Showing Posts For Vacus.7069:
I wanted to go with Vacus Trismegistus (Thrice-Great), but for some reason, Trismegistus is blocked by the name filter.
If you don’t like the server, then leave.
I mean, I’m being rude, but it’s a fact. It’s a lot easier to change your location than it is to change the attitude of hundreds or thousands of other players.
I’m on TC, I don’t RP, and I have no complaints about the server at all. I WvW when I feel like it. I have no intentions of altering my playstyle or play times to get us more round-the-clock WvW coverage, and I think I’m pretty normal in that regard.
We already have 20 weapon skills. Allowing a weapon swap in combat would put us up to 40.
Most classes have 10. I don’t think we need to go up to 40.
A weapon swap out of combat, however, would be nice.
Risen are generally the source of the highest level enemies in the game, and as a result, are capable of dropping things that are useful. Though the odds are pretty low.
Magic find gear and food is extremely helpful in getting them to give you useful loot.
I’ve made a great deal of money off utilizing my knowledge of rare patterns and the fact that I rushed quickly to 400 artificer.
But most of my money comes from WvW, where I pick up about 20-30s an hour, plus anything good that drops.
The Inscriptions for sale at the huntsman station (or other crafting NPC) are recipes with which you make an inscription.
The actual inscription, once crafted, is used as described in this thread. There are plenty of other inscriptions that you’ll learn just by leveling up crafting; the ones the master huntsman sells are the Rare quality (yellow) inscriptions.
Only officers and the leader (generally, anyway; it’s a rank permission that the guild leader has to set) can spend influence. You don’t have any influence; the guild has influence.
However, since you only see 600 influence, it’s also possible you’re on a different server from the guild home. Guild upgrades are per server.
As a general rule, mobs follow these rules when determing their target.
1 – Whoever’s closest to me.
1a – Tiebreaker: Guardians.
2 – Whoever’s doing me the most damage.
3 – Whoever’s doing the most healing.
They do, however, retarget very frequently. As an ele in dungeons, I can ‘pull aggro’ and get mobs headed to me, and then a party member can intercept them and they’ll forget about me. Really the only thing to do, all the time, is be aware of your own health and mobs who are attacking you, and be ready to heal/kite whenever you need to.
The fact that you can’t salvage or sell them is probably because they were acquired from a Karma vendor. Items bought with Karma can’t be salvaged or sold.
Did you try a Mystic Stone? (You can get them from the gem store or daily completions.)
Yeah, they are actually useable in WvW.
When it’s time to switch from defensive to offensive in a keep battle, the best way to get down and into combat quickly is to hop off the wall. Which is enough to do a little falling damage, and thus trigger these traits.
I don’t know if they’re actually GOOD. But they’re totally usable.
“Bleed” as a debuff always does the same damage. Anything that causes Bleeding will do 2.5 + 0.5 * Level + 0.05 * Condition Damage per stack per second.
Grawl tribe karma vendors in the west side of Fireheart Rise sell the patterns for Godskull weaponry.
Relevant to password strength (in fact, it’s linked in ANet’s support pages).
It certainly depends how you define playable.
I have no serious complaints about my 80 ele. Except underwater. That sucks.
It is possible. A guildie of mine found one a few days ago.
Think of finding world drop epics in WoW, in Vanilla, if you know how rare that was. It seems about there to me.
Elementalists are extremely fragile.
Whether alive or dead, we’re the easiest class to take down. If, of course, you can actually apply your damage.
Depends on the card, but generally, 80C is no problem.
NVIDIA states that the maximum safe operating temperature for a 9600 GT is 105C.