Showing Posts For Tziankarisch.9237:

[Video] What Happens in Gunnar's Hold.....

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tziankarisch.9237


i love the banjo music, tis one of my favs

great job there Bogomils

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tziankarisch.9237



ticket submitted on 1st November, resolution email received 7th November

this is what i received in latest email

“Hello xxxxx

Thank you for your patience while we reviewed your purchase attempts.

To protect our customers, we have implemented a Payment Risk Management System to detect possible unauthorized transactions or account use. This means that something about your transaction is being perceived as high risk by our system.

Although there is something about your transaction that is being flagged by our system, we have authorized your “xxxxxx” e-mail address to complete transactions for the next 24 hours. Please try your transaction again within the next 24 hours.

Often, these issues are temporary and you will not have the problem in the future. If you have this issue in the future, please let us know. We will be happy to review your transaction to determine if we can assist you with completing it again.

Matt S.
NCsoft Payment Review"

While i am grateful for their help, and its given me the opportunity to purchase the amount of gems i can foresee needing (character slots).

i am still not entirely happy that they feel the need to block my account in their endeavours to stop payment fraud etc, my bank does a very good job of that themselves, hopefully i have bought enough gems now to not need to bother them again for this 24hr permission slip, sadly tho this will have reduced their revenue from me as i can be an impulse purchaser, and i wont be now as it would take me a week to get the permissions eh :p

Also its a little strange that they have not asked for any additional information bar my complaining thru a support ticket to give me that 24hr pass, that doesnt seem very secure at all, considering they are telling me “your transaction is being perceived as high risk by our system”

Now to go thru this all again for my husband to be allowed to get his extra character slots………

(edited by Tziankarisch.9237)

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tziankarisch.9237


I cannot remember the exact day that i first got problems purchasing gems but it was during Halloween, i bought some at the start of Halloween but then a couple of days later i could not, and also at the same time my husband could not purchase anymore either

On the 1st of November after we had waited a couple of days (read somewhere that there was a limit on how many transactions in a certain period) and had again found failure in trying both our cards and our paypal account, I submitted a ticket about it

Incident: 121101-001098

I got a reply the same day telling me…

Hello Adventurer,

I am escalating your ticket to our Payment Review Team to research your issue. Someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

NCsoft Account Support

Sadly 5 days later no update at all, while i do appreciate that Anet are busy with many things to deal with at this time, this issue should be given a top priority surely as they are loosing revenue, and not everyone will be happy to just wait around until they deem to grant them the privilege of paying them money.

Seriously guys, i have had similar once before in an mmo, because their system was worried my credit card may have been compromised, it took a quick “freephone” call to get it sorted out, not several days/weeks as folks are experiencing here, this needs to be addressed ASAP.

Connection Errors Detected.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tziankarisch.9237


I have a guildie with this problem atm, we have tried running thru everything anyone can think of, and tried the fix mentioned above all to no avail.

They are not particularly computer savvy so running thru msconfig things etc is not something that is going to be easy with them at all, I see on the facebook page that someone else is having this issue today so they are not alone

Is this possibly Anet’s end, this person has been playing regularly since early access with no issues until today

"First, about a third of players haven’t verified their email address yet."

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tziankarisch.9237


many that i know couldnt verify their emails early on, and gave up trying, others couldnt play for days when it all went belly up due to the authentication system, so many are wary of bothering with this system cos they do not want to be left unable to play for several days or more

we need an announcement to say that both systems are working, and as Mouse says, more information on the website so we can clearly see the information needed.

Changing email with GW 2 Account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tziankarisch.9237


I have just tried to look for you cos i have done it and couldnt remember where, and for the life of me i cant find it on here (website)

so that leaves me thinking there was an option in the client. so i went and checked there and no, i can only think that post authenticating my email ive lost the ability to change it.

Sort option for discovery window

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tziankarisch.9237


Now that all current and future usable items show in the discovery window regardless of whether they are in your inventory or bank, this window can get rather crowded

I think a sort option to show/hide ones that are above your current craft level, or even just move the ones that are too high to the bottom would be a great help

Yes you can manually move them down so that its easier to see what your using etc, but if you have to change to the craft tab to make something when you come back to the discovery tab they are all mixed up again

thanks for reading

Do Engineers benefit from their weapon stats while Kit equipped?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tziankarisch.9237


is this working as intended?

i mean as in should we just not bother getting a decent weapon if going heavy into kits :p

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tziankarisch.9237


Don’t stop free transfers completely, just to the fuller servers, keep it free to move to the lower population ones, and add in that guilds can keep their hard earned upgrades and influence if they move to low pop

Queues for WvW: The Official Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Tziankarisch.9237


While i can totally understand where you are coming from with wanting the player base to spread out more evenly, guilds now have nearly 3weeks of influence earning and spending behind them, and they are not going to be inclined to move server knowing that all of that will be lost and they have to start over from the beginning again

How about giving an incentive to get them to spread to the servers with less queues,

ie: if you move to one of these worlds as a guild we will ensure that you retain all your upgrades and influence, list the servers you want them to move to and state that its a limited offer that the GM has to apply for,

you monitor it so that the destination worlds don’t get over subscribed and just have a pop up for each member to agree to move with their guild or remain where they are when they next log in

i know that it would mean more work on your part, but atm this seems to be the biggest factor in guilds not wanting to move to the lesser subscribed worlds

Away From Keyboard Not Working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tziankarisch.9237


open your friends list, by your name at the top is a drop down box, set that to away, job done