Showing Posts For Unfathomed.8140:
Ahh… I hate word counts XD
Anyway, here is a part of my charr’s story, a bit shorter than originally, to fit within the 500 words, but hopefully still understandable
Love Is A Torment
“Well, adolescent age is always harsh, even for us charrs. This particular story I tell rarely and only to exceptional people, so listen carefuly… But! Before I get started, promise me one thing – you won’t repeat it to anyone! Am I being clear? Great! Hmm… Where should I begin? Actually, everything is about Argih – my teacher, or rather mentor. So… he treated me like a daughter, even though I could’ve easily been his sister. But that’s who he was – very mature and, I won’t hide it, really handsome. For a charr, of course. Everyday I was looking at him with more adoration in my eyes… What are you laughing at? You never fell in love? Nevermind. Anyway, I couldn’t stop myself from staring at him. So what, he was 12 years older? I still don’t see anything wrong with that.
Back to the story, yeah, it could be a story of a ‘happily ever after forever’, just… it wasn’t. Argih didn’t look at me like that. And even when I finished my training, he treated me more like a friend. But, like everyone who has ever fallen in love, I was going further into that, ignoring obvious signs that there is no chance.
Anyway, one year passed since the end of my training and Argih wanted to celebrate it. And because he loved riddles and games, that’s how he arranged that. He left me a short note in my personal belongings. He wrote there, ‘Search within the roots of our relationship’. That and his signature. I knew him well, so quickly understood. Of course he meant the ruins near Nolan! There I found another note. And in this way, step by step, I made it to my mentor. He sat in the Hatchery, feeding young devourers. When he saw me, he smiled warmly. It was merely a smile of a friend, but as I’d said, I was blind. He stood up and then he pulled from behind him an extraordinarly beautiful, pinky red flower.
„You finished your training year ago, Lilac…” He said. „Soon you’ll be off to the world… and I wanted you to have some sort of a reminder.” He smiled again. I was staring at the flower, enchanted. I’ve never seen one like that before. „I… thank you.” I muttered, couldn’t come up with anything better, and I delicately took the flower. My mentor hugged me – as a friend – but obviously I misinterpreted it. „Argih.” I said suddenly, in a strange surge of courage. „I wanted to tell you, I mean…” I was floundering in my words. „Yes, Lilac?” I took a deep breath. „I love you.” I said. He moved away from me a bit. Then he gave me a strange gaze, which I can’t interprete to this day, firmly shook his head, turned around and run into the darkness. I was left alone, flower in my hand and tears in my eyes."
Dark humour and weirdness? That might be something I was looking for… But I do have a few questions and “statements” so you could determine if you actually want to meet me :P
1) Do you require 100% rep? Thing is, I have a guild already, only with rl friends and I’d rather not abandon them… but, since most of them is active once a week, or even once a month, I actually quite rarely play with them.
So I would gladly represent while doing any events or playing together, but I would like to be able to represent my own guild at some other times. (since there is no influence now and you can use all guild chats at once, I never considered it a problem, but I know some guilds do, so I’d rather ask)
2) Do you use any voice chat? And if so, which one and is it obligatory?
It’s not that I’m not social, I’m just shy and usually feel more comfortable writing. That might change with time, as I get to know everyone. And English isn’t my native language, so even if I know it on a pretty good level, speaking still makes me nervous.
Now the statement part:
- I consider myself an extremely casual player, which doesn’t mean I don’t have time to play at all, but hours I can log in to game or spend playing vary greatly depending on a day and whatever I’m actually doing irl.
- Adding to the casual thing, I’m so not geared up it hurts. So far only one of my characters has an exotic armor and it doesn’t even have a matching stats. So no zerker or any specific build, more like a mix of nonsense that I’m constantly testing.
- I’m pretty lame when it comes to knowing the strategies. I mean, I know in theory how to do a fractal or a dungeon, but that doesn’t mean I don’t do something incredibly stupid… (like picking up the hammer in the Cliffside Fractal and falling to my death immediately after XD Well, that was an accident, but it happens to me sometimes :P)
- Umm… If you’ve read all I had written so far, then I’m impressed. But I’m not so chatty on a guild chat. I love reading whatever people are writing, but I’m terrible at quick responses, so I usually enjoy observing others.
Okay, guess that’s enough of my flaws and weird statements :P
But if you think I could fit in your guild, I’d love to hear so. I’d just want to see answers to my questions first
PS just so you know, I’m a she
@Unfathomed – Haha, thank you ^^ but to continue the trend of lazy artist I will only draw one for today (I should’ve warned in the beginning that I’ve never drawn animals…or anything non human…should put a disclaimer or something) Anyways hope you liked it ^^
Haha, I wouldn’t expect anything else from a lazy person (I’m one myself)
Also, I love it! I can’t really believe it’s the first time you’ve drawn a non human, it’s too good
If that’s what you call butchering, feel free to murder all of them
But seriously, your work is amazing, especially considering it’s a quick sketch!
Also, a quick, friendly note to Unfathomed about Matthew the Voiceless – using separatists like that in his story suggests that the current truce between humans and charr has been there for nearly 30 years, but in fact the ceasefire was only signed a year before GW2 launch. Before that the humans and charr were in open war, there was no treaty for the separatists to oppose.
Thanks for the note! Even using a timeline, I somehow missed that Anyway, it doesn’t change a story much, only the use of words really, so mistake corrected.
Not so easy to write, when you’re not native speaker… But still, I’ll take my chances
Matthew The Voiceless
32 years, human
short brown hair, piercing blue eyes, rather tall, quite muscular;he has a scar in shape of claws’ marks going through the neck.
Not super smart, but trustworthy and open for people. He is patient and kind, when it comes to new recruits, but requires discipline and best performance from his squad.
Born in Ebonhawke, when he was 5, his mother was killed by a charr, while she was gathering some herbs in a forest. He witnessed it and survived only because of some huntsmen passing nearby. They took him with them and rised in a believe charrs are monsters and all they deserve is to suffer. Also, from then on he can’t speak – charr’s claws ripped his vocal cords.
While living with huntsmen, he learned to use a magic of illusion to communicate with people, which was suprisingly effective.
Things changed, when Kralkatorrik awoke. Matthew and his band were way to close to his pass and all but him were turned into branded. Matt was rescued by a charr patrol passing by. It was almost like history repeating itself. Charrs put him in custody, but had way more important matters than taking appropriate „care” of prisoner. That’s how he got an opportunity to observe his once-mortal-enemies and learned that they’re not at all like he remembered them.
When the initiate chaos around awaking Elder Dragon calmed down, he was interrogated and he stated his will to fight the dragons. He got an offer to join Vigil, to which he agreed.
His biggest fear is the fact, that he brings bad luck to people around him, which is why he always wears his lucky talisman – charr’s claw, the same that took away his voice.
3 years, sylvari, cycle of night
She has a very dark, almost black skin with swirling crimson pattern, which is glowing with a bright red color at night. Her „hair” are little branches growing a bit up, with red leaves on them. She has dark red eyes.
Her appearence may be making her look dangerous or agressive, but actually she’s quiet and calm most of the time. She has incredible patience; she can stand without a move for the whole day.
This assets made her a perfect recruit for The Order of Whispers, and indeed she joined it almost immediately after waking up from the Dream. But she did it more because of sylvari’s natural curiosity than any serious reasons. Only then she learned it’s gonna be hard work and that she’s not really prepared for it.
But she didn’t give up, instead she spent almost all her free time on a training, which resulted in a perfection in wielding a sword. She also mastered technics of stealth, becoming the useful member of the Order she chose.
Wolfsbane has a habit of keeping all her secrets to herself, but she’s also collecting other people’s secrets, what results in her sometimes confusing them and thinking she did something she really didn’t and feeling blame for it; The dirtiest secret she carries is a mother killing her own child fearing one day it will fall under dragon corruption – Wolfsbane seems to think that was her, even though she knows, she can’t have children.
Kirra Ebonflame
26, charr, Iron Legion; Ebon Warband; currently a gladium
Rather short and thin for a charr; average muscularity; her fur is snow-white, with her hair being almost black. She has dark grey stripes all over her body.
Unless most charrs, she isn’t concentrated on fighting. Sure, she knows how to use weapons, her favourite being a staff, but she prefers to study old volumins. She becomes very agressive, if someone is threatening people close to her or her books.
As a young cub in fahrar she was often laugh at, because of her lack of war skills and different interests. Her to-be-warband wasn’t very tolerant, but they needed her knowledge so much, they let her stay with them, even if they weren’t happy about it. Kirra, feeling insecure most of her life, with no understanding from her surrounding, was happy being accepted in any form.
But after a while she felt tired of being used by her supposed ‘family’. It didn’t help that she studied elemental magic, quite controversial among the charrs, as similar to the magic Flame Legion used. That’s when she met her „love” – human called Thomas. He was a researcher and worked on the Elder Dragons case. He was the one that showed her, that she can work for better case in Durmand Priory.
When her Warband found out she was meeting a human (even though then it was strictly friendly relationship), they decided to eventually banish Kirra. She left without a second thought, giving herself to resarch completely.
She understood that she loves Thomas much later, but she never told him that, in fear that no-one including him would understand and accept that.
Bjorna Ahlberg
47 years, norn, raven spirit
She is tall and muscular, with blond hair and blue eyes. On her back she has a tattoo – raven wings.
She is a very positive, energetic person, always ready to cheer up people around her.
She was born and raised in a typical norn family – hearing stories and songs about heroic deeds since early childhood, which resulted in her eager to learn how to fight.
Her weapon of choice was the longbow, but she soon found out, that she’s most effective using a sword and a war horn.
In her 20s she left home, ready to find an adventure awaiting for her. On her journey she met many interesting people and creatures and started writing songs about them. She sang them during the long nights spent sitting around a fire or drinking in taverns.
Soon her epic, touching ballads became quite famous. They inspired people, made them want to fight, choose their own fate.
When she realised that, she understood that’s what her great deed should be, so when the Pact was established, she volunteered to help, raising the morale with her songs.
She travels with a very old raven called Krigor.
Koxx aka „Bum Bum”
20 years, asura
Average asuran height, grey skin and almost red hair, usually made into some chaotic hairstyle, green eyes.
He is quite impatient, with only exception being his inventions – he can spend hours combining different items, trying to find the most effective and explosive mix. He’s very self-centred and a bit obsessive over explosives and brutal force in general, which is why he is considered mad, not only by fellow asuras.
When he was younger, he dropped college, as his mentors couldn’t deal with him in a proper way. He got bored very quickly, couldn’t sit in one place, if not combining some dangerous ingredients.
As a bit of an outcast within the asuras, he was left alone to do his experiments. It resulted in his construction of a heavy armored battle golem he made for himself, with two plasma guns and energetic shield. He also worked on highly effective grenades for the destroyers – he had a theory, that fire could be fought with fire, of course to some point.
Recently he was discovered by Vigil and agreed to cooperate; in return he got a lot of new, rare materials he can experiment with.
(edited by Unfathomed.8140)
Because Charr were not made for flying or they are afraid of heights :P
Actually charrs have a fleet of helicopters (whatever they’re called), so I doubt it’s the reason :P Unless they feel insecure without metal cover around them, while flying.
Found the way!
I went to Lion’s Arch and then followed green arrows to Rata Sum, then to Metrica Province, then to Brisban Wildlands and finally Silverwastes. It’s not exactly straight way (requires either long walk or some silver to pay for wp’s on every map), but it worked and when I arrived in Silverwastes, green quest star was there
Probably it’s gonna work if you just use wp in Brisban Wildlands, but I can’t confirm that.
Basically, I started the first story and got to the point, when I speak with Canach and Taimi before entering the jungle. Then there is this “rally point” thing and my game crushed there. So I tried it two more times, with the same result and then gave up and went to Lion’s Arch to do some other stuff… Here is where the problem comes. I went back to Silverwastes with intention to continue story and couldn’t find a way to get into it. Tried to quit the episode, but then it only tells me “continue story” and my progress is saved aka I can’t get into it.
So, is there a way to reset story or be able to get into the instance?
Hmm… How about a mini-game including mounts? Or, more specifically, a racing mini-game, where we’re driving the charr’s war machines (the smaller ones, they look like cars from Mad Max, don’t you think?) while trying to “destroy” our opponents (similarly to Sanctum Sprint maybe? But with more deadly and combat-themed skills?).
That’s how I would like to see mounts and none other way really
And here’s one more, created for Halloween contest
Posted on Tumblr
<3 !! I love the idea of it and the execution. Well done, Unfathomed!
Thank you!
So yeah, as the title says, this great event is close and my characters are getting ready!
Originally posted on my tumblr
Around 6 or 7 chests and 1 key, all just from killing random mobs.
I need this stuff for my druid. Actually the axe would be nice too…
HoT - new hair, faces, cosmetics? [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Unfathomed.8140
I just want to add, that I’d really like to see some new horns options for charrs. We didn’t get anything since Rox’s ones. And generally, more hairstyles and faces for all races and genders would be appreciated.
If there’ll be a clocktower again this year, I’m so going to beat it this time Also, my poor laptop probably wouldn’t be able to run the game on Maguuma maps at HoT release, too many people…
As some skins are diseappearing from the gemstore for who-knows-how-long, I spent last days farming gold… and managed to buy one of them. But there is no way for me to get enough gold or gems themselves to get the other thing: Jungle Explorer Outfit. So if there’s some good soul out there with too much money, pretty please :> - it’s not in the gemstore anymore, so doesn’t matter for now
On a different note, I don’t want to ask for too much, but my charr still lacks a scarf and a guitar
Update: Thank you so much again, dear Anonymous (whose identity I happen to know, but not gonna tell) for the scarf <3 Now my charr is looking better then ever^^
(edited by Unfathomed.8140)
Bit late here, so you probably picked up something already, but if somehow not, I can offer some pencil sketches like these:
If you’re interested, please let me know!
Wow, such a cool idea! Though I don’t really see it as an event, I’d definitely love to see a machinima recorded around it
I’m not a big fan of asura (though I agree most of them are cute!), but I really liked your vid! Nicely edited and I love this song!
Hello everyone!
So I decided, I could finally work on my character’s looks and needed more gold. No more explaining, here is what I offer:
Waist up/bust – 5g
Fully shaded, sometimes I provide the rest of the body merely sketched (look on the examples)
Additional character: +5g
Mini/flying pet: +2g (Theoritically it doesn’t have to be the flying one, but I think walking pet might look strange in this sort of picture)
First | Second
Full(ish) body
Fully shaded, usually I ignore feet, but I can include them, if you say so (and provide me a good screenshot :P)
Additional character: +7g
Mini/pet/golem/this sort of thing: +5g
First | Second
I’m drawing these from screenshots, so the pose on the screenshot = drawing.
In other words, I probably can manage with one, but it has to be chosen carefully.
Also, if you want a character in dynamic pose, I need a screenshot of this particular pose (I mean, I can try without it, but I can’t promise it’s going to be any good, so it’s your risk).
About how long it takes me to finish your commision: depends on my free time, but it shouldn’t be more than 2 days. Although I don’t have a scanner at home, so it might take a bit longer before I’ll give you your artwork in a decent quality (Before that I can easily provide a photo).
About ordering
- I’d like half of the payment after I told you I accept your commision and the other half after I’ll send you the art.
- To order a commision please contact me through PM or write in this thread. Don’t forget to include a picture of your character.
1. -
2. -
3. -
4. -
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
+1 I agree with everything stated in the first post. Anyway, I’m not so sure if the bug was fixed, I did the event and get nothing for it, so…
Ok, so I made two versions, ‘cause I wasn’t sure which one will be better (also I don’t know if it’s ok to write norn’s name in new krytan xD)
Let me know if you want to change something. And the writing in the middle is “It seems we are friends now” in new krytan
Ok You want them both in one picture or in two different?
Alright, I put you on the list and I’m waiting for screens
I’m really glad you like it so much
I guess I can create some kind of a reservation list and put you on it, so as soon as you send me screens, you’ll be moved to a commision spot
And sure, I can do something like that.
Thanks So, here is the art, I didn’t put your characters names, ‘cause I wasn’t sure if they will fit in this scene, but I can add them, if you want. Also, if you have any other suggestions, feel free to tell me
Ok, so pls send me half of payment now and I’m starting my work
Alright, I’m signing you up Do you want every of them separately or combined together somehow?
I did some photo-manipulations with my characters and wanted to share them with you
Also I’m starting commisions for in-game gold, if you’re interested. :>
Prices are simple:
1 character – 5g
2 characters – 7g
And then +1g for an extra character
(So if you want 3 characters, it’d be 8g)
What I need to do a photo-manipulation for you is a screen of your character in good quality, his/her name and if you wish so, some additional information about him/her.
I need you to pay half of the price after I accept your request and then other half after you’ll get your art.
Commisions slots:
Reservation list:
- Lilith Ajit.6173
I think that’s all for now
(edited by Unfathomed.8140)
Wow, great! So I’m posting screens of my two characters and I would love to see them fighting with each other (some kind of arena training maybe?). The white one is called Lilac Fulgur and she’s a thief. She is using mostly dagger and pistol. Another one is Nihil The Nightmare and her favourite weapon is a greatsword. She is a warrior. If you need any other information, let me know
And what will be the final price?
Yaay, thank you! I love the expression on her face^^
I really admire your action scene, it’s great! And I was wondering, if you’re drawing charrs as well? ‘Cause all my characters are charrs and I would love to see one of them like that Or even more, if you’re able to combine for example two in one picture^^
I’ll probably need a charr after the sylvari and asura
So there is a hope for my characters
Anyway, I’m curious about the sylvari and asura sculptures, so I’ll be watching this topic for sure^^
WOW! I must say, that’s absolutely amazing! So detailed and well… I don’t even have words to describe what I think xD Now I wish I have any other race character, not only charrs :P
Thank you very much^^
Oh, now I know, how to convince my friend to play with me something connected to GW2 :>
Thanks for creating this!
And just find out, you’re from Poland… Have you got maybe polish version of it?
I must say, I love this idea! Something dark, with mysterious tonic… Actually it reminds me about Geralt from The Witcher, so I would love it
Wow, it’s awesome! Thank you very much :>
I’m not sure what exactly I want to do (was thinking about decorating my school bag with this, although I’m not sure about it yet :P) but I will certainly show you the result^^
Ashes.9586:We have 1 person from Drakkar Lake and 1 person from Vizunah Square. As far as repping goes, we only rep on Charr characters.
Well, most of my characters are charrs and I already have a guild on my server…
But if you don’t mind that I will be representing occasionally, I would love to join you!
My charr characters are:
Flame of Revenge – elementalist, lvl 80
Lilac Fulgur – thief, lvl 79
Talia Shadowstrike – ranger, lvl 11
Mimesis Blindsoul – mesmer, lvl 9
My server: EU Blacktide
Hey guys!
Do you have any EU members?
And what about representing?
Yeah, I like it very much! Now I can’t wait for ready artwork^^
@Maethor – Thanks for the answer. I wasn’t really thinking about controlling someone, but more like using, without any effect on the subject of the spell. Because when we see by our eyes, picture from them is going to our brain and then transforming into some kind of information like “There is a big rock on the left, I can’t go that way” (or something like that)… And if mesmer can actually look into someone’s mind, I thought maybe he’s able to find such an information too…
But, because I don’t really now much about mesmer’s spells and abilities, it can be wrong thinking :P
‘Cause it’s a topic about mesmers’ skills, I think it’s right place to ask:
If their magic is mind-based, can they, for example, see through someone else’s eyes?
I mean, if the mesmer is blind, can he get into someone’s mind and use it as a sort of “tv”, to see what’s around him?
That’s great!
So, I would like a full body, only inked, of my charr thief. Some running or creeping pose would be awesome! I’ve already sent half of a payment in-game
And here are some screens of her:
I have a question: If I’ll order a picture of my character and you’ll do it, would you mind if I’ll use it for a personal… I don’t now, mug for example or T-shirt? Just for me of course, so it won’t be commercial use…