is so much fun!

Ps: Jayne, Internet not even ordered yet. Told the misses today that she has to order it by Monday or I’m buying a one way ticket back to Australia. (I live in Mexico on a tourist visa and am not able to order it). I can go back to my in-laws to play but not much.

Don’t think you’ve ever been outnumbered this week. :P

Haha, yea that kid is funny. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but he did join a bandwagon. Being from IoJ myself FA received 3-4 times the amount of IoJ guilds as any other server all around the same time. We PvD during Oceanic and they PvD US prime. I guess he’s mad we don’t need to fight 7 days to win the match.

Consider Transferring to Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Twystyd.8453


Im not on Kain, but i have been following their wvw threads as possible future competition. I must say that i have never seen their members act kitteny. They always kept their calm despite the ridiculous crap thrown their way on the forums.

Seems like a great wvw community and hopefully one day i can get the chance to kill some of you

  • EDIT** just so the forum community knows, serious wvw players see through the baseless defamation kitten losers try to toss at Kain.

Thanks Aurust.

Consider Transferring to Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Twystyd.8453


We have been having a lot of fun on Kaineng even with the coverage gaps. I would highly recommend the server to anyone looking for a new home. There are no queues outside of reset and we usually carry the outmanned buff during EU and NA/PST.

(edited by Twystyd.8453)

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: Twystyd.8453


My goodness Kaineng really taking advantage of that coverage gap. Well played guys. I check the scores along with the blackgate forums every morning before work and school. People reported of having the outmanned buff and generally nobody around to help defend BG BL when you guys flipped it all. Time to flip it all back!

Thank goodness we made a 15k point lead during the day.

I can only imagine if we had a good force in oceanic time zone too.

Now you know how we feel. We fight with the out-manned buff every morning and evening PST. We don’t have any Euro guilds and half the amount of NA population. Of course as soon as those coverage spots hit we lose almost everything.

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: Twystyd.8453


What are your queues like on Kaineng? Your numbers are ridiculous.

We actually have the out-manned buff atm on green. US late there is a queue for a few hours but there is never one during the day.

Kaineng shouldn't skip T3...

in WvW

Posted by: Twystyd.8453


No offence to kain but people that think that they are going steam roll 2/3 are in for shock of there life. I can tell you that tier 3 servers have more players/coverage then tier 2 did a month ago. I would wager FA has more wvw players on it now then when BG was dominating tier 2. Now I’m not saying kain won’t make it past, no one really knows but mag was blowing out servers by same margin and look how they are doing. Very competive but at bottom of tier 3.

That’s comparing apples to oranges. Remember Mag fought a decimated IoJ who is in last place on T5 instead of CD. Most of the board warriors in threads like this have never seen T1/T2 where a lot of guilds on K have. It is impossible to know exactly how high K will go but to anyone who has spent time in T1/T2 it’s fairly obvious T3 would be a speed bump at best.

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Twystyd.8453


That would probably be me as I do roam alot was fun. That mesmer you guys had was really on his support with the rez and time warp.

Yea, we were running war, war, eng, msmr although at 9am PST we couldn’t get too picky with group comp. We always have a good time out in WvW and out of the 3 thieves you were by far the toughest to finish, the other kids killed themselves half the time. Getting multiple thieves down w/o AE is not an as much of an issue as finishing them w/ 12 second shadow refuge ressing during down state. It’s just an unimpressive group composition honestly although not having the hard counter AE group made us get more creative which was fun.

(edited by Twystyd.8453)

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Twystyd.8453


To the TL 100blades+haste War and all the other Kain players in your BL @ Redbriar today…..

You should be ashamed of yourselves….down right ashamed

You must be from that all thief / mesmer cheese. I’ll say this, at least the kid from Grindhouse wasn’t terrible. We see worse.

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Twystyd.8453


Hi guys, I have a ton of siege blueprints for sale on IoJ if interested. Feel free to PM or in game mail me for an exchange. I am willing to part ways with my siege at 50% off cost for alpha golems and 75% off cost for everything else. Happy hunting!

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Twystyd.8453


Why does no one on CD or IOJ ever roam?. Its impossible to find a 1 or 2-man to fight.

Hel, KH, TL, NoX and a number of the other message board pros all keep run when they see a lonely mesmer with an afro until they get numbers. Bags CD guild is probably the closest thing ive seen out of this tier for roaming capabilities.

NoX really? NoX is simply a small guild of friends and only 4-5 (Zera, Ceregon, Filth etc.) of us actually WvW. That being said I have never seen any of us talking smack on a forum sense most of the time forums are for non factors and always have been. We only run with a max of 5 guys and no offense but none of us would run from you. You can find us dueling often in the EB jp with everyone else that is not afraid of 1v1.

(edited by Twystyd.8453)