Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
Showing Posts For Uric.3280:
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
Keep in mind that calls by only one server to try and institute a 2v1 on another usually backfires in that it kitten es off the people targeted and also makes the second party to want to spite you. We’ll try and show respect if you do – keep the vitriol to the minimum please.
I don’t even.
(Excuse my pr0 ninja paint skills to block out top secret name)
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
(edited by Uric.3280)
Oh no, good luck JQ. MERC’s toxicity is hard to avoid within a community.
Gonna suck having to move maps to wipe MERC and ATM separately now though, but we’ll take it.
Good luck with recruiting back what you lose to this bandwagon, and I hope to get plenty more loot from you as always.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
gg bottle of rum.
I sound like a teenage girl
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
I’d prefer the 15v15, kthx.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
TIL Tarkus and Magikarps are intimidated by a small PvX guild that half the members of are running MF builds.
Nope, the last thing I think is “oh kitten its OCX”, more “get ready for thier CC, as they are going to run”, I think NYS/SONG are the only SEA guilds that deserve respect for what they do on field (very good comp, don’t yolo it and also will fight with even numbers and don’t run to their ACs and call in a few more guilds like OCX or HIRE). Regardless, trying to win an argument on the official forums is pretty much kitten ing into the wind, so I’ll knock it off and do something more productive at work lol.
Since when was using something put into the game (ACs) to even out an outnumbered fight against the rules? I don’t see running headlong into a larger force very intelligent. I wouldn’t imagine you would either. If you think you don’t have the upperhand with 40+ MERC/ND/WM/XF/NOC vs literally 20 OCX/GC you might wanna take another look at your methods.
Again, this banter ain’t gonna prove anything and our 15v15 or 20v20 offer still stands, OCX vs MERC for whenever you guys want to stop worrying about ppt or “slacking SEA” for 2 hours of one night. I’d love to see how we go in an even fight for once. Without us having to farm you with ACs or you pushing out of one of your waypointed keeps unseen with a full zerg.
I remember you once said “I like even fights”. Face us in a dead fair dead even one then and stop making up excuses such as “Our server fails if I don’t tag up.”
If not, so be it. We’ll purchase some of those nikes your NA all seem to have.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
TIL Tarkus and Magikarps are intimidated by a small PvX guild that half the members of are running MF builds.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
We’re gonna get a Kitten and name it “Cuddles McCuddleton”.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
GSCH – Nice strategy, Magikarp leading 10 pugs vs your 30, teleport to spawn every time you see us…
??? having to leopard form and static field you each time getting old
Any plans to start training your NA crew Magi?
Why? BG during PST NA prime today was 350 ppt, why do they need training?
I think the better question is why you’d have Karps train anyone. I mean, the veteran npcs could teach how to not die 10 times better than Karps could and they dont rage log after a wipe.
You really don’t know me do you? lol.
Ahh Karps.
The “Amazing” Norn Elementalist commander with a bad haircut that is hidden by a hood. The Very same commander that I have targeted everytime he engages on an SoR group and watch instadown, quickly followed by a banner and then another down then “10-15” BG follow him from behind and wipe “40+” SoR. (Please note, numbers are exact as they are quoted directly from Karps himself).
No offense dude, but I’ve seen a full Explorer’s OCX d/d ele survive longer.
Perhaps someday you will evolve and I’ll lose the urge to respond to one of your chest thumps as I’ll genuinely be in awe of your ability.
On another note.
Good fights the other night on EB and BG, pity our fun had to get ruined by a full map blob after we had a few even fights with a smaller camp team. Look forward to finding CA guild and the BG camp team again.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
With all due respect you have plenty of SEA guilds and guilds who play during SEA including but not limited to AT, SONG, SATY, SAHP, NYS, KISS, IRON, GC, AFS, SEC, TRE, KOR.
Add [HIRE] to that list as well.
It was said earlier in this thread but most of these these guilds are PvX guilds who are not consistently on every day. I may be mistaken but I think Hire has only been on in force 2 days this week.
That’s like saying Blackgate only has MERC, ND, TKG, CA as these are the only guilds which run EVERY day on BG during SEA. Even WM has nights off.
HiRE might consider themselves PvX but fielding a 50 man zerg every day is not pvx.
I swear HIRE’s numbers change everytime you post.
I wish OCX got as many hardcore WvWers as HIRE does; by your count.
By the way, what happened to the 100 man nightly HIRE zerg you went on and on and on about for a long time? Did MERC manage to break their will?
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
I agree with the ATM representative that SoR has a bigger SEA presence than JQ, I have heard as much from some of the SEA BG folks. Anyhooo,
Can you please introduce your new SEA guilds (for example GC), where are they from and how big?
GC are a 300ish Oceanic/Sea guild that just came over.
So far they have about 20 on SoR, the rest are yet to come.
They came over with BTSX who are still yet to transfer.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
Figured it was troll the moment I opened your stream, not sure how people believed it was a real guild lol… An army of Asuras… cmon guys you’re smarter then this, especially “Romanian Meth Addicts” playing in NA? lol.
If Karps could figure that out, anyone can. Come on guys, get your act together.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
I’m at work and couldn’t tell you but I’ve been linked a screenshot of Outmanned in EB today, a crappy day for our NA, but more to do with turnouts and dealing with fully queued maps from SoR, undoubtedly outnumbering BG at the moment.
Just play the game and don’t feed the trolls – we wanted a challenge and we got a challenge. We just have to keep working at it and not give up. Stay classy guys.
I’m loving the differences between two of the MERC commanders.
One pulling every excuse he could possibly think of whilst the other doesn’t let it phase him and accepts the challenge.
I know which I’d prefer to follow.
We all know you like to splash around, karps. But try keep it classy.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
The lag on SoR bl is pretty BS, we’ve had mass DC’s all night
Haven’t we all.
Let’s all share the pain and suffering all of our server’s PvEers have to go through to scale this issue down a bit with this sad song.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
Meanwhile at BG Garrison. The March of the Robits part 2. uhhh 12:54 pm PST I think.
added a 2nd update, 1:03 pm PST….LOL
Gogo flying V formation.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
Don’t forget ND/XF dropping a lot more Omegas than normal too.
Don’t want HIRE to have all the praise.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
BG pushing hard tonight, much respect.
Well done guys, you had us on the back foot tonight.
On another note, who do I send the bill to for all the ACs you took with SM and Hills? :<
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
Emotes can be worth a thousand words if you use them occasionally and don’t spam them.
Just the other day I got rolled by 5 JQ whilst solo escorting a yak. Managed to get vengeance off before I was stomped so I /cry. The 5 jq left me until my time was up and I dropped dead then they all /salute.
Cheers guys, made the pain of losing my friend Dave the Dolly a lot more bearable.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
If this is our last matchup together…
I would just like to offer all of JQ and BG a round of hurricane Mojitos. This drinks on me! You all deserve it!
Mojitos you say?
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
Hope SoR doesn’t burn out after the server wide push this week and double times and triple times.
We aren’t pulling double times, and sure as heck aren’t pulling triple times. Just because we have coverage now doesn’t mean we are pulling anything more than the regular play times…get it right before you go preaching something like that.
Speak for yourself.
I was up 10 mins past my bedtime last night! Mummy and Daddy weren’t happy and yelled at me.The things I do for my server.
Oh crap man….im so sorry, they didn’t ground you did they? :P
I had to tidy my room.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
Hope SoR doesn’t burn out after the server wide push this week and double times and triple times.
We aren’t pulling double times, and sure as heck aren’t pulling triple times. Just because we have coverage now doesn’t mean we are pulling anything more than the regular play times…get it right before you go preaching something like that.
Speak for yourself.
I was up 10 mins past my bedtime last night! Mummy and Daddy weren’t happy and yelled at me.
The things I do for my server.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
BG can PvDoor.
Nice job guys, don’t facesmash them too hard. You’ll leave marks.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
Who do you call when you have 40 BG knocking at your front gate?
dem guys from HIRE.
3 minute response time ain’t bad.
These guys are our main force during oceanic time, join with them today and get some loot bags.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
Nothing quite like being acknowledged in team chat by a string of quacks.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
i think the folks from SoR and JQ are secretly in love with each other, look at what happened in EB few minutes ago, SoR took the BG keep first, and then all of sudden JQ took the keep later.One of my JQ friend told me that they did not encounter any resistance when they took the BG keep from SoR. Also, just take a look at SoR BL, JQ just let SoR to take all their stuffs on SoR BL? no even trying to make a push? clearly they have some sort of agreement.
why don’t you two just get a room and have a sodding lovefest?
SoR was preoccupied with the grub, then after JQ flipped valley, they came and stole it. :<
If SoR were really having a fling with JQ, JQ would have stood by on the keep walls and cheered us on whilst killing the grub.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall
We got ’dat boom boom pow.
Oceanix Commander ~ Sanctum of Rall