Showing Posts For UlanX.2143:
looks like youre the adopted one
Why would that be?
Might have something to do with them adding something (Llama) to something they truly already own (your account). The ToS probably allows them to add to, and delete, whatever they want, no matter what terms the ‘item’ is couched in.
I don’t know, just guessing here; I’m no digital game lawyer…lol.
Yes you are, we are on the internetz, we know everything! lol
Or shes your half sister. Skin tone is a male dominant gene.
Oh no, what are you saying? My mother was the embodiment of purity when she met my father (cries in corner). I’m going for adopted
I won one of their “Twitter contests” and I live in Australia. Not sure if it differs, it was the llama one.
I wonder if they have a social media loophole?
I believe it has more to do with the value of the prize than physical vs digital (although this can be a factor in some cases depending on the nature of the prize) and whether it is chance based or skill based. Most (not all) states/territories in Australia don’t require a permit for prizes under $5k in value but it varies according to some other factors (i.e. randomly drawn, questionnaires, artwork comps etc).
Six states and two territories, all with different contest rules. Why would Anet be bothered to sort through that for what they may consider to be too small a customer base? It sucks but we have to live it.
That we do, but I guess it just irks me that our money is good enough to take but not good enough to put any effort into
Yeah when Logan asks where you’re from (to update his records) you probably selected Ascalonian, from memory Ascalonian Deb is pale skin with dark hair. Canthan Deb has an Asian appearance, Elona – as dietzero mentioned, was dark-skinned. I haven’t selected Krytan before but from memory Krytans are very very tanned.
Back when I first started playing I didn’t know choosing where Deb was from would change how she looked, it’s almost a shame you can’t go back and choose again, cuz this isn’t the last you’ll see of Deb!
Thank you for the info still it seems awfully restrictive to force me to choose a single area to get the correct skin colour. I can’t see why this can’t be adaptive.
Well they clearly know enough of our laws to retail the product here and make a profit.
Selling a product in a country is not even remotely close to having contests though.
Really? Because last time I checked Consumer Law was indeed a very large and complex branch of law. Further to that there would be the taxation laws as well as the understanding of the Australian Classification Standards in order to distribute media to the public, so please don’t troll by nasty anti-Australian comments. A competition is no more legally complex that the range of other laws that need to be followed to distribute a game in Australia. It is different law yes, for which they have said they don’t have advice for so fair enough, but saying it is “not even remotely close” which I am assuming you are meaning in terms of complexity is just nonsense.
(edited by UlanX.2143)
Wow, I’ve played quite a few MMO’s and this is the first time I’ve come across Australia being excluded. Poor form but guess it is what it is.
I keep hearing people from Australia always complaining about not being able to enter things like these.It is also quite funny that it is always Australians that complain, yet the vast majority of countries in the world is also ineligible, but apparently it is always worst for the Australians.
It is not really bad form either. It is logic. If you don’t know the exact laws and regulations of a country, it is better to not include them in contests and such rather than risking there being issues if one of them wins.
Well they clearly know enough of our laws to retail the product here and make a profit.
Wow, I’ve played quite a few MMO’s and this is the first time I’ve come across Australia being excluded. Poor form but guess it is what it is.
We don’t appear to be listed in the eligible countries so are we being excluded from taking part?
I believe all the girls have fair skin, but their hair color changes according to where you say your character comes from when Logan asks it.
Well I guess it could have been worse, she could have been ginger. Nah, gingers are cool, but it still should be a black ginger when I have ebony skin. Change of hair colour just doesn’t cut it.
Found out my sister, Deborah, was white today. Came as quite a shock when investigating Falcon company, given that I am a proud black guardian. Then I remembered that she must be adopted because it would be totally wrong to assume that everyone wants to play a white human and not put any effort into making sure there was diversity. I mean it’s not like Dragon Age 2 could manage it.
I think one of the more common solutions to this is to make the game launch in windowed mode (as described in the link provided by babazhook.6805). I have read previous forum posts where people have said this resolves their issues.
Location:Australia, NSW, Lismore
Time:its been happening all the time, it started in the past few weeks, australian central time zone (utc+09:30).
World:WhiteSide Ridge
what im seeing: theres a 3-4 second attack delay from when i click and actually attack. please fix
Yes, I’m from Australia and made an earlier post in this thread. Still having the same issue. Now any world events are unplayable such as world bosses or trying to do the dailies. Lag is constantly about 450 to 500 when it’s good. Average today was over 700 with spikes over 2500. I can walk but my attacks just lag right out and don’t fire off. My partner is currently in France and he is telling me an event is finished about 30 seconds before it appears to be finished for me, then half the time the game crashes to character select.
Currently what I have is a product that isn’t working.
My US account has been able to join my EU guild and has full access to everything so I think they operate across servers. Just not sure if they require an active account to remain on the server on which they were created.
I’m from Australia playing on the EU server. Lag has become so terrible that I can’t actually play any group content without skills freezing up or the client dropping. It’s appalling. With no way to test if its better on US servers by guesting, we have bought a third account (with the sale on) to test and if it is better and if so we will have to fork out more money to move our main accounts over. What we want to know is will our guild still be functional. At the moment with the US account we can access all guild features but we want to know if we have no account left on the EU server will we loose our guild and all of our work/influence etc?
I’m from Australia and playing on Euro server and the game is almost unplayable. I can’t do any group events. It’s been getting worse over the last month and I’ve made posts about it before but there doesn’t seem to be any real solution beyond just having to deal with it. My partner and I have now forked out for an additional account to test on the US server to see if it’s any better and if it is we are going to have to spend a pile of money moving our proper accounts over. All in all its turning out to be a very expensive game.
I’ve been waiting over half an hour. They payment has been processed so there should be no issue. It’s really frustrating.
I’ve bought a copy of GW2 for my niece, registered it successfully but can’t log in to either the game or the website. Is there a delay between registering and being able to use your account?
(edited by UlanX.2143)
It took only a few days for my partner’s restrictions to be lifted but he did play it fairly intensely over those few days.
Hello, thought I would reply as I’ve been noticing some severe lag spikes over the last two weeks.
It happens during zergs for events and world bosses. Sometimes it happens during my personal story when playing with only one other person but I’ve experienced this only once.
I live in Australia and play on EU Ruins of Sarnia. Normally ping use to be around the 250 to 300 which is fine as I don’t PvP. Currently I’m lucky if it gets below 500ms when I am alone and in world events it spikes to 2000 to 3000ms. The game client also eventually drops.
My time zone in GMT+10 and I play evenings local time (about 6:30pm to 9:30pm). This is about 8:30am to 11:30am UTC.
I don’t experience lag playing ESO, Neverwinter, Defiance (beyond the expected 200ms – 300ms or less living in Australia and playing on foreign servers)
My account was created on EU servers because I usually have a better time with ping on EU than NA in other games where there has been an option.
I know this thread is several months old so don’t know if this is the right place to post this info.
(edited by UlanX.2143)
I live in Australia and get such bad lag in GW2 (spikes of up to 3000ms+ that world bosses are basically unplayable (along with any other content where there are large groups of people) and the client frequently crashes at the end meaning I get no credit for the daily even though I have done damage and no chest. Also it is NOT my internet connection or ISP, I have a good quality connection and play other MMO’s perfectly fine on EU and US servers. I am playing on EU at the moment and my ping is usually over 500 and I can’t even test it out on the NA server without having to fork out for a transfer which may or may not be effective. Unfortunately you may just have to endure this as I am yet to find a solution, other than to move country
Well seems everyone is having their two cents worth on this one so here is my view:
I actually find the people responding so negatively to the appearance of their hero playing aeroplanes like an imaginative little child and twisting it into a comparable event to recent lost of lives to be a disgusting devaluation of the tragedy that has happened.
The families are no doubt going through immense suffering, confusion and a deep sense of loss. They deserve genuine empathy that reflects this. What you are doing by raging about a very innocent in game event is to detract and cheapen what has actually taken place.
If you had a family member killed by a drunk driver would you go to Disney’s website and rage about cartoon cars being insensitive or would you focus on advocating for stricter blood alcohol levels? What is relevant and what actually honours those who have been lost?
If you genuinely care about what has happened regarding the plane crashes, go and do something productive in the real world. Don’t manipulate an unrelated situation to make yourself feel as if you are actually standing up against some great injustice so you can feel warm and fuzzy for what? Absolutely nothing beyond making yourself look like a self absorbed fool.
Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be much feedback, I would love to find a solution
I’m outraged that I’m not particularly outraged by anything. How can they expect me to hang out on the forums if I’m not bitter and twisted?
Don’t worry friend, we can provide you with the necessary tools to become outraged by anything. Look at the current trends in what I call accessible feminism. Having done a few gender studies units at University, I feel somewhat more qualified than those that identify with accessible feminism because they are idiots.
You can take a legitimate issue, like base body politics, and completely legitimize it by irrationally blaming everything on cis white men for no apparent reason. So in that vein, that’s find something for you to be offend by.Manspreading. You’re offended by manspreading. (yeah, people cry about this. No kittening joke).
Fun fact, I actually like post-structuralist feminism and I enjoy reading works by Irigaray (hell, I had a WoW character called Irigaray). It’s so funny how these SJWs and tumblr femikitten just get it so kittening wrong.
Thank you, I just googled “manspreading” so I could work myself into an appropriate frenzy. As a woman I shall now commence demanding that you learn to grow you balls vertically instead of horizontally so you can no longer subjugate me with your need for testy space.
I’m outraged that I’m not particularly outraged by anything. How can they expect me to hang out on the forums if I’m not bitter and twisted?
I’m with Telstra so it shouldn’t be an issue. I’ve had the account since launch but have only started playing again a couple of weeks ago and I see some Aussies saying to transfer to US and others saying it’s no better. It’s really unfortunate because it’s a great game but anything outside of wandering around with my partner is becoming not worth it.
I’m from Australia playing on a Euro Server and I am getting extremely high ping readings. My average is around 700 and during world boss events this is spiking to 3500. The last two days I’ve been entirely disconnected and as a result my daily has not ticked over. This isn’t due to my internet connection (which is quite good by Australian standards) and I play several other MMO’s without issue on both US and EURO servers. Does anyone have a solution?
I don’t mind moderate ping, I don’t play PvP so some is not a killer but this game is nearly unplayable at times for me due to this.
I’m on a Euro server and in PvE the community has been pretty good (compared to other MMO’s I’ve played). I don’t live in either Europe or the US but given a choice I do tend to steer clear from US servers because the behaviour tends to be worse there. I’m not a prude but I do agree that overly sexual conversations should be kept out of zone chat. No doubt it is instigated by frustrated teens or creepy old basement dwellers but it can go too far. I think that people do forget that while it is an online environment and they have anonymity that doesn’t give them the right to behave in an unacceptable manner. If the behaviour is in breach of the Code of Conduct/TOS then report them.
I spend a lot of time online (not just in game) and honestly there are times I have to either switch chat off in game or avoid comments sections in various forums because some people seem to forget basic civility when they log on. There are however, also a lot of nice people doing the right thing so hang in there
Thanks for the responses. I’m fairly certain I didn’t play any PvP (unless I just dropped in for a look) as it’s not normally my thing but who knows.
Yep, the game dropped and I can’t get back in. Same error code.
I have had my account from launch but not played for 12 months due to my old PC throwing a wobbly with the game. Anyway I seem to have the Guild Chest Piece skin (both in medium and light armour – don’t have any heavy armour characters as yet) unlocked in my wardrobe (for both old and new characters). I can’t find any info on how I managed this as I haven’t bought anything from our guild armourer (just unlocked them a couple of days ago) and I didn’t play any PvP prior to all of the changes (that I can remember) and these seem to be the only methods I can find via Google brain.
I thought it may have been linked to how much influence I contributed to the guild but I can’t find any reference to that.
Does anyone know about this or have any info?