Showing Posts For Valoofx.1798:
+1. Swap traits also got reworked to not proc on same attunement, so there’s no reason this would create any imbalance, it would pretty much just make combat more fluid, reactive and thus fun.
And leaving skills in a bugged state is in no way justified as means of balancing a class.. if shadowtrap is feared as yet another escape mechanic, just make the destroy part a 4 second cast, so noone would use it in combat.
Thanks ArenaNet for listening to your players and customers about this!
yes, i also fell into that lava. And i agree; it’s a targeting problem. So it would be more productive for Anet to work on that instead of trying to fix things by altering the skills in a way that kind of works against their design philosophy.
The thing with warrior skills is, that this class is the archetype for accessibility, that’s why most of the skills have a secondary effect that does something useful even if the skill doesn’t land. Shouts fall into that category too (heal for example).
And on topic of failsafe target-requiring-skills: i personally dont like to see more of that, as i think skill does not mean pressing the buttons that are available (as it’s already the case for a few classes), but knowing when and why to do that. So if you fail to land an ability, yes, you fail to land that ability and you can get better by trying not to do that. If things like this do continue to get implemented, there’s nothing stopping people from wanting out-of-range attacks to also not be castable like in other mmos.. Some things make the GW combat unique and that’s good and means not having (many of) those failsafe implementations (for now..).
It is not that hard for botters, they just follow the same rules you do. Swapping characters, waiting the required time, swapping maps. If you know what helps, bots can easily be programmed to do the same. In the end it comes down to: Anet doesn’t tell us how DR works exactly to prevent that, we test it, we find the rules, we play by those rules -> bots use those rules. It’s a meaningless race that in the end only hurts players (and we know that DR is not in the game to prevent botting.. ).
(edited by Valoofx.1798)
DR as a concept here is a bandaid fix for problems it doesn’t even fix. The game requires you to farm, but at the same time annoys or prevents you from doing just that. And how does waiting 30minutes prevent bots? Not in the slightest. Program it to do the same; so that’s just rhetoric. If i can still farm, they can still farm. But it’s annoying for real players. There are soo many activities in the game already with daily or timely limits that force you to not do them for as long as you like if you want to be effective, that farming DR is the last barrier for a base activity found in every mmo that this game just doesn’t need. It doesn’t even reliably improve the economy (maybe if people quit the game out of annoyance, but that is undesirable and not a positive user experience).
The designers at ArenaNet need to understand that, atleast for events where people are expected to farm, they need to lift the DR. I’d be fine with DR in situations where it could really create an imbalance, but this just feels slapped on and not tested for the playing experience of a huge portion of their players.
Not ok, but then it should be noted somewhere. Frequently used actions with hidden punishing mechanics are bad game design.
since a few days i noticed that leaving astral form consumes astral force (about 1/3).
This is either a bug (as it’s not noted anywhere) or a hidden nerf to make astral form usable less frequent.
As a sidenote; i dont understand why there even is a cooldown on it, if it needs astral force to begin with, it’s redundant (if it’s only usable when at 100% astral force).
I have the same problem. And i’ve repaired my client too, but that didn’t help. To me it looks like it’s the occlusion/visibility culling, as it alternates between fluid and freezing and this seemingly only when i turn the camera. i notice this mostly in big fights/wvw.
I’m disappointed by the trap too, it bugs out soo often. There really is no reason for it not to behave like a portal (you just arrive where you where before !). If there’s no intention to fix it (make it work reliably), then atleast give it a sort of indicator that shows when using the skill will result in it working as expected.
or make it just pulse once
+1 give an option to turn off the facet sound. It creates aweful disharmony if you have the ingame music on
seems like i didn’t think that through thoroughly enough. Please ignore what i just wrote..since i can’t delete it.
This is definitely a bug, or intended but not noted anywhere. It seems you can’t go higher than -10. As you said it uses 10, not +5 and -5 ‘as 10’ (that would mean upkeeps using less than 5 regenerated that amount :-P ) and -7 regen is possible (-10 with IO or -8 with all upkeeps except elite).
Also, if i have light, nature and elements upkeeps active, swiftness wont go above around 42 seconds. I guess because regeneration may be capped at around 45 sec. and the bug cancels out the the other subsequent boon refreshs
Searing fissure (mace 2) often doesn’t do damage, if i am or my target is just a little more elevated/on uneven ground. This is really bad in eotm where i use everything to run into the enemy zerg to place my condi field and it just does nothing because the ground is sloped. If the skill visually shows as being placed on the ground (which the skill is about) it should be the same computationally!
Also sometimes, when keeping the movement keys pressed while being immobilized, after it breaks i have to let go and press the keys again or the character wont move.
bump since i experience the same thing, everytime i disconnect.
At first i liked it, then i noticed i had music off, now i dont like it anymore. It creates aweful, cringy dissonances.
+1, still relevant, these ambient particles need to be way more subtle, in some areas it’s really disturbing to have these pop up in your face.
+1 for the new Zone themes, they are awesome. And for the first time, i even enjoy the combat music. Great work.
Rip economy, rip ‘friendly community’
that video +1. So true