Showing Posts For Upzia.3041:
Got to agree, DB is the paramount of lack of skill, put down caltrops, spam DB, weaponswitch to your other D/D for 3 free ini.
I am not saying its Overpowered or that its not easy to deal with, but the concept of the specc, spamming one button more or less that gives you evade/dogde at the same time – Sry but if you think that its any indication of skill then your way off.
Backstab got timing and positioning, and leaves you exposed, same thing with PW – Sword/dagger (Daze) requires you to time you daze for optimum effect, Poison share etc. all of them actually requir something of the player. DB, run in caltrops spam DB in a grp of ppl.
If your making a montage, it should be with amazing scenes, and you doing some “impossible” feats, or atleast very close fights.
But as allready mentioned most of your footage are ppl running away, or beeing way below avg. ppls problem with this is that they can see that after 2 mins of playing the class themself.
Think of it as renting a movie, who in their right mind rents a movie about a guy going to work, fetching coffee etc.
Editing was decent, and quality was good, but ye content was lacking. I hope this does not discourage you from making future movies, but rather encourage you to be alot more picky about the content you present.
And ye this pretty much sum up some of the content you should consider in a montage.
1. What do you do when your CDs are down and you get jumped?
2. Show 1v1s vs skilled opponents, not guys running away, and who are noobs
3. It is ok to die, show that too, just make sure you did your best before you died.
4. 1v2? 2v1? Show us how you cheat death every time you PvP…
5. Show us how you cap points when there are four guys standing on it…trebuchet and its user, etc…
6. How did you just humiliate somebody who got the jump on you?
7. Show us how you rallied back to life as you killed somebody who put you in the downed state by throwing your daggers while crying for help.That kind of kitten sells…
Otherwise ppl usually enjoy just watching pure cuts from tPvP including VOIP, pref vs good teams, so they can get a sense of teamwork, and see how well you fill the roll you are given.
I hope you can use some of this, as its purely meant for constructiv critisism.
Real question, why do ppl who enjoy and like pvp care about score, since it means nothing ? When I troll on my Necro alt I often get 400+ score, and when I play tpvp on my main I might get 150 – its about winning cause you did a great job, not about the number next to your name on the scoreboard.
And its not like glory does anything but give you some cosmetic items, and you still get tons of glory if you play just abit, I’m R29 atm, with 67k glory unspent.
same as before, no change.
Yes it does happen a lot, and it’s extremely annoying. And in my experience foefire seems to lag the most often, could just be my imagination though.
Pretty much, have been a big annoyance for our team aswell, specialy for ppl who play speccs/proffisions that rely on reactive defense to survive.
Since we’re linking clean videos I thought I’d link my first recorded game ever just to chime in. Ts etc. on it, nothing special.
Pretty much the same job as OP
(edited by Upzia.3041)
ppl need to learn to use the tools available to them.
There are so many options to dogde these “instant gibs” – Block, dogde, kite, port, invul etc.
When I face off against a good thief on my own thief 9/10 it ends out in a Shortbow duel, with a kitten ton off evades and dogdes, rarely does it end out in a Bs kill, since its so amazingly easy to avoid.
Or if I in general meet any quality players we’re talking about atleast a good 30+ sec fight.
And if I play my mes or warrior, again amazingly easy to avoid the huge BS burst.
The guy just went stealth, what to do ? maybe use one of my million counters vs it.
Grantede, bad players do get instant gibbed 10/10 if they are in glass canon gear vs a BS thief or PW thief for that matter, but honestly thats because they just dont know how to handle the situation.
You can’t balance a game around bad players.
There might be rooms for improvements, or changes some places but over all things are pretty balanced as they are now (not talking about thiefs in particulaer here, but about the overall game balance).
That is why most thief builds focus on one ability, be it Pistol Whip, Heartseeker, Death Blossom, Backstab, Unload, the ability I can never remember the name of (P/D) that puts 8 bleeds on the target when you shoot out of stealth, or Cluster Bomb, or any I have forgotten to mention here.
Sure if you’re awefull, then you spam one ability like HS DB etc. and then you get stomped by ppl who are not awefull…..
These forums are like every other mmo forum, full of ppl who for some reason can not grasp the very basic game format wich mmo’s provide us with.
(edited by Upzia.3041)
Its like this in every mmo, some ppl just dont get it, and its a quite large portion of the player population unfortunatly.
And theres the problem, you can not balance a game around ppl who are bad, if you do that, then ppl who are actually going to abuse that becoming even more “godlike” to the bad players, resulting in new whine threads, and new demands, creating a spiral that will basicly destroy the game mechanics.
This is a mmo, and there will allways be issues with class’s balance in this genre, because the game model is so dynamic, that you cant account for every variable.
I can fully understand why some ppl find X thing annoying, specialy if they do not quite understand whats going on, to them its “omg 1 shot HS spamming thief” or mesmer scrub, HB war kitten etc.
But unfortunatly, this is most of the time a l2p issue, and in this case it is. If ppl would be more constructive in their posts on the forums, I am sure ppl would be more willing to help out.
And a good thing, in this game rerolling to the “fotm” class you would like to try/play takes you around 5 mins.
Long story short, theres a good chance your just god awefull, if thats your expirience of the game.
Id like us all to take a step back and instead of shouting L2P, your bad, or any other vitriol
The problem is that, this is the excat problem, ppl are unable to see how easy things are to deal with, if spammed. And they lack the know how of the class.
Its like this in every mmo, some ppl just dont get it, and its a quite large portion of the player population unfortunatly.
And theres the problem, you can not balance a game around ppl who are bad, if you do that, then ppl who are actually going to abuse that becoming even more “godlike” to the bad players, resulting in new whine threads, and new demands, creating a spiral that will basicly destroy the game mechanics.
This is a mmo, and there will allways be issues with class’s balance in this genre, because the game model is so dynamic, that you cant account for every variable.
I can fully understand why some ppl find X thing annoying, specialy if they do not quite understand whats going on, to them its “omg 1 shot HS spamming thief” or mesmer scrub, HB war kitten etc.
But unfortunatly, this is most of the time a l2p issue, and in this case it is. If ppl would be more constructive in their posts on the forums, I am sure ppl would be more willing to help out.
And a good thing, in this game rerolling to the “fotm” class you would like to try/play takes you around 5 mins.