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All I want for Christmas is ...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Look who’s the Grinch on this thread lol

Heart Of The Mist Master Of Damage

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I think either an NPC to test your skills on or a 1v1, 2v2, ect arena in the char city would be good. I think there’s an arena already in the char city. Anywho, can’t test your true skills in WvWvW without getting a 1v5 rapage. Would be good to have even numbers and maybe a totals screen at the end showing how much damage you did/took and maybe other stats.

I’d like to test builds without having to change servers > find a secluded area in WvWvW with friends just to fight a 1v1 or 2v2… then there’s the possibility of others joining in which makes it really hard to fight your friends or test out builds against other classes.

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Seems the idea of not being able to heal others in the downed state while in combat or a possible condition from being in the down state in general is a good idea. I’ve run across a fight 2 v 5, all they had to do was heal their buddies in down state… pretty much immortals, they would just get back up and continue fighting like nothing ever happen.

Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Hate to sound like the negative nancy here but I’ve previewed heavy armor with my medium armor and a lot of it overlaps. They would need to really look into making sure all armor pieces are compatible “or” just make new armor/armor skins in the future that are compatible so players can wear a hood with heavy armor.

Black Lion Trading Post reset

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Crafting seems pretty dead to me as you can pick up an item in the Trading Post for a much cheaper price than crafting it yourself. Maybe add items that are unique to the profession that only the crafter can use? Once made it’s soulbound to that person. This would make crafting pretty interesting and useful.

If an argument is well said player can craft better rings as a jeweler then switch crafting professions and make a better weapon. Well you can only wield these items if you are a jeweler. Once you switch to weaponsmithing the rings are not wearable.

Fix thief invisibility bug.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


My main is a Thief. I can say there have been a few times I’ve gone stealth and after doing a backstab the player will either stand there or attempt to run away. Not sure if they are running because they can’t see me or if they are just trying to get away in general. I haven’t heard of any exploits with stealth so might just be a lag issue.

Magic Find [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


“– well I feel I have done more already in crafting my own MF gear.”

To me that’s like saying I’ve crafted my legendary so I shouldn’t have to do anything in team fight. I’ve done my part…

Adaptable Armor - It's Alive

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I would have to disagree with you and give this a +1

Balancing will always be an issue. An example could be two glass
cannons going at it. One of the players gets lucky and lands 3 critical
strikes to the opponent and the fight could last about 6 seconds then that
player complains and says the opponent’s class is OP or they were one shotted.
This incident could have been avoided if the player knew the opponents
build and could have countered it. It’s not either player’s fault… one
could have never went against such a build and on the first encounter
they were roflstomped.

Adding more content to the game makes it more interesting. Adding content
like new builds gives players more to think about and different playing options.

Adaptable Armor - It's Alive

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I like your idea of adding more to the game in terms of builds but at what point is complex to complex for the community? You have to look at all players in general. Some players would probably like the idea of a variety of builds and might add more gameplay but this could be overwhelming for others. Where do we draw the line?

At the moment I would have to give this a -1 since there are some balancing issues at the moment but maybe in the future something like this could be implemented.

Adaptable Armor - It's Alive

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Just thought of something

At the moment there aren’t to many different types of items. ie, carrion, berserker, knight, ect. ANet added the apothecary set type which is awesome but adding more diversity like this would be interesting. Lowering some stats in place of a; “reflect projectiles chance” as an example would be more diversification that is needed. Probably a prefix like Reflecting boots of the knight. Some runes add a % on hit like chilling nearby foes which does add some diversity but having some prefixes with on hit runes would also add more complex builds to the game.

But I would like a fleshy look in general. I think there’s something like this for heavy armor in the form of a shell but don’t see it to often.

Adaptable Armor - It's Alive

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Well, maybe the flesh, spikes, eyes would be pretty cool. Pulsing veins. Eyes that blink and move around. :-P

(edited by Valot.7954)

Adaptable Armor - It's Alive

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Armor that adapts to certain situations. If a player is taking damage of a specific type like melee they get a buff like a % to retaliate or damage reduction or if taking projectile damage the player would get a buff % to reflect projectiles for a certain amount of time. Conditions, stuns, immobilize, ect would get some type of duration reduction. The armor could look like flesh with spikes or eyes.

Dungeon mechanic example (randomized dungeon)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I like the different difficulties and randomized maps. ANet has a few people who actually worked on the Diablo series so it wouldn’t be to hard to implement in these concepts.

Suggestion: Ranger Pets see through Stealth

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I’d be somewhat for this if the player in stealth was not targetable… Seems like a touchy subject though. Almost like giving another class the ability to see through mesmer’s clones.

(edited by Valot.7954)

Character name change.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I’ve been waiting for this forever. Before I just wanted to change my name in general but now that players can change gender with the new kits it seems like it’s a must.

(edited by Valot.7954)

Countering Stealth

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Hmm, Reaper of Grenth and Skale Venom to control the fight seems pretty good.

Skale Venom – Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%; 50% of Non Critical hits are glancing blows (50% damage); stacks duration. Defense is decreased; stacks intensity.

Reaper of Grenth – Movement speed decreased by 66%; skill cooldown increased by 66%; stacks duration. Deals damage every second; heal potency decreased by 33%; stacks duration.

Using this with cloaking and blindness while doing massive criticals seems pretty good. Thief wouldn’t be rooted, stunned, or slowed with cloaking which can remove conditions and you would slow your opponent from getting away and fighting effectively. Amirite?

Countering Stealth

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Yah, my main is a Thief and I will use Heart Seeker to close the gap > use Cloak and Dagger finished with a Backstab > then a Steal to gain boons and cloak again > followed by another Backstab > “At that point they’re usually down or close” so I will melee if possible… if not I’ll use Black Powder to blind and go cloak again and use another Backstab. Normally if I get rooted, stunned, or slowed my cloaking will remove those and I’ll use Heart Seeker to close the gap again but if not I’ll pull out dual pistols and Unload for massive single target damage. If more join in I’ll use Dagger Storm and if the odds still look bad I’ll use Black Powder or a Cloak and Dagger to cloak and Heart Seeker to get away.

[Thief][Weapon] Rifle, Guerrilla Fighter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I’m down with this as long as it follows initiative points.

Countering Stealth

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I would be content with getting a skill to insta-slay ranger pets and a vision skill to see past mesmer clones. Thank you.

[BUG] Sigil of Superior Accuracy

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Valot.7954


We know it works. The issue here is the sigil does not give a visible increase in the stats column. Would like to verify stacking the sigils works as many websites point out it does but others inform it doesn’t. The only way to accurately know this is in game.

[BUG] Sigil of Superior Accuracy

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Valot.7954


I would also like an answer to this. At the moment there is no visible increase of this sigil in the stats column. I’ve read from several websites stacking 2 of these sigils works and then doesn’t work. I’ve applied 2 of these sigils to my weapons and have noticed a significant increase on critical strike chance but would like to verify this in the stats.

Fix Legendary Defenders in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Did anyone test this theory? I’m currently at work so not able to get a group together. :-P

Name change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I’ve been waiting for this for some time.

Fix Legendary Defenders in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Hmm, gives me an idea… use a thief to get a mesmer into spawn point then portal bomb with like 40 players. Amirite?

(edited by Valot.7954)

Character appearance re-customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Also an option to rename characters. :-)

Future Necro Summon Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I look at GW2’s Necromancer as more of a Warlock. Their “undead” minions seem more like demons or fiends than actual undead. I’m not saying the class should be more similar to other game’s Necromancers… just doesn’t feel like a necromancer.

Welfare Ascended Items will be needed soon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


What about using the mystic forge to combine other dungeon tokens or dungeon tokens and other materials? So you can enjoy the other dungeons and still get top tier gear?

EDIT: Dungeons that already exist

(edited by Valot.7954)

Ascended ( another farm option)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I support an idea like this. Not everyone can get a party together for Fractals. Some people might be looking for hours with no luck. And in any case the world in general is becoming more desolate because more people are either looking for groups or are in fractals in general. But why should people farm for gold or craft items when you could just do fractals? I see a problem here… I couldn’t even find enough people to do a regular dungeon. Everyones spamming in LA looking for Fractal groups. What’s the point in playing the rest of the game when the best gear can only be found in one place?

Duel/Versus & Guild Wars System

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I’d like to see 2v2 and 3v3 arenas to duel against friends as well. Maybe a jumping puzzle or a capture the flag to compete. Random matches are ok but it would be awesome to be able to queue and play against friends. :-)

Mystic Forge Clicking

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


YES! I put 100 stacks of 4 different items in the mystic forge and get 1 item back… then I have to put 99 stacks of 4 different items in the mystic forge and get another 1 item back… Would be nice if there was an option like we have in crafting with a number option.

Modifiable Legendary Stats

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Where are you getting your information from? Legendaries will match the highest tier gear but will go no further. They won’t be slightly better than everything else…

Allow bots

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


This is bad and the idea behind it is also bad. Having +1000 Destroyer Loadstones in the AH going for 50 copper each because they’ve been farmed a million times is just bad. Also the drop rate would have to be decreased only allowing bots to find them. Bot Wars 2!

Modifiable Legendary Stats

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I agree with this. This wouldn’t be any stronger than an exotic and you get the stats you want that fits your play style. +1

Name Change for Gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I don’t think this would have that type of affect on botters and people who are not proper users of the game. When a person is reported their account is reported. Even if they change their character name and they get reported again Anet sees the account was reported twice. Character name change wouldn’t affect this.

Blink and Out Of Range

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I agree. When using certain skills it’s pretty annoying having to judge where the max range is to use the skill. Even if the skill is showing in red it should trigger in that direction. I’ve had several incidents where I’ve tried to use a ground skill, “oops to far away, skill didn’t work!”… dead. This is an action game and every second counts.

Name Change for Gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


I’d love to see this in game. Any word from Anet on this one?