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WvW Zerg breaking Guardian[?]

in Guardian

Posted by: Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Unlucky Tyrant.5970

I am not sure if anyone has already made this build or what reception it got from the community, but wouldnt it be possible to combine:

- Line of Warding

- Shield of Absorption

- Sanctuary (with long range trait)
- Judges intervention
- Merciful intervention

Add those all together and what do you have? A group breaking guardian.
I think the reason the meditations would be cool is they can act as a get in/get out, considering you wont have a leap.

So take those avg soldier stat builds and tweak it with this?

Heres a scenario to use it in:

Lots of guys are coming at you, you pop sanctuary at a point where a couple split off being pushed. Then you pop in with judges intervention, pop shield of absorption, slap line of warding just to confuse them more, and when you are ready to pull out and your team is slapping the people who are breaking off the zerg in confusion and being pushed around, you use merciful intervention to get out and get some healing going.

Now you are probably thinking negative thoughts already because it doesnt conform to the meta, but give it a try. Someone I am sure is already running with this and having a blast because people dont see it coming.

Points per tick isn't fun

in WvW

Posted by: Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Unlucky Tyrant.5970

I have heard people get legitimately mad if you hold a position or upgrade defenses.

Im with you, its mine and I want to keep it.

Is hubris common among commanders?

in WvW

Posted by: Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Unlucky Tyrant.5970

For some one who started this discussion, you sure appear to be defensive toward anyone else’s opinion. Why make a thread if you intend to berate anyone e joining the discussion?

Coglin, it’s just a waste of your time to respond to the OP. The OP has rapidly gained a reputation on FA for being exactly the way you describe. Did you know he called out several guilds for not being on TS in order to prove some point he was trying to make about communication yet when he looked at TS was a time those guilds do not have their rallies?

I mean it is fine if he doesn’t want to be on TS. There’s plenty of legitimate reasons to not be on TS. Like, I have a guild member who is deaf so TS doesn’t really do anything for that player. Incidentally that player will join TS sometimes just to read the TS chat messages! But I digress.

It’s a good chance you’re being trolled in this thread.

Its disturbing how every conversation with you people winds up about TS.

Im sorry, I was judging a commander on what he could visually see.
Do your blind players use TS for you to guide them?
Then I could see how TS is relevant to the game.
I can use chat just fine thanks.
No need to scream “ON ME ON ME ON ME ON ME ON ME” over and over.
I see you. I see you running in. I see you gonna need them heals.
I gotchu boo.

Not only that but the ON ME attitude is flawed. You should work in directional commands so that way the enemy doesnt have a HUGE indication as to who the commander is when the commander does something and then everyone else does.
You could be sneaky about it. Tell everyone to push west and attack flank instead of “focus on me focus on me focus on me, jump on me jump on me jump on me, heals on me heals on me heals on me”.

Count downs are cool too. I enjoy hearing a commander who says “leap on 3”, not leaps and says “LEAP ON ME” as if to say “LEAP ON ME BEFORE I DIE”.

Edit: I think thats the reason I am not a huge fan of being on TS with this game.
After my long break eventually ending with H1Z1, which if you think a 2D fight with people standing right in front of you is hard, try having a sniper battle from six planes and different angles.

Usually we only had the lead officer talking, which I am not sure why you guys havent gotten into that being its been years since the game came out.

That and the general lack of uniformity in a commanders calls.
Theres no general concept of how to handle a situation, no symbiotic relationship in a guild. No cooperation.

Blame pugs all you want but they are not the kids in TS with you.

We could have a firefight in H1Z1 and all the commander would have to say is “Sniper on rocks north east” and everyone would be on it. No repeating, no yelling, no one lower rank going “I GOT HIM, JUST YOU WAIT GUYS”, and it went great. Bam. Mission complete.

Heck, most of the time we had random visitors who didnt even have TS, so we would just use the regular chat to type out “sniper on rocks NE”.

Hard stuff I know, but you guys can do it.

What does any of that have to do with what we are discussing? I am not entirely certain I understand most of it.

You appear to be having difficulty distinguishing the difference between subjective opinion and objective fact. I can only presume your referring to something you hears in some voice com once. To assume everyone speaks the same or coordinates the same is prejudicial. As well it varies between servers.

if you are unhappy with the leadership, perhaps you should step up and lead yourself? Transfer servers perhaps. I men you ask a question in the thread title and go on to ask more in your post. Then go on to rail against the answers to your questions. If the answers agitate you, why ask the questions? You know what they say, if you want something done right, do it yourself.

Edit: Oh no wait, you are that guy. Sorry I wrote this long thing explaining it thinking you werent privy to the discussion but you are.

How do you not understand it, I wrote out why I dont use TS, you were judging me for not being on TS. Thats pretty on point.

Bad leadership effects me the instant they put up a commander tag, you know that.
In the specific instance in OP, the commander of [SILY] called for a rally, taking most of the pugs on map. I mean short of spending 300g and publicly shaming these guys for poor decisions for selfish reasons I am not sure what to do.

The instant someone tags up, it can turn a battle from great to horrible.
I just think commanders should be thinking “how can we win this?” not “how can I win this?”.

Not a hard concept, should be welcomed by the majority, but its not.

(edited by Unlucky Tyrant.5970)

Is hubris common among commanders?

in WvW

Posted by: Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Unlucky Tyrant.5970

If you were struggling to even step into outer and keep a foothold im not sure anything would have saved that assault.

I could see where you are coming from in that, and its a possibility that we wouldnt have won either way, but the thing that caught me off guard was the commander that could plainly see we were at a disadvantage, and somehow skipped out like “whelp, you got this under control”.

If they had left the position all together I would have thought that we were a lost cause, but they just fought from a different and less advantageous vantage point, which is why I am like “wait what?”.

Is hubris common among commanders?

in WvW

Posted by: Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Unlucky Tyrant.5970

For some one who started this discussion, you sure appear to be defensive toward anyone else’s opinion. Why make a thread if you intend to berate anyone e joining the discussion?

Coglin, it’s just a waste of your time to respond to the OP. The OP has rapidly gained a reputation on FA for being exactly the way you describe. Did you know he called out several guilds for not being on TS in order to prove some point he was trying to make about communication yet when he looked at TS was a time those guilds do not have their rallies?

I mean it is fine if he doesn’t want to be on TS. There’s plenty of legitimate reasons to not be on TS. Like, I have a guild member who is deaf so TS doesn’t really do anything for that player. Incidentally that player will join TS sometimes just to read the TS chat messages! But I digress.

It’s a good chance you’re being trolled in this thread.

Its disturbing how every conversation with you people winds up about TS.

Im sorry, I was judging a commander on what he could visually see.
Do your blind players use TS for you to guide them?
Then I could see how TS is relevant to the game.
I can use chat just fine thanks.
No need to scream “ON ME ON ME ON ME ON ME ON ME” over and over.
I see you. I see you running in. I see you gonna need them heals.
I gotchu boo.

Not only that but the ON ME attitude is flawed. You should work in directional commands so that way the enemy doesnt have a HUGE indication as to who the commander is when the commander does something and then everyone else does.
You could be sneaky about it. Tell everyone to push west and attack flank instead of “focus on me focus on me focus on me, jump on me jump on me jump on me, heals on me heals on me heals on me”.

Count downs are cool too. I enjoy hearing a commander who says “leap on 3”, not leaps and says “LEAP ON ME” as if to say “LEAP ON ME BEFORE I DIE”.

Edit: I think thats the reason I am not a huge fan of being on TS with this game.
After my long break eventually ending with H1Z1, which if you think a 2D fight with people standing right in front of you is hard, try having a sniper battle from six planes and different angles.

Usually we only had the lead officer talking, which I am not sure why you guys havent gotten into that being its been years since the game came out.

That and the general lack of uniformity in a commanders calls.
Theres no general concept of how to handle a situation, no symbiotic relationship in a guild. No cooperation.

Blame pugs all you want but they are not the kids in TS with you.

We could have a firefight in H1Z1 and all the commander would have to say is “Sniper on rocks north east” and everyone would be on it. No repeating, no yelling, no one lower rank going “I GOT HIM, JUST YOU WAIT GUYS”, and it went great. Bam. Mission complete.

Heck, most of the time we had random visitors who didnt even have TS, so we would just use the regular chat to type out “sniper on rocks NE”.

Hard stuff I know, but you guys can do it.

(edited by Unlucky Tyrant.5970)

Is hubris common among commanders?

in WvW

Posted by: Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Unlucky Tyrant.5970

…I can’t believe you’re upset enough to even bother posting here in the first place.

Guilds have done far worse. It’s just a game. Who cares if your assault failed? If you have an issue, take it up with the guild or the server in question. No point posting passive-aggressively here.

I will give you an example as to why I am being aggressive in my responses.

Some kid just came into my thread and said that they cant believe I even bothered posting here in the first place.

Even though they have posted in an aggressive tone, they are saying its “just a game” and that I should move on.

Like geez kid, who died and made you king that you could tell me what is acceptable on your forum, and who sits there and says “its just a game”, then decides to engage on a debate on the forum website of a videogame lol.

Come to think of it, why are you even posting on this forum if “who cares” is your opinion?

Why would you even engage in conversation if this wasnt worth your time?
Bad troll.

(edited by Unlucky Tyrant.5970)

Is hubris common among commanders?

in WvW

Posted by: Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Unlucky Tyrant.5970

For some one who started this discussion, you sure appear to be defensive toward anyone else’s opinion. Why make a thread if you intend to berate anyone e joining the discussion?

As to your question, no, I do not know it is rhetorical. How am I to derive your intent from an Internet post? If you don’t want a question asnwered, don’t ask it.

you avoided my previous questions. Care to answer them now? If you desire to understand their actions, why are you asking in a forums post, instead of those players themselves?

Alright I will answer it, but forgive me if I seem peeved by having to explain this:

They were next to me. They saw the zerg faint us. The enemy knows what the sound of a treb is like.

Did we really have to be on TS to know what was going on?
I rarely find myself messaging people that I wish them harm and I aim to defeat them in pvp, you’d be surprised how easily people conform to this whole “team” concept they came out with recently.

Edit: That may come off harsh but seriously, you arent taking the conversation seriously if you assume that I had to be in TS, as if the visual of a huge mass of people coming right at us, and then backing off wasnt a tell that they wanted the treb down.
Its pretty obvious.

(edited by Unlucky Tyrant.5970)

Is hubris common among commanders?

in WvW

Posted by: Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Could have been so many reasons

You called sily from n outer, where they maybe had cats, to deal with the zerg. SO they come but that zerg pulls off. Someone could have told them that theres a second guild inc from garri and they go and intercept. or their cats could have been attacked.

Maybe there was miss communication on who was supposed to hold the choke? All three guilds there made the defenders peel off, so sily thinks they will go block people from running in from garri wp while hazing down n outer seige at the same time. Vp/dead could hold the choke/trebs if the other side wanst willing to push.

Assaulting a t3 keep from 1 way isnt easy, and usually takes multi attempts. Making outer swiss cheese and picking off people from garri isnt a bad call in and of its self.

Or the third server could have shown up with 10 or so at n bay and they just wanted to go fight them in the lull while trebbing.

Honestly unless you were on TS and also in the CC theres no way to really know what communications and expectations happened between them.

A failed T3 assault because of miscommunication isnt that uncommon.

You are trying to analyze the engagement when you don’t know all the pieces; which could be construed as hubris on your part.

A failed assault due to miscommunication should be EXTREMELY uncommon.
Just in the game we get map/team/party/guild/whisper messaging, you telling me that not only did [SILY] not see our map chat, but they couldnt SEE the zerg they scared off?

You did read my post right?
They were right next to me, and then left.
Left 17 people to defend against 30 and mortars.
They knew where the treb was.
We knew they knew where the treb was.
They even did a faint with a zerg, so we knew they were coming?

Did you ever think that maybe it was just a horrible decision based on the fact that they previously lost a fight on N side wall like I said, and not that they were valiantly trying to hold N and NE entrances by all possible oncoming threats? By the way, they didnt even win that fight on N side, so I guess if that zerg did try to roll us over, they would have regardless of [SILY]s presence.

YB isnt bad at fighting, but its sad to outnumber a crew by 1/4 their size and still lose.

Is hubris common among commanders?

in WvW

Posted by: Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Unlucky Tyrant.5970

It’s common among servers with guilds trying to take a objective. Yb are just to seige reliant and don’t really have guilds to do this. They pug blob.
If lets take north bay is too seieged up a group can open south while the main force distracts everyone at north. Just depends on what guilds are there and who your facing.

That is not at all related to the problem.
The problem was that we had 2 guilds working together to take inner s bay wall, which means we had outer wall already. [SILY] decided it was too convenient and went for N bay, possibly because they lost the previous fight and their ego was bruised, not sure.

Im also confused as to what you think “siege reliant” is, because WvW is siege.
I mean I agree that they use it a lot, but then I also realize we lost this fight when it was 3 GvG guilds with 37 people vs Pug with 30.

Is hubris common among commanders?

in WvW

Posted by: Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Unlucky Tyrant.5970

You might be reading to much into it. At times, different group or guild commanders may have different ideas of what will work or what is needed. Sounds to me as if the were organized enough, and it just didn’t work out.

As well, sometimes moving a force in the heat of battle, under siege fire, is like herding cats. Your guiding video game playets, not actual trained and seasoned soldiers.

I have absolutely no problem with differing opinions, but how can you explain someone doing something thats already done? For [SILY] to push from outside N wall outside, while 2 guilds are working together to hold outside S wall and kick down inner S wall, its incomprehensible. I cant imagine there was any sort of thought process that would make sense tbh. Thats not closer to our spawn, he held no positions N of that, and there was no reinforcements coming from up N because [SILY] had a majority of the people on server at the time.

I really cant think of a single thing that would make sense.
I mean it would have been nice to have [VP] closer, but I get why they wanted to do what they did, and tactically it made sense. So why wouldnt another commander see that we were making great progress with a superior vantage point and do what most FA WvW guilds love doing, zerg vs zerg?

Edit: By that I mean that the only thing asked of them was to do what most guilds love doing, so it shouldn’t have been that big of a deal right?

Your trying to justify why a group of individual video game players would or would not do something, and the reason they would or would not do it.

We’re you in TS with this group? Did you ask them at the time? Did they reply? What was the reply?

It was a rhetorical question, you realize that right?
Individual video game players are the same people that were composed of the other teams, I was there and I am not affiliated with any of the guilds, so that means through Anet’s graciously given map/team/guild/party/whisper messages, there is no reason why they couldnt communicate. Not only that, they saw the enemy forces, and then decided to leave. It was either intimidation (which wouldnt make sense because together it would have been about 37 to 30) or it was that they thought they had a better plan and did their own thing. Hubris.

Also, I learned the concept of taking advantage of an opponents weakness in tic tac toe, not military training.

Should we stop playing?

in WvW

Posted by: Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Unlucky Tyrant.5970

The problem isnt with the servers, its with the community.
The idea that a guild would pick up and try to get into a higher tier server is not only not expected but not stoppable without making people mad.

I play in FA, and a majority of its population is from other servers that transferred.
Not only that, but the queue times are because everyone tries to get on at the same time. I have seen countless guilds all say they will rally on WvW at the exact same minute. Im talking people with 50+ members online, on all at the same time because thats when their server has the majority of power. Its broken in the sense that people are breaking it, not the games fault. A change in attitude would do better than anything Anet could do.

"Closed Raids" in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Unlucky Tyrant.5970

I assumed it was because they wanted to judge themselves, and if they have pugs running who arent on their TS it can change the course of a battle.
That would make sense, but its still creating barriers between groups and I dont support that. To succeed, you need unity.

Is hubris common among commanders?

in WvW

Posted by: Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Unlucky Tyrant.5970

You might be reading to much into it. At times, different group or guild commanders may have different ideas of what will work or what is needed. Sounds to me as if the were organized enough, and it just didn’t work out.

As well, sometimes moving a force in the heat of battle, under siege fire, is like herding cats. Your guiding video game playets, not actual trained and seasoned soldiers.

I have absolutely no problem with differing opinions, but how can you explain someone doing something thats already done? For [SILY] to push from outside N wall outside, while 2 guilds are working together to hold outside S wall and kick down inner S wall, its incomprehensible. I cant imagine there was any sort of thought process that would make sense tbh. Thats not closer to our spawn, he held no positions N of that, and there was no reinforcements coming from up N because [SILY] had a majority of the people on server at the time.

I really cant think of a single thing that would make sense.
I mean it would have been nice to have [VP] closer, but I get why they wanted to do what they did, and tactically it made sense. So why wouldnt another commander see that we were making great progress with a superior vantage point and do what most FA WvW guilds love doing, zerg vs zerg?

Edit: By that I mean that the only thing asked of them was to do what most guilds love doing, so it shouldn’t have been that big of a deal right?

(edited by Unlucky Tyrant.5970)

Is hubris common among commanders?

in WvW

Posted by: Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Unlucky Tyrant.5970

Disclaimer: I play on FA so this might not be common among all servers, but it seems to be a blight in ours. I wont tell you what group I was with and I am not affiliated with any of these guilds, so I have no idea why they did what they did.

Two guilds ([Dead] and [VP]) are running their own zergs and a 3rd zerg guild (we will call [SILY]) with mass numbers, we are attacking YBBl. FA spawn is SW, and we want control of bay.

We were having some trouble with taking the location because YB had bunkered it heavily, they had cannons, trebs, mortars, the whole 9.

[SILY] was pushing from the N side outer wall but couldnt gain ground, so a small roaming party was formed to take SWT and set up trebs. Trebs were completed and bombed S bay outer wall while [SILY] kept them busy on N side outer wall.

S bay outer wall falls, [Dead] and [VP] push through the south outer wall and hold position, keeping out of range of enemy siege and holding the door open for anyone who spawned and needed a way in (from our SW spawn).

Even with the combined numbers, they cant take it because they are greatly outnumbered and outgunned, so [Dead] makes a treb right outside s bay wall, impervious to attacks because of the angle it shoots and how close it is to the wall.

Help is requested of [SILY] to hold the hole in S bay outer wall and they show up, only to scare off the enemy zerg forming and run off. I assumed they were doing something so I let it go without bringing it to their attention that without them we are all greatly at risk because they saw the zerg, knew they didnt kill them, and ran off.

[VP] takes one for the team and runs off to SWC to grab supplies and create more trebs, as well as escorting anyone and holding off YB roaming parties from attacking the new spawns.

[Dead] is trebbing and filtering people through the hole in the wall for easy kills, but the enemy realizes its only [Dead], which at best was about 10 people vs 30.

Help is required from [SILY], so I look on map and they are on N side attacking the outside wall, it was quickly explained by other commanders that they cant hold position if zerg rushes, but [SILY] held position on N side.

Enemy rushes, takes down [Dead] before they can even blink, and [VP] cant get there in time to make a difference.

We had to pull back, to which the enemy zerg took the hole in the wall and killed anyone brave enough to step in.

A small group on N side held off [SILY] because of their siege.

So basically, why did [SILY] leave, knowing [Dead] and [VP] were doing a great job at breaking the enemy and contesting the zone, knowing that they couldnt have the numbers to defend? I mean I have rarely seen two commanders work well together but these two were great, and all that was required was to stand there and look tough, but 3rd commander runs off to fight on a position that isnt even needed? Our people are coming from the SW, why would we bust kitten in N wall when we already have kitten in S wall? (outerwalls of course)

Q: Is this a common thread among commanders? If not, what do you do to appeal to the obvious advantage of working together?

(Edit: If it says kitten its because you cant put “a” and “hole” next to each other)

Edit 2: If you’re wondering how the battle ended, [SILY] left when they couldnt take N side, and [VP] and [Dead] held out as long as they could until they realized that [SILY] had called for a rally in FABl to retake those super important SW and SE camps. Needless to say our numbers plummeted because a commander just called for a rally, and the discouraged people left pulled out for the night, Im sure not happily.

(edited by Unlucky Tyrant.5970)